Wednesday, May 9, 2012

What kind of video card will work with my motherboard?

hello i have a asustek k8s-mx motherboard and a sempron 3000 processor (1.80 ghz) and 1 gb ram, i would like to add a video card so i can play games and have my downloaded movies look better, which kind is the best and which one will fit in my motherboard, also do i have to go to system bios and shut down onboard video (i heard something about that when i was searching), thank you so much|||Your motherboard has the following types of slots:

Common Buses and their Max Bandwidth

PCI 132 MB/s

AGP 8X 2,100 MB/s

PCI Express 1x 500 MB/s…

AGP 8x has the fastest buss and thus should be used for the video card.

Video Cards……

Video Card Speed Comparison: VGA Charts 2007…|||As far as i know the connection is universal so it wont matter. When it comes to looking for the best normally the most expensive wins but try and look for one with good VRAM to take the work away from your CPU

Should I install a video card in a new computer before or after I set up the computer?

I have a new computer coming tomorrow. It has on board grpphics. I bought a card for it. Which is the best way?|||I assume this is a branded PC that comes with Windows already installed?

If so, power up the computer first and try it out with the onboard graphics. Only when you've set it up and determined it to be OK should you open the case and attempt to install the video card.|||it depends on what you want to use the computer for... if you want to play games and watch videos then add the video card|||I don't think it matters.

I'd put it after though :P|||After set up.|||usually add the software and drivers after you install the actual card.|||do the setup first...

go into the BIOS ( should be in the manual u get)

and enable your video card (in the motherboard manual) and disable your onboard video

Turn off your PC than put the new card in hook it up ect...

than reboot and install the drivers for it|||After I think.|||if your OS is preinstalled then:

start it up access the administrator account

and follow the instructions for installing the new card

(some cards NVidia to be specific require that all other video drivers be uninstalled first and the card & driver be installed with only the windows basic driver be in use.

don't spend hours of setting up the user accounts software & preferences before installing the new card


if you have to install the OS then install the card first

►RfD◄|||Do the Basic setup stuff (user accounst etc) to make sure you can boot windows. Then install the card. You can put it in right off, but this is a better option from the debugging side.|||Set up the computer, download the drivers from the website of the video card chipset manufacturer (Either ATi or Nvidia), then put the card in, boot your computer up, then install the drivers.

What video card should i buy?

Hello. I want to buy a video card for my PC but i don't know what is compatible with my motherboard. The motherboard's name is ASRock ConRoe1333-eSATA2. I have like 100 $ to spend for the video card.

Thanks!|||>Ok, your motherboard is here:…

So you must have a higher end duo core E processor or a Q processor either a Q8XXX or Q9XXX cpu, maybe a Q9400, Q9550 or even a Q9650. This is a P45 chipset board is how I am guessing those cpu's...probably a Q9XXX processor. This board is well able to handle just about any PCIe X16 card...but really, if you had $25 more you could get a fairly decent video card like the ATI HD 4850 for example.

Well, wouldn't ya know it, I found one! LOL…

$99.99! Gee, am I good or what?

It's on sale till 2/28, so you better hurry while they still have them in stock.|||Here You can find variety Of choice|||…

solid card. 90$ after rebate|||PCI Express cards are compatible with your motherboard is a good place to buy them|||i don't think video card will cost 100$

Is a video card built for windows vista compatible with other operating systems?

I'm shopping around for video cards for a gaming computer I'm putting together. I've found several i think i like, but the specs say they were built for windows vista. Does this mean they are ONLY compatible with vista?|||No

it just means you are lucky and they have written VISTA drivers for them

it may mean that you dont get windows 7 drivers for them,

but since W7 is VISTA with bits then they should be fine.

most graphics cards have either ATI or NVIDIA chipsets

and you can always get the latest drivers from there if you are worried.

windows sorts all that out for you.

Which is better than EVGA 9800GT video card?

I just bought a 9800GT Video card. I know the GTX is the next up. But what other competitor video cards out there are equivalent? Which are better?|||Right now the top of the line are 9800 GT, GTX 260, and some other card from a GTA IV benchmark. You need to have an adequate power supply and have an SLI certified computer from to run the higher up cards on SLI mode for performance games.

I have an HP 530 laptop, how do I check if my video card can output a HDTV signal ?

i'm interested in connecting my laptop to tv to watch media on my tv thats on my laptop. I am considering using an vga to vga or vga to hdmi, and then I must also use RCA cables for the audio from the pc to tv.....but thats not the biggest of my problems i was told I need to make sure my pc and video card can output the hdtv signal|||I have the same computer and it can't.|||The Graphics Card on you laptop cannot output a HDTV signal.|||Normally, if your video card supports HDTV, it has an HDMI gate. If it doesn't, it's most likely it doesn't support HD.

Can I put a regular video card into a computer with a built in video card?

My friend recently got a computer given to him but the video card is only 32MB....He wants to upgrade it to a 128MB or better card but his current one is internal so can't be removed...How can he upgrade...please be specific|||You haven't given quite enough information to get a specific answer but I'll give it a shot.

If it is a laptop the answer is no. He cannot upgrade.

If it is a desktop the question is: Does the desktop have any available AGP or PCI-Express 16X slots? If yes then he can upgrade by purchasing a card for the appropriate slot and following the manufacturers instructions (basically, install the card and drivers).|||You dont have to remove the builtin ( you cant actually)

but you can add one.|||Yes. We did so for the purpose of running two monitors. Accompanying software will handle the necessary internal changes.|||Ok, what you need to do is install the card in the computer, then start the computer. At this point the computer still recognizes the internal graphics card. When windows loads up, install the necessary software for the new video card. Then go to control panel > system > hardware > device manager > display adapters > select the built in video card and choose the uninstall option. Then restart your computer, make sure you have the monitor plugged into the new video card and viola you're done.|||yes you can put only if there is a graphics card slot (AGP slot) available in motherboard. Some lack it. You can then just install it there, install its' drivers and go to BIOS to select the new card as default graphics option...There is an option there that disables onboard video. Just do that and you'll be good to go.

Whats a good video card to get?

What is a good cheap video card that would be good to play World Of Warcraft with that is better then this card.

NVIDIA GeForce2 MX/MX 400

Thanks. :)|||It would be good first, to be sure of what your Video Card slot is. There are PCI slots, AGP slots, and PCI-Express Slots (Dont make the mistake I did buying my first graphics card and assume that PCI cards fit in PCI-Express (often shortened as PCI-E) slots, and vice-versa. THEY DO NOT.) I did a little research and found that your model can come in either PCI or AGP. It was more common in AGP, but it would still be good to check. In terms of an AGP card,…

is probably your best bet. If you want World of Warcraft to look half decent you shouldnt go below a half gb (512 mb) of onboard RAM. However, it seems to me you have an old, piece of crap computer. You can get a whole desktop PC with everything up to modern standards that's at least enough to play World of Warcraft on medium settings for all about $500, as long as you know what you're looking at. In fact, no matter what you're buying in terms of computers, you should know what you're looking at, because the people who work at computer stores and make computer ads specifically poke at the fact that the average person doesn't have half a clue when it comes to computers, and they'll try to sell you a piece of crap for way too much just by using words that sound high-tech and pleasing to the ear. Sorry for my semi-rant, but I've given what information I can. lol|||Go to and look for an ATI 3870, 512MB, 256bit, ddr4. I bought one 4 months ago for $89. Its the best card for the money. You can get a better one for more money but it depends on how much you can spend.

Is the video card worth the money?

