Thursday, April 26, 2012

Will a nvidea geforce 8600 gt video card work well with windows xp?

I recently bought the game crysis which requires a rediculously high standard of graphics. So I was looking at various video cards on a low budget and I came to this. Only problem is I dont have windows vista and it says that it was built for it. Will it still perform well with xp?|||Yes it will. It will work way better in XP than in VISTA.

I have an ATI 1950X and I was running XP at first and it was great. Then I upgraded to Vista, I felt a big Negative difference. I did some research (Benchmark XP VS Vista) and found out vista is a resource whore. It hoggs up a lot of ram and power from graphics card. So i switched back.

Trust me you will be better with xp|||That's the card in the Macbook Pro (which I am using now)

I haven't had any problems using it while in XP, but I haven't had a chance to do any heavy gaming with it yet.|||if it has a windows xp driver, of course it will run.|||Yes the video card will work.|||Suprisingly it works better with Direct X 9 on Windows Xp with better Frame Rates then in Windows Vista with Direct X 10.

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