Thursday, April 26, 2012

What video card will have the best performance and quality?

what should i but under a 640 $ that will give me the most power for graphics? 2 video cards or the new gtx 280 or what any help?|||Depends on your favorite game. Check out the benchmarks:……|||Do you have an SLI board? or Crossfire board?

2 gtx 260's will murder a single gtx 280.

Prices have dropped too 299.00 each card, so 600.00 for .|||I would get Dual SLI eVGA GeForce GTX 260 super superclocked edition and thanks to the release of the GTX 280 all video card are now a lot cheaper so you might be able to get 2 of them for about 600$. 2 GTX 260 SSC edition video cards will be able to conquer ANY game.

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