It's an ATI Radeon 4650 gaming graphics card. PCI-E x18 and 1Gb. of video card RAM. It is being offered to me for $95 brand new. And no, it's not a scam. I checked the Future Shop website and it says the card is $135. PLEEZ TELL ME HOW MUCH IS WORTH!!|||Radeon hd 4650 for

$95 and $135? no way! avoid all those

shops.Radeon hd 4650

is for $50 on and that

is the place from where you should buy graphics card.those all

idiotic shops wants to

rip you off!

for $95,you can buy

radeon hd 4850 and

it will destroy the hd

4650.for bit more $150,you can get hd

5770 and that is even

better than the hd 4850.

all the cards uses pci-e

x16 slot standard.|||A quick check shows me prices with that chip and memory listing from $65 to $145. It would greatly help to know the card manufacturer and model. Simply tell us it's a Radeon 4650 is kind of like telling us its a 6-cylinder Ford. We need some more details.|||You can get a 4650 for much less than that...which model are you talking about?…

My new video card isnt displaying desktop?

I downloaded the newer drivers for my video card and it shows loading screen etc, just not the desktop, just black screen :(, all I wanna do is play counterstrike ^^|||How are you getting the loading screen if you only see black? Can you see icons or a start menu? Did it come with the driver cd or did you download it?

What Kind of Video Card should I Get?

I have an IBM ThinkCentre MT-M 8189-E8U. I need a new video card for game play. I want to get an NVIDIA GeForce card (minimum series 6), but I don't know what's compatible with my machine, i.e. PCI, PCI Express, etc...|||The whole PCI thing is your BUS type, newer computers have PCI Express most likely, if you open up your PC then you'll find what you have, in this link at the bottom will show you the differtent BUS types. This is the same Graphics Card I have but it was made by EVGA, closer to the bottom of the page will tell you lots of stuff you'll need to know "before you buy". AND, when you do buy one of these things, you may and probably WILL need to buy a Power Supply, enough power to run the Graphix card itself AND everything else that your PC is running too. For example, my PC needs 550 Watts to run, and if you have a advanced PC with Quad-Core processors and stuff like that, don't buy one of these Power Supplies from TigerDirect, a computer specialized store can order one for you probably for even cheaper and they will get you the right one too. (did I mention they can install it aswell)

Can my power supply support video card?

i have a power supply 220WAT and i want to connect it to my video card Radeon hd 6850?? can i do this or i need another power supply with much more WAT?|||Radeon HD 6850 requires a Quality 500 watts of Power Supply along With one dedicated 6 pin PCI-E power Connector.your 220 watts Power Supply is well below the requirement on both the watts and Amperes needed for that card.…

Grab a Quality 500 watts of Power Supply from Antec or Corsair for Rs.3000.NEVER USE THOSE SUPER CHEAP POWER SUPPLIES! they may run your card but not for so long.they often fail and take your other valuable components with them like Graphics is better to pay Rs.3000 now rather than taking risk.|||No way in the world. Especially if it's a low budget PSU. I would reccomend at least a 400w GOOD QUALITY psu. Go here and get a calculation done its free and easy -

My specs:-

400w Thermaltake TR2 PSU

AMD Athlon II x4 640

4gb G-skill Ripjaws 1600mhz

HIS Radeon 5770

GIGIABYTE gm-ga880-ud2h mobo.

DONT RISK IT!! - PSU's are dirt cheap. You can get a good quality 500w antec or thermaltake or OCZ for under $100. You could potentially fry your mobo and or video card (very nice btw).|||Nice card by the way but you definitely need at least 400W with 6Pin cable PSU but if you have a cpu less powerful that phenom ii x4 965 then it may be be 350w will be enough.

Check the following calculator to know more

Best answer please please please|||According to the minimum power supply (psu) you ned is 450W. The link is below.|||Yes it can.|||no

Will a DDR2 video card suppport a Hp pavillion a820n?

My pc is an xp with integrated video card and I neeed a video card that is capable of running Call of Duty 4 and games similar to that. My memory RAM cards uses DDR but on the video graphics card above it says DDR2. Will the card work for my computer?|||The system memory doesn't have to match the memory on the graphics card.

However, your system only has PCI expansion slots, which are fairly slow by todays standards. I don't know of any PCI graphics cards that would be capable of running Call of Duty 4 .

You should really save your money and upgrade to a PCI Express based system if you are interested in playing some of the newer games out there.|||The DDR2 memory in the card has no problem running with DDR system RAM. Your only concern with that Mobo id making sure you get A PCI video card. (Make sure it is PCI and not PCI-Express or AGP, because they wont fit. ATI Radeon had some descent cards that are PCI inputs, and will run COD4. Keep in mind PCI cards are out dated, and you will probably have to play your games on low settings. It;s up to you if you want to spend $100 on a card or go drop $600 on a new machine. If you want to pst me with your e-mail or general area you live in I can advise you where to find a system much more powerful and much cheaper than you can find. Good luck.

Is it possible to configure my computer with a second video card to support two more monitors?

I am currently using an NVidia Quadro FX500 video adapter that is supporting two monitors. I want to add two additional monitors to this configuration. Can I install a second display adapter to support two more monitors without the two cards interfering with each other...or what would be the suggested configuration to support a total of four monitors. (Each monitor will be displaying different applications.)|||Windows XP Pro will support up to four monitors. So go ahead and stick another card in.

Running four monitors will be a CPU resource hog, so I hope you have some horse power.|||You can do this...just make sure you have a free port to plug the video card into. There is only one AGP slot on a motherboard, but ther are multiple PCI slots, so you will probably have to get a PCI card if you aleardy have an AGP card installed.|||u can do it ,may be u can have two monitor attached to one card some of video cards have two port for two monitor look at it…

u can also have more card in ur pci port one in ur agp port ,but u must to know that ones that u put in ur pci port are just an old graphic cards that may be u can use them for show ur desktop or just video showing

u can also put newest vga cards in ur pci express extension if ur mother board has ,use many as ur mother board slots let

be success|||NO NO NO NO, you can not add another video card unless you buy a new computer basicly, because you need a Crossfire(ATi) or SLI(nVidia) motherboard and the right graphics cards to go with it, so, you cant.

Which video card will run call of duty world at war for my advent 5411 laptop?

i went on can you run it and my video card failed so i want to buy a new one|||You cannot add a video card to your laptop

What is the best Video Card for this motherboard Intel BLKDQ965GFEKR?

Hi everyone I am a bit confused and trying to figure out what would be the best Video card for this mother board

Any help would be great!|||I would suggest to buy EVGA GeForce GTX470 1280 MB DDR5 PCI-Express 2.0 Graphics Car…

Also check out at Ebay…|||no idea sorry

Which of the following is the video card?

In my dxdiag screen I have these:

Name: Intel G33/G31 express chipset family

Chip Type: Intel GMA 3100

Which is the video card? Someone asked me what my computer had and I don't want to look like an idiot telling them the wrong one.

Thanks!|||The Chip Type is. The "name" is the family of on-board video cards that Intel makes, while the "Chip type" is the name of the on-board video card.

I hope this helps!|||Intel GMA 3100

GMA stands for Graphics Media Accelerator.|||That's your processor, not your videocard

High End Video Card for a Micro ATX Mobo?

I am looking for a good video card for a micro atx mobo. I am looking to play COD 4 and the onboard video card will not meet requirements. Can someone point me in the right direction of a good one that will fit. The mobo supports PCI Express. It is also in a micro atx tower. I was told that all extreme high end graphics cards will not fit. Looking to stay in price max of 250. Help!|||try a 8600gt, it isnt as big as the 8800's and under 200, but get the 512 mb version.

Why does my new video card make my PC crash?

