Monday, April 23, 2012

Trobleshooting bad memory or video card?

When the video card or RAM is going what are the trobleshooting signs?

Some one was saying the computer makes a noise ,beeps on boot up or computer loccking up if the memory or video card is going.|||Your computer will audibly beep when you boot it up, yes. It will also do that if you have a short somewhere and believe it or not it will short out your whole computer. Isolate the problem by booting up your computer first with just the mouse unplugged, then next time the keyboard, then speakers, etc.

I almost gave up on my computer once thinking the card was bad and in actuality I just had a short in the mouse that was shorting out my whole computer. Once I replaced the mouse, everything was fine.

If not then, then carefully clean the gunk out of the fan on your computer and/or aim a fan or the air conditioner at it and see if that helps.

Check all that before you get into the RAM and video card stuff.|||The computer will beep after it does its post test. The beep will mean all is well and it will then start up the operating system. If the RAM is bad then nothing will happen, the computer will not start. This is where I would investigate first. Unless you have reason to suspect the power supply. The power supply failure would also cause the computer not to start.

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