Friday, May 4, 2012

What does a video card do on a computer?

and what does having a more expensive video card do?|||Integrated graphics are for noobs and mac users (sorry for the redundancy). Video Cards accelerate graphics; they provide more, deeper, accurate colors, better refresh rates at higher native screen resolutions. Some provide PhysX processing and even CUDA processing. They offload graphics processing from the CPU and offload video bandwidth from the RAM, making the entire system run faster, more efficiently and better. They give you higher frame rates at higher quality settings in games. They are absolutely integral to graphic design, 3d modeling, CAD/CAM etc. They provide better DVD/Bluray decoding with fewer artifacts and some do 3D. Some allow you to hook up multiple monitors with a common desktop/workspace. Shall I go on?|||It enables you to output to a display. If your motherboard has a built-in one, the graphics card is normally better. Generally, it typically has more GRAM and it has its own processor.

A more expensive one has higher specs, just like buying a computer. The more you pay (normally) the more "computer" you get.

GOOD LUCK!|||u will have a better experience playing any kind of video game|||I'm curious to see answers. But it enhances the quality of the graphics. But I wouldn't pay for one as there's no point as the basics are fine.

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