I am pretty good with computers, inside and out, and bought an ATI Raedeon 9200 AGP video card for my PC. I intalled the hardware correctly and installed the software correctly. It started up fine and runs all applications totally fine, except World of Warcraft. When I play WoW my computer will restart itself, sometimes after 30 minutes, sometimes after 30 seconds. I have downloaded every driver known to man for my motherboard chipset, for the video card, and I have talked with WoW tech support. It is not just this video card, I bought another ATI Raedeon when this one didn't work and I had the same problem. WTF?|||i would check to see if anything in your computer is overheating.

maybe from dust buildup or insufficient fans.|||check your agp aperature in BIOS and see if its needed.. Otherwise see if your card meets requirements...|||maybe WoW just overloads the video card and that causes the computer to restart. Try lowering your graphics settings.|||your video card is taking up too much voltage therefor causing a decrease of voltage in the rest of the system. you may need a mre powerful power supply unit. check the specs on your current power supple unit. check to see the total watt output. if it is below 500 W, upgrade your PSU.

the graphics card itself wouldn't cuase the system to restart, but under the conditions of if it were faulty, there would be a possibility. but not in this case.

Your particular video card is plug and play, so when it was installed windows automatically detected the settings, so do not touch the bios setting.|||Sounds like your BIOS needs to be tuned for the AGP speed or your AGP aperture is set wrong.|||I don't think its the video card, the vid card is on the supported list and the likelyhood that you got too bad cards is hard to believe. You most likely have a corrupted WOW file or a corrupted cache file.. WOW has a utility to check your installations files also try following the directions to delete your cache files


How to disable on board video card on a pc that has no images (windows xp)?

Can somebody tell me how to disable an on board video card that is not working from the device manager? note: By the way...there's is no images that show on the monitor when i turn it on, this the reason why im replacing it. Please help thank you!|||Well, if you install a graphics card and driver, using that driver should by default disable the onboard graphics, unless it works side by side. I'm only answering because it's been left alone for 30 minutes.

Try reinstalling the drivers before you do anything else.

Would my motherboard work with this video card?

My motherboard is the foxconn m61mpv and i want the BFG GeForce GTX 280 Video Card|||yea put make sure you have space in the tower. that graphic card is quite big and can overheat if you dont got fans or proper ventilation. otherwise its fine|||No, its its a smaller motherboard, and from the pictures I found of it, the GTX 280 would get in the way of your SATA hard drive ports.

And most likely not have enough power or not fit in your case.

What is the best video card for my computer?

i have a dell Pentium 4 512MB ram and 2.8 GHz.

what is the best video card available for my computer (not sure if this matters but im getting a 22" wide screen monitor)|||If you're upgrading your monitor, I would recommend buy some RAM for you computer to...512MB is barely enough...Believe me you should see a big boost if you're up that to 1 gig. It's really cheap now.

Pentium 4 so I assume you have have to double check though. So anything should work for you...Unless you do some gaming too then Nvidia 8800 series.|||you have to name the specific type and model of dell you have, its your mobo and psu you have to think about when upgrading the graphics card not the ram and cpu.

Kenny|||You need to say what output you want for the card (so the monitor works with it) and the operating system would help too (I'll assume Win. XP SP2). The monitors resolution would help, too. If your gaming you might want to get another 1 to 2 GB of RAM (if your playing newer games). Use to shop. If you dont want to go nuts, a GeForce 8800 GTX is a nice choice in the $100-200 range. If you have a lot of cash, a GeForce 9800 GX2 could play Crysis on high settings. And, if you have way too much money, an ATI FireGL ($2,000+) would be great. (just remember to get me one, too!) But your video card isn't the only thing you need to game, you need more RAM and maybe a new processor. (dual core) A new computer might be good if your really serious.|||Depend on wat kind of pentium u r using. If u r using the old socket PGA-478 pentium, the mobo seems does not hv the pci-e slot for graphics, if u r using LGA-775 Pentium then may be ur mobo hv pci-e. The best way is to check ur mobo user manual or search ur model online.

The 22" wide comes with DVI-D too so may sure u choose a graphics with DVI-I output. Ur system RAM is too low, recommened upgrade to a least 2GB they r not expensive.

In Windows 7, I'm told I need a newer video card or one that is compatible with Direct3d. What do I do?

I really don't want to buy any more. It worked on Vista.

I believe my video card is an ATI Radeon, but I could be wrong.

Any ideas on how to resolve this?|||No, there is no need to have a new video card.

I have a two year old laptop, and am working fine with Windows 7, at least for now :)|||i think your card is compatible, they only say u need new card the make use of an aero interface.

How do I upgrade my Video Card?

I just bought the sims 3

and when i try to turn it on it says "Unable to Start the game

Your video card dose not seem to support the latest Shader Model 2 please upgrade your card"

how do I upgrade my video card?( how can i actually Get it into my computer???)

where can i buy a video card supporting Shader model 2?

how much will it cost?

Thanks|||any current card avalible at bestbuy newegg or tigerdirect support shader model 2 but you need to know if you have agp pcie or if you only support pci and to get it in your computer you open the case remove the old one put the new one in, boot and pop the disc that came with it in. but i suggest going to the makers web site and geting the latest drivers|||The real trick is finding out which video cards are compatible with your current hardware, if you have any open slots on your motherboard, etc. In my experience, brand name computers are relatively difficult to upgrade. You could download utilities like Belarc Advisory and check the motherboard stats, and cross reference that with video cards that the Sims 3 will support. If you want to skip all this, you could go to a place like Bestbuy, CompUSA, fry's electronics, etc. but it will cost more. I would think you could get a graphics card that will play the Sims 3 for less than 100 bucks, but I'm not very familiar with the game's hardware requirements.|||the best thing is to get a 4850 hd 512 mb by ati (value series) it needs to be pci express . no idea of how much it will coast in your country though . with it you will have to replace your power supply too . the best you can get will be a amacrox ax 500 s (500w) .

if you dont wanna replace your psu then your best choice is something like a nvidia 9800 gt 512 mb . get the 9800 gt card with the foxconn brand and it will give the same performance but will be available at a lower prize .|||With the information you provided i know nothing about your computer. Click on START -> Run, and type DXDIAG, press enter. Save all the information it comes up with, paste it somewhere online.

Provide me with a link to that info and i will be glad to help you further after that. But i am pretty sure your motherboard is outdated. You would be better of buying a new computer. $300$ for a decent one that comes with a video card that supports Shader Model 2 and higher. Your motherboard appears to be old. I would suggest a card. But i don't know if your motherboard would work nicely with it. Provide me with the info i asked for and i will help you further.|||names of some video cards are nvidia geforce 9series there are many video .but 9 series is the latest.|||First you should update the video drivers for your current graphics device to see if that will solve the problem. The best place to find them is from your systems makers website or you can type in the make and model of your system in your browser to locate them. If that doesn't resolve the issue, you'll need to install a graphics card that is compatible with your system. Different systems have different card slots so you'll need to know what card slots your system has so that you can buy the appropriate card. You'll need to open the case on your system to see what card slots your system uses. Usually it will have PCI, AGP, PCI Express, or a combination of those.

They look like this.

PCI and AGP…

PCI Express x16 (the black one)…

PCI Express x16 is the best, followed by AGP and then PCI. If you have both PCI and AGP, you'll want to use the AGP slot.

If your system is a slim tower or a SFF desktop, you'll need to use a low profile graphics card in it, there's not enough room inside for a full size card. If you want to post the make and model of your system we can find out what card slots your system has and find a card that is compatible with it. As for installing the card, there are plenty of videos on youtube that will help you with that. Prices vary, but there are inexpensive cards that are capable of running the Sims games.

Can anyoane tell me a good Video Graphics Card?

I need a Video Graphics Card that GTA IV (4) works on, and suports Blue Ray and HD videos and/or games.|||Nvidia 9xxx or a Nvidia Quadro Series Graphics card, or any high end ATi Card.|||go for nvidia 9600, atleast 512 mb

Question about installing new video card?

Before I install it do I need to uninstall the drivers from my old video card? Or will installing the new drivers just overwrite the old ones?|||Yes it is best to go ahead and download the latest drivers from the ATI or Nvidia website. Then go go control panel/add remove programs and uninstall the drivers. The system will reboot. Shut down, put the new card in and boot up. Now install the drivers for your card you downloaded and it will reboot again. Now you are good to go...

Why do red blinking dots randomly appear on my computer screen and then my video card resets itself?

I recently bought a Gateway computer and then installed an ATI radeon X1600 Pro video card. Randomly red blinking dots randomly appear all over my screen, the screen freezes, then goes black, and goes back to normal. A window appears that says VPU has reset your graphics accelerator. This is really frustrating, I paid around $300 for this card when it first came out.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.|||It is a video card problem.|||Could be a bad video card or bad software load. Look for updated drivers, if non try reloading the drivers from the CD. If that does not work, take the card back and tell them your problem. Ask for either a refund or a new card.|||without actually seeing what the computer is doing I would suspect that the video card is incompatible with your computer.

If it runs fine for a couple of minutes then resets its probably your vpu overheating.|||This is indicative of a memory issue on the video card. Get it replaced by the manufacturer. If it is no longer covered under warranty, you can try seeing if the memory is replaceable, and also try downloading and installing a new driver for that video board for your OS.

What is the best 8 channel pci dvr card to convert a dell xps 400 desktop into a video surveillance pc?

The card has to come with software and be able to have remote viewing (internet). Thanks have to buy it soon.|||go to or give them a call. They helped me with my system|||Try Leawo Video Converter which can convert videos and audios with video editing fucntions. leawo video converter is an all in one video converter which can

1, Convert videos and audios between popular formats: AVI, MOV, MP4, MPEG, WMV, MOV, DivX, Xvid, VOB, ASF, MPG, MP3, WMA, 3GP, RM, RMVB, DV, TS, etc.

2, Burn videos to DVD with DVD menu. First, use Leawo to convet video to VOB, then use free star burn ( ) to burn the VOB file to DVD.

3, Crop, trim and merge video files. Get Leawo video converter here-------------------------

For windows:…

For mac:…|||One that doesn't plug into a PC.

Here's a $500 dedicated device that will accept up to 8 video inputs, record and broadcast over the internet. This isn't the kind of thing that Newegg stocks, so you should check out…

How can i find what video card i have for a Toshiba m45 s265?

I reformatted the laptop and i dont have any video or sound drivers.|||Down load the drivers here by model number and operating system:…|||Well there are basically two options.

1. Search far and wide for the drivers on the merchant websites.

2. Download software that will find the right drivers and install them all automatically.

I used to do it on my own until I discovered how easy it was to download drivers with driver update software. My favorite program is available at:

Will connecting my computer to my TV via S-Video hurt my graphics card at all?

I would like to connect my computer to my television but only if my graphics card is safe. So if I plugged an S-Video cord into my graphics card, then, into my TV, would I be safe from my computer's graphics card getting worn/burnt out?


Johnny|||if it has a s video hook up then it is meant to be used and is safe|||Your computer and graphics card would be perfectly fine as long as the card had the svhs port built in. Now, if your card didn't have that port and you rigged up something with adapters there might be an infinitesimally small chance of something going wrong but most likely the worst that would happen is that the picture wouldn't be very good. This of course does not take into account your cable or antenna getting struck by lightning during a thunder storm while your computer is plugged into the tv then all bets are off.|||It will not hurt your graphics card at all. The circuitry is designed with the intent of outputting a Y/C video signal.

What video card type and suggestions please for a Powerspec v200?

I need suggestions for video cards that will work in my computer I would like to play WoW and other high graphical MMO's|||You have a PCI-e x16 slot in that computer so a graphics card for those mmo's could vary-

If you want to just played them on a medium graphics setting without the super high graphics a ATI 4650 HD would be fast enough, alternately a 9500 GT from Nvidia. If you want all those fancy graphics go with a 8800 or 9800 GT from Nvidia, or a 4850/4870 HD from ATI

What's a good video card for gaming in Vista?

I'm not really sure how to pick a good video card.

One that could run games like Assassin's Creed.

Thanks.|||you did not give any info on your computer specs|||A GeForce 9800 series with at least 512mb of video memory would be perfect.|||If your running on an intel processor, then go with nvidia PCI-express X 16, go for at least 1gb. If you have and AMD processor, go with an ATI card !|||im not really sure so look it up and other games here

you can find out if your system can play this game.|||I have a HIS Radeon HD 4850 1GB(ICeQ4).It is best.i have vista and 2gb ram.

It is a very good card i can play assassins creed for 3 hours at 1400*900.It is better than Nvidia Geforce 9800gt.

It is a great card for the money.

Watch its videos at…

Its review…

It cost nearly about $130.

Please rate as best answer if you were satisfied with the information.

Which video card is better for my setup?

I have a Dell Inspiron 530 with a quad core and 2 gigs of ram - my current video card is 128MB ATI Radeon HD 2400 PRO - Frys has this: EVGA e-GeForce 6200LE 256MB for cheap - would you recommend? I am not trying to game - only to view movies, images, etc and maybe some hd content - any other suggestions would be acceptable also|||stick with ur setup, that 6200le is 4 gamers, save ur money 4 sumthin else, trust me, im a gamer and a certified tech|||Stick with the ATI out of those 2, the 6200LE is not Directx 10 - not worth getting.

Get at least an 8 series ( like 8600) if you are going to make a change

I would think the ATI you have runs the content you want?|||If you don't care about gaming, either card would be fine.|||Stick with your current card for simply watching video etc it is more than adequate for several reasons one is Direct X 10 support that 6200 le is a direct X9 card your current card already supports DX 10.

2 the reason it's so cheap is because it is cheap I would far from consider the 6000 series let alone an LE to be adequate for current titles in gaming.

3 I personally dislike fry's lol they are willing to tell you anything to make a sale.

But if your serious about a new card look to a value line 8000 series Nvidia such as the 8400 gs it has DX 10 support and clocks somewhat nothing magnificent but okay|||that card is worse than the card you have right now. i have the same dell as you, i got mine around christmas for 550 shipped so im guessing thats why you have one too. my recommendation is to get an nvidia 8600gt. probably the best card you can get to run on the stock psu.

all of your 8600gt options…

Is the EVGA GeForce FX5200 128MB 8x AGP Video Card able to make my computer play Spore?

I have all other needs covered I just need to know if this specific video card can let me Play Spore on my Dell with Windows XP?|||Umm... No.... Definitely no.

Well, actually it can run. But run without it running like a slideshow? No. Sorry get at least a 6600GT or at least bare minimu, a GeForce FX5500.|||Spore Specs


Supported Video Cards

NVIDIA GeForce series

FX 5900, FX 5950

6200, 6500, 6600, 6800,

7200, 7300, 7600, 7800, 7900, 7950

8400, 8500, 8600, 8800

9600, 9800, GTX 260, GTX 280

Standalone cards that are installed in vanilla PCI slots (not PCIe or PCIx or AGP), such as some GeForce FX variants, will perform poorly.


its a good one but try using the latest agp but make sure ur system supports it by the way i have used fx5200 and its pretty good|||its pretty crap. if you're looking at upgrading consider a 2600xt or a 3850, or if you want nvidia theres an agp 7600|||as long as ur grapfic card has pixel shader it can play it with a card u have now|||doubt it

How do you know if a video card is a good one?

Like how do you know if the video card is good for some games, but not all. how you know if the video card is veryy fast, and has good graphics... plz be speicfic!! TY in adnvance|||hi mate

good question ...however there are many ways to evaluate a graphic cards performance..and these can include reviews,specifications and benchmarks....for example reviews from websites such as the excellent "toms hardware "( ) have reliable reviews on all the latest graphics cards and you can also check older cards aswell

specifications are one of the best methods of checking the performance of a particular card but what specifications should you look for ? ....well i allways look at five main specs and these are

1.core clock : sometimes known as the "engine clock " and this is the speed at which the gpu ( graphics processing unit ) operates at....this is measured in "megahertz"(mhz) and the higher the better,,go for nothing lower than 500mhz

2.memory clock : this is the speed at which the video memory operates at...and is measured using two values...theres the standard memory clock and then theres the "ddr effective" memory clock....the standard memory clock is the default speed of the memory and has not been double or quad pumped...however the ddr effective speed is calculated by the type of memory the card supports ,,so for example if a card has 256mb of gddr3 memory running at 600mhz then its ddr effective memory clock will be 1200mhz.....however if the same card supports gddr5 memory then its ddr effective speed will be 2800mhz

3. memory bit interface : The number of bits wide (and the organization) of the memory bus that connects your GPU to your video card RAM. ...dont go for anything lower than 128bit...however for decent and smooth performance go for at least 256bit

4.memory bandwidth : this is calculated by multiplying the memory bit interface with the memory clock speed ...and because of this the memory bandwidth is a quick and precise method of quickly checking the performance of a particular graphic card....and with the performance of todays cards dont accept anything below 40gb/sec

5) shader processors : these are the graphic units that do all the rendering thats needed in todays games..and the more shader processors the smoother and faster the games will run ... you should accept nothing less than 64 shader processors ....note : ati calculate their shader processors differently so when looking at a ati radeon card theres 3 unit to every 1 nvidia shader processors, these are the main specs for look for..get these right and you will be fine

then theres benchmarks....this is a good way of checking out how a card performs with a specific game...and you can then get a good idea of how well it will run on your system.... one of the best benchmarks around are the "3dmark" series ( )

and finally theres a website called " system requirements lab" (… ) which allows you to choose a game and then scan your pc to see if your pc "can run it " the game you want from the drop down list and then click the "can you run it " button ...then after allowing a active x add-on to run and a small scan of your pc it will return a report ,,and show you if your system can run the game ...if it fails anything then it will recommend the future upgrade

i hope this helps,any problems let me know

good luck mate !|||you got to see the memory ram it brings , this way when you play game your pc don't use the motherboard ram , it will use the card ram , check these cards here , and look the different , enjoy|||Looking at underlying specs can sometimes be misleading, since the technologies from ATI and Nvidia are so different yet performance can be very similar. You can be sure that an ATI card with 200 stream processors is better than an ATI card with 80 stream processors, but not necessarily an Nvidia card. Same thing with memory bandwidth; The 128-bit Radeon 4770 is faster than the 256-bit GeForce 9800GT. And total video RAM is rarely much of an indicator of anything.…

The best way to know which cards are good, bad or simply overpriced for what they offer is by checking reviews and comparisons of the models you're considering, like these:……

Xbitlabs, Anandtech, Techspot, Hothardware and Tom's Hardware are all good sources.

How do install and which one, video card?

Hello, I need to install a video card because I get a no signal input and done tryed to see if it was just the monitor, I want to know how, is it really hard, and will any computer use any video card? Thank alot! =)|||Open the case and remove the old card, you may need a philips screwdriver to remove the retaining screw on card to backplane (one screw). Visit a local computer store, or retailer (best buy, etc) and show them the card. Tell them you need a replacement, they can look at the old card and tell if it's an AGP, PCI (x16), etc and get you a replacement. Inserting the new card is the same as removing the old, it's very easy.

You can spend upwards of $500 for a new video card, but if you just want a replacement I would suggest not spending more then $50. Some computer parts stores may even have lower cost OEM cards available, check your yellow pages.|||its not hard, but you can mess things up if your not careful. not all cards work in all computers. i suggest that you get a computer savy friend to help you out.|||Depending on the computer, it is usually easy.

I suggest getting a nVIDIA sound card, and I don't think any sound card will work with just any computer (but I'm not positive).|||You can do it right by following this:|||u can install any video card that you know that works!!

i reccoemnd you to use the AGP slot, rather then the PCI slot, the AGP is more new-er!!

Where can I buy this video card?

I just bought Sims 3 and when I went to install it, it said my video card didn't support pixel shader. And so now my problem is idk where the hell to buy this so called GeForce series FX 5900 video card.... Does anyone know? By the way I have Windows XP.|||ok this is very complicated you probably have an old computer and its gonna have a PCI expansion port which fits the graphic cards

so go on and find PCI graphics cards only not PCI-E PCI EXPRESS OR AGP

find one thatz around 60 dollars or so

so u can play good games unless u go cheaper maybe cuz u dont play a lot of games

im in the same predicament u are in i have a crap computer and i gotta get a new video card but i play good games that my computer can handle

no next gen games lik call of duty 4 and stuff

so check PCI graphics cards and see wat u get

get a good one with good reviews lik the geforce 8400

or try this one its cheap and its good enough for lighter gaming lik sims and other high end games its really good

if u get this one go on youtube and search how to install video or graphics cards

both terms are the same

heres the link…

good luck i had no clue wat any of this meant either until i really needed a graphics card i had to learn from the get go so im not a nerd lol|||Hi there;

You can order the card you need here:…

Any agp card is fine as long as it has enough ram|||You will have a tough time finding a vid card that old. Post your system specs (computer model and maker) and we can give some suggestions on what to get.

What is the best video card for Need For Speed Pro Street?

Have a dv6338se laptop. My card that I got is a Geforce Go 6150. Is there a way to run all games smoothly?|||You cannot change the "video card " on a laptop computer.

The minimum to run is a Geforce FX [5 series] and you have a 6 series so it is alright.

Ways to improve gaming performance is to tone down the graphics settings in the game and also reduce the resolution of it in the game settings.

Do I need a new Video Card? If So, Where can I find one? What to buy?

I recently bought The Sims 2 Pets and was sad to learn it wasn't going to work on my computer because my graphics card wasn't up-to-date (I can't take the game back :( and I REALLY want to play it) I found a scrap video card off of an old computer, it was an ATI Rage Fury Pro, 128 PRO with 32MB memory. Can I get any sort of downloadable upgrade? Also, if I have to buy a new video card, is there any "superstore" that would offer one? (I have Office Depo, Best Buy, Hastings, WalMart, and CompUSA around my area). What video card would be the best to buy? And about How much does a GOOD card run for?

Thanks in advance for any help!|||You should really list some of your system specs in order to get decent advice.

You can pick up graphics cards at best buy fairly reasonably

Without knowing any of your system specs I would guess that this is about what you're looking for…

It runs on agp 4x or 8x so check with your motherboard to see what yours supports but it's a halfway decent card for a 100 bucks

There are higher priced cards for sure...they run upwards of 500 bucks...but no sense going for that if your running it on a modest setup to begin with.|||Go with LinkSys. Visit

Good luck and Happy Computing!|||i got mine at comp usa becuase they offerd a rebate it was like 70 bucks aftwer rebate. look for one that is lease 128 ddr2 and thats all you need and you should be able to run that game really well.

another factor is ram if you dont have good ram then the card wont help that much|||Ya you need a new one. That old one will not cut it. Best buy, Circuit city, compusa, will all have them. Look at the box of the game and it should show you some minimum requirements, take these requirements to the store and they will show you the correct card to get. $100 and under should be good for that game, most likely $50. Before you go in though you want to find out if you have an AGP slot in you computer. If you do, get that type of card, if not get a PCI graphics card.|||You can go to and search for video cards there. Then you will have to order online.

I would recommend one with atleast 128MB of video RAM. But many people like better ones that can run better games.

Good luck!|||As a fellow sims 2 player, I have to agree with everyone else, you need a new graphics card. The game really pushes my 256mb ddr3 card , I can only imagine it on a 32! You should scrap that card and pick up a new one. You can try Best buy, compusa, but is where I get most of my parts. I have an ATI x700 PCI express. I'm happy with it. The nvidias are also great cards. Probably going to run you a coulpe hundred bucks for a good one.

Happy gaming|||Yes, you need a new video card to play that game. I doubt there's any driver update that will allow you to use that one.

Personally, I use for all my computer part needs. Awesome prices, selection, and delivery time. You will literally pay double if you go to a retail chain like Best Buy or Office Depot.

I prefer Nvidia cards, but a lot of people still swear by ATI. You could get something like a GeForce FX5200 for 32 bucks here:…

It's not top of the line, like it won't play FarCry on the highest resolution settings, but it will handle the Sims no problem.|||You can't download an upgrade to a video card anymore than you can download something to make your monitor bigger; it's hardware so what you've got is what you've got, you need to buy a new one.||| is the place to go. But you need to find out if the computer can even handle a new video card. Like if it has a PCI-E slot, AGP slot, or just PCI slots.

What is the best video card up to Feb 23, 2010?

What is the best video card in the market?|||There is no,"best," video card because different manufacturers overclock and manipulate there products based on what is the current gaming market asking for.

Really the question should be what manufacturer is currently popular for making top notch graphic of the moment ATI is outperforming its competition such as NVIDIA.

Its ironic but sometimes certain older model graphic cards outperform (not by much) newer versions. It really all depends on the game. For example f2p games (first person shooters) require a bigger bus on a graphics card while games like world of warcraft (mmorpg) require better ram on a card.

Currently any graphic card that supports DirectX 10/11 are top notch cards though just because they support directx 10 or 11 does not mean its a worthy card. All that means is that your card will support any new games that come out that use directx 10/11 technology.

If you want the best cards purchase directly from the manufacturers as many gamers will tell you third party graphic cards have many issues that are not apparent in the beginning.

Lets get some better reviews here:,2474-16.html|||ATI Radeon HD 5970, blows anything away.

If you have $700 for this card, you can send me one for xmas. :-)

Best mid-range ATI Radeon HD 5850 (~$320)

Best low-end ATI Radeon 5770 (~$160)

gamerguru is a little out of date. ATI crushes NVidia, the new 5970 has a dual GPU core and can out perform some dual gpu setups.

What video card should I get?

I am going to get a video card for my computer soon. I just cant decide what two I should choose from. It is either a 256MB GeForce 7800GS, or a 512MB GeForce 7600GS. They are both AGP, and I dont want to buy a PCI video card. Any sugjestions?|||Go with the 512MB GeForce 7600GS if you play games. I wouldnt recommend a PCI card either.|||find a monitor you like, and find a video card that works with that monitor.

What is the best video card for my computer?

i have a dell Pentium 4 512MB ram and 2.8 GHz.

what is the best video card available for my computer (not sure if this matters but im getting a 22" wide screen monitor)|||If you're upgrading your monitor, I would recommend buy some RAM for you computer to...512MB is barely enough...Believe me you should see a big boost if you're up that to 1 gig. It's really cheap now.

Pentium 4 so I assume you have have to double check though. So anything should work for you...Unless you do some gaming too then Nvidia 8800 series.|||you have to name the specific type and model of dell you have, its your mobo and psu you have to think about when upgrading the graphics card not the ram and cpu.

Kenny|||You need to say what output you want for the card (so the monitor works with it) and the operating system would help too (I'll assume Win. XP SP2). The monitors resolution would help, too. If your gaming you might want to get another 1 to 2 GB of RAM (if your playing newer games). Use to shop. If you dont want to go nuts, a GeForce 8800 GTX is a nice choice in the $100-200 range. If you have a lot of cash, a GeForce 9800 GX2 could play Crysis on high settings. And, if you have way too much money, an ATI FireGL ($2,000+) would be great. (just remember to get me one, too!) But your video card isn't the only thing you need to game, you need more RAM and maybe a new processor. (dual core) A new computer might be good if your really serious.|||Depend on wat kind of pentium u r using. If u r using the old socket PGA-478 pentium, the mobo seems does not hv the pci-e slot for graphics, if u r using LGA-775 Pentium then may be ur mobo hv pci-e. The best way is to check ur mobo user manual or search ur model online.

The 22" wide comes with DVI-D too so may sure u choose a graphics with DVI-I output. Ur system RAM is too low, recommened upgrade to a least 2GB they r not expensive.

What video card can i buy for my laptop?

HP Pavilion dv4-1117nr entertainment notebook pc

because i got in the black friday sale but i was disapointed to find that it doesn't have a video card (i think) so which one could i buy? for cheap price?

mobile intel (R) 4 series chipset family

thats what it has, can it be upgraded?

|||None. There are no 'slots' in a notebook/laptop for video upgrades.

There are some talks of "external video card" that goes into ExpressCard slots, but so far none have reached market. |||Laptops very rarely have replaceable video cards. All of the electronics is built into the motherboard.|||No.

Is it possible to extend video card in Intel DG31GL?

Hallow i am having Intel DG31Gl ,, so i want to ask , Is it possble to extend video card like nvidia 8600 gt , 9400 gt , nvidia 200 series ,,, ,( yes or no )|||No, DG31GL is an "Essential Series" motherboard with no PCIe slot, so you cannot use a graphics card with your motherboard.|||2 x PCI Slots

JATON VIDEO-498PCI-TWIN GeForce 9400 GT 1GB 128-bit DDR2 PCI Low Profile Ready Video Card…

Sims 3 tells me i need to upgrade my video card and i did with ati radeon HD 2400. Help?

I bought Sims 3 about a month ago and was so happy to play it. But then somthing pops up saying that i had uprade my video card. So i go on to buy one. I bought the ATI Radeon HD2400, installed it and when try to play Sims 3 it pops up with the same thing about upgrading my video car. I dont know what to do anymore. PLEASE help.|||See below for a list of ATI cards - it seems like the 2400 is ok for the game (use the following site to test your PC)

Go to the following Site and it will tell you if your computer is able to play

The Sims 3…

What are the supported cards for The Sims 3?

The supported cards for The Sims 3 are as followed (I’m going by the minimum specs from TS3):

• 128 MB Video Card with support for Pixel Shader 2.0

ATI Radeon™ series

• 9500, 9600, 9800

• X300, X600, X700, X800, X850

• X1300, X1600, X1800, X1900, X1950

• 2400, 2600, 2900

• 3450, 3650, 3850, 3870,

• 4850, 4870|||hd2400 huh? sounds like a crappy card. whats the memory and speed on it?

i looked your card up and did some research. it should run the sims 3 fine? im not sure what the problem coulb be. mayeb you hooked up the vidoe card wrong and it thinks you jsut have the intergrated one on your motherboard. HMM?|||did you install the card's driver correctly? if you did you should not have any problems. If you install correctly you should be able to pull up the control panel for the video adapter, if not, you need to install the driver.

What is the best video card i can buy for around $200?

im building a new desktop computer. what is the best video card i can buy for around 200 dollars . i wanted something with at least 512mb of memory and pci-express 16x.|||One of the best bang for buck video cards you can get is the 8800gt. It outperforms the newer 9600gt because they're both based on the same cores but the 8800 is faster.

The cheapest 8800gt I could find is here:…

There are more expensive cards of the same version which are just made by different manufacturers, the top manufactureres of Nvidia cards are XFX, BFG and EVGA

EVGA are great because of their 90 day step up program, which lets you trade in your card and buy a newer card within 90 days, you only pay the difference between the prices of both cards.

EVGA 8800gt ($199 after MIR)…

There's also a 8800gts (outperforms the gt quite a bit, is almost equal to the much more expensive gtx) for $239 after MIR ($269 without) here:…

Which Video Card Is Better For Gaming?

I've been saving up money for a new computer. I plan on building it myself. I just don't know what video card to choose. A Radeon HD 4850 or a 9800gtx?|||They are basically the same in performance but made by different gpu maker (ATI and Nvidia). If you have an intel chipset on your motherboard and with crossfire compatible, go with 4850. If you have an Nvidia Chipset with SLI compatiblitliy , go with 9800gtx+ (the + is better than the original by price and performance). These cards are tough to choose but I would choose 9800gtx+ if it`s on sale and under the HD4850`s price. HD4850 was cheaper when I got it then the gtx+, so I got that.

If you prefer single slotted cards, 4850 will be good otherwise 9800gtx+ will be better for silence and better cooling. |||HD 4850 is a better buy. They are basically the same cards and the 4850 can be overclocked better.

Monday, May 7, 2012

If i have nVIDIA GeForce 8600 8600GT 512MB PCI-E Video Card will the rse10 error goaway on GTA IV?

I am aboute to buy a nVIDIA GeForce 8600 8600GT 512MB PCI-E Video Card for GTA IV on pc the rse10 error will not let me play GTA IV on pc will it help me.|||Hi,dragonba

There are 3 step to repair rse10 error

If you got rse10 error then there is a 94% chance that your computer has rse10 problems. To repair rse10 error you need to follow the steps below:

* Step 1 - Download a Perfect Optimizer,install this error repair tool.

* Step 2 - Click the Repair All Button.It will scan you pc for Free.

* Step 3 - Then click the Repair All Button again and your done! It is very easy to repair rse10 error.

Here are the url of Perfect Optimizer:…

Plls choose a video card among the list for my pentium 4 good for gaming..?




i dont want to upgrade my cpu because i have no budget...

bonus question what is the different between ddr2 and ddr3 in the video card? do ddr3 can also be compatible to a pentium 4 3.2ghz?|||yea id go for whichever one is cheapest. DDR3 is just faster than ddr2, but the ram on the video card doesnt make any difference to the CPU. I woudl watch if you have a pci-e, or agp slot for your video, also if your power supply can handle the card.|||The difference between these 3 video card is very small. I would pick the least expensive between these 3, as they are all budget cards and offer no real-life advantages. They are all budget cards and one offers no real advantage over the others.

What kind of video card should i buy?

I use to have a POWERCOLOR Radeon 9600PRO R96A-C3N Video Card 8x DDR 128mb. My fan on my card is making so much noise and i want to buy a new one. What kind can i use? I had a friend build my computer from scratch but now i don't keep in contact with him. What kinds will fit my computer? What kind should i get?|||We need more information.

Please tell me your entire computer specs from beginning to end. Specifically, we need:

The Powers Supply


The Motherboard and Slot type|||It all depends on what uses u have for your computer. If you are a massive gamer (liek i am) you MUST buy the NVidia 200 series cards. They may be a bit pricey but its all worth it when you notice how much quicker your multimedia and games run.

By the way, it's not the card that makes it noisy. If i were u, i'd buy a liquid cooling system to keep the whole computer at a steady temperature.|||That's an AGP 8x card. If it's using that card you most likely don't have a pci express slot. Here's some AGP cards, the HD 4650 is probably one of the best you can use.…

Can i change my video card in a hp invent laptop?

the reason why i ask is because i just got it and i installed it became a member of it. i run it and after 10 seconds it crashes telling me that to reinstall directX or get a new video card. can anyone help me??????|||Directx…|||you can't change the display device in a laptop

In a 256MB video card, what is the required screen refresh rate of the monitor??

I usually used a 60 hertz of rate but my eyes get flickered every time I used the monitor, I just like to ask what is the suggested or required screen rate for an 256MB ram video card|||well i have a 22" inch wide screen, and set the refresh rate to 75.....really ya dont have to do this, as at even 60 on a lcd theres no flicker.......ctr flicker alot at 60 and under, i used to run my crt at 75, and never had a problem w/flicker...256mb of ram has nothing to do w/flickering.........scott|||Sounds like you've spent too much time at the monitor. Take more frequent breaks.... also your Video Card doesn't determine the refresh rate allowance. How fast your monitor can refresh is up to your Monitor. Look up the Specs on your monitor. Also use the handbook that came with the monitor. Do not increase the refresh rate higher then what the monitor allows or you will burn it out.

What video card should I get?

I have a Dell Dimension 3000 and I want to upgrade the video card. How do I know which cards are compatible with it.

I'm just scared I'll get a card that wont fit into my computer.|||Just make sure the video card you get is a PCI card (aka, for a desktop PC since you have a desktop PC) and that you have the right operating'd probably need Windows 2000 or XP for the newer cards.

Don't be scared. Just buy it from circuitcity and if it doesnt work just say so and theyll return it, they always let me do that|||find out the what kind of slot it is and the ratings on your power supply . then go from there.|||look at your motherboard and see what kind of slots you have for it, if its made within the last 2 years then it should have a pci-e slot in it, but you are very likely gunna have to buy another power supply for a better card too, i suggest the 450w corsair…|||nVidia and ATI are both great brands for video cards, just make sure your PC has the right system requirements and you have the right port for it on your motherboard (normally AGP)|||CircusFr.. is right - you need a PCI videocard, not PCI-E or AGP!!!

(I've actually opened specs of Dimension 3000 at Dell website.. only PCI slots available)|||Ya. Agree. its PCI, not PCI-e or AGP.

If you want to use this computer for gaming, you would be better off rebuilding it. You really need either agp (older technology) or pci-e (current technology) as a graphics interface for recent games in order to get the performance out of a video card. pci is a general slot that has no specific specification for graphics and hasn't really been used as a graphics standard for about 8 years since agp took over.

Your machine, because its a micro (small) motherboard was released without the capacity to upgrade graphics to agp, as it was really only designed for use with its own built in intel chipset.

Sorry I can't give you better news. If you are doing photo editing or something like that and thats the reason for the new card you will do ok with pci. For 3d rendering better off using pci-e or agp (motherboard).

Replacing a video card in a laptop?

I want to replace the video card in a Sony Vaio PCG-71315L Laptop.

It currently has an Intel HD Video Card.

I want to replace it with an ATI Radeon HD 5450 512MB GDDR2 PCI-E Video Card.

Will I need to worry about the card being too bulky to piece the laptop back together?|||The Intel HD card is integrated, meaning it is physically attached to the laptop's motherboard. This type of card is not replaced; rather, a new card is added in an additional slot (in PCs, anyway,) which laptops lack. So, simply put, there is no place to put a new dedicated card in your laptop, and even if you were to take the frame apart, there would be no PCI interface to actually link it to the rest of the laptop's systems. That being said, even a Laptop with a dedicated card installed at purchase is all but impossible to switch. Pretty much, you're stuck with the hardware the Laptop has to begin with besides the RAM.|||Laptop computers are popular with people of all computing habits, from casual users to hardcore gamers. As more media applications such as games and movies are used by laptop owners, many people feel the need to have the video card in their laptop upgraded so that they can run the latest media and games. If you have a laptop and want to upgrade the video card, you may be able to do so.


Contact your laptop manufacturer to determine if laptop's video card can be upgraded. Unless you purchase a high-end or gaming laptop, the video card is usually not upgradable because it is integrated directly into the motherboard of the computer. Higher-end and gaming laptops have discrete video cards that can oftentimes be upgraded if the laptop manufacturer chose to produce an upgraded model of the video card. If the laptop is unable to have its video card upgraded, you'll have to buy a new laptop to get an upgraded video card.


Purchase an upgraded video card directly from the manufacturer. Laptop video cards are specially designed and made by the laptop manufacturers and are generally available only from the manufacturers themselves. You may be able to find them on auction sites or from third-party dealers, but to ensure that the card works properly with your laptop model, you should go through your computer manufacturer.


Find out if the card is user-serviceable or not. If it is, you will be sent the part and can install it yourself by taking apart the laptop computer, removing the old video card and putting the new one in. If not, then you may have to pay an additional fee to have the laptop manufacturer send a technician to install the video card for you.

How can I tell what kind of video card slot my computer has?

Because I am looking to update my graphics card and want to know what card I should buy.

Also the computer is an eMachines T2885.

Any help is appreciated.|||The manual will tell you what its got. If you dont have the manual, download it from the manufacturers website.|||I did some research and it looks like he has an AGP slot. So any Radeon or GeForce AGP card will be good.

Adam|||From your desktop, click on Start, Programs, Accessories, System tools, then System Info. This area will tell you everything you'll ever want to know about your system. Larry|||right click on the descktop and the last one and then advanced|||Go to "Start" then "Control Panel" Be sure you are looking at the Classic View and click on "System" Click on "Hardware" and it will show you all the hardware on your computer.

Upgrading computer processor and video card?

My current processor is the Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU Q 740@ 1.73GHz 1.73GHz.

Also I'm thinking of upgrading the Video Card, the one I have now is the NVIDIA GeForce GT425M.

I'm thinking of upgrading so that I can play some games.

Thanks!|||the video card is hard to find a replacement better than this and compatible with your laptop. and even if u find it will be very expensive. about the cpu you can easily find a new and better cpu also expensive. if u still want to upgrade something, upgrade the cpu. i recommend that.

EDIT: here is a list on amazon of your supported cpu to buy…|||Depends if your MOBO can handle sandy bridge which it prolly doesnt

What brand of card are you getting id suggest an EVGA based system ASUS fries like nothing

you gotta get the right MOBO for the brand of CPU youre getting the sandy bridge mobos are usually 150+ on Newegg

unless youre looking to only slightly upgrade your system i suggest a new computer alltogether|||Either your screwing with us or your serious..

If you are serious. No need to upgrade. If you have 4gb of RAM or less, I suggest you upgrade to more.

If your screwing with us, have a good life.|||Thanks for letting us know.|||I agree. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the rest of us.

Is it possible to upgrade my laptop's video card?

I have a Toshiba Satellite L505D-S5992 and I was wondering if I would be able to upgrade the video card on my laptop so I could run newer games like Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2. If not, any other options of making gaming better without upgrading the video card?

Here's the link to my laptop description:|||No and its not wort it , if will be a desktop you might able to do upgrade, better buy a new one. Good luck

Is there another way to substitute a video card?

i do not have the money to buy a video card and it limits my gaming experience. pls help|||Video card driver update and get the latest directx version for your system. Lowering the screen resolution will help.

Also, going to the games web site to see if they have any patches that will help improve your graphic experience. Sometimes it's not the video card that is at fault but the program itself, so check to see if they have any patches for the games graphics or anything related to it.|||All you can do is update your drivers. That can add some benefit but at the base level you are limited by the ability of the card itself.|||Another suggestion for you is to lower the resolution and the video settings on the game's options. This should make for smoother game play and less Lag.

Can I run a PCIe 2.0 x16 video card in a normal PCIe x16 slot?

II was just looking at video cards I wanted to buy and I've noticed that they are "PCIe 2.0 x16" video cards. Now, my computer has a PCIe x16, which I'm assuming is 1.0, video card slot. Can I still get away with buying a PCIe 2.0 x16 video card and run it in my PCIe x16 slot? If so, does it affect the video cards graphical performance at all?|||Yes. The 2.0 spec is faster than the older PCIe x16 slot, so there is less bandwidth available to you, but the cards are backwards compatible. This may or may not translate to a performance hit, but the cards will work.…|||Yes, you can. However, you will only get performance of a pci-e 1.0 slot. SO your are not getting the full performance that your card could provide.

How do I update my video card? Easy ten points?

My video card is an Intel(R) 82915G/GV/910GL Express Chipset Family and is not powerful enough for games like, The sims 2/3 to run. I tried updating it, but it said that this was the latest version. I checked the system info as well, and it said that I have Directx 9.0c. How can I update my card/How will I know if it will be compatible with the system?|||Well is your computer a desktop or laptop. If it's a laptop then you can't upgrade it. If it's a desktop then you can buy a video card and install it. The only thing you need to know is the type, Either PCI-E or AGP, but not knowing what you have it also could be a PCI card that's needed.

When you ask questions like this you need to give your computer specs and brand.

Good luck|||You need to find out if you have a AGP or a PCI-E interface available.

This is only possible if you are using a desktop not a laptop.

When you find that out search best buy or amazon or ebay for a AGP or PCI-E card (depending on what you have)

then make sure it will run the games. a good card today will cost about $140-250 it is a very simple install.

here is good guide to it all…|||You can't update the card, you can only update the driver. If it's not powerful enough for your games now, it never will be. All you can do is buy a new video card that meets the requirements of your games. But make sure you're buying one that your motherboard will support. But your card looks like it's integrated, I'm not even sure you can replace it, although you might still be able to put a new one as a second card, if you motherboard has a slot for it. The easiest thing to do is just buy a new computer.|||Okay I think what you really mean is upgrade. You already said that it is not working with The Sims 2 or The Sims 3 (Good choice in games!) even though drivers are all updated.

Well here's the thing, to know what type of video card you need, I need to know what motherboard you have, (or at the very least the full model name of your computer) so that I can know what type of slot you have (PCI, AGP, PCI Express, PCI Express 2.0) so that I can make some recommendations for reasonably priced video cards that will allow you to play your Sims games.|||to use your pc for games just buy new AGP card and install in your pc by disabling onboard VGA in BIOS.To know the compatability check features of the card.|||That's not a video card, that's build in to the computer's motherboard. Depending on what type of computer you have, old, new, laptop, you may or may not be able to get a new video card. If your computer is like mine, a Dell Dimension 8200, then you'll need and AGP graphics card. If your computer is newer, like a Dell XPS 730x, you'll need a PCI-E card. It just depends on your motherboard's specs.

What is the perfect video card that can play the total war games flawlessly?

i just want to know a great video card that can play any total war game without any problems|||Unfortunately it's not that easy.. You have to supply us with your Motherboard type, the type of RAM you use, processer etc.. Then I could narrow it down to a compatible graphics card.|||pretty much any video card.

Does a video card help youtube?

I was planning to get a new video card to play some games but i want a couple more reasons to get one, does it help youtube load faster? and does it help pictures on websites load faster? |||Unless you have a 10 year old computer or video card it will not help you out with YouTube. If you want the videos on YouTube to load faster you have to get a faster Internet connection.|||No but it does help with sweet german shizer porn.

How can I check the video card I have?

How can I check what video card I have in my computer, i wanna install a new game but I don't know if it's gonna work.|||you click start, click run, type "dxdiag," and click display.|||If you have windows Vista: Right click my computer, properties, device manager, display adapter (it will give you what type video card you have installed).|||start, run, msinfo32

will tell you...

Would a video card reduce my lag on WoW?

Will a £50-£100 video card reduce the lag on World of Warcraft on my computer?|||what video component are you using now? what card are you looking at buying for 50-100? I would say a minimum of a GeForce 6200 would be a safe bet.

How big of an upgrade in performance will I see in a dual video card and a physics accelerator?

To mention that I am an online, frequent gamer. I just purchased a Dell XPS 630 and went with dual nVidia GeForce 8800 GT 512MB plus an AGEIA PhysX physics accelerator card. I have the Quad-Core Q6600 (8 MB, 2.4) as my processor. Does anyone have any ideas of what kind of performance I can expect?|||You should be getting amazing, top of the notch performance, (I.E. if you play Crysis, with max settings but AA off you should get at least 50 fps which is saying a lot)

Which Is best graphic card for Video editing ATI Or NVIDIA ?

My Pc configration. motherboard P5KVM, Core2 Quad 2.4ghz, 2 gb ram 800mhz, 550 wt supply, 2 TB HDD 7200 rpm. plz suggest me which is best latest graphic card for video editing & why ?|||the video card used to have little to do with it.

most editors only use the fancy features to

allow REALTIME effect like transitions.

in other words you drop in a transition and you can preview immediately

without clicking the render button to make the video.

any good 2d card will be great, but.....

there are now a few editors that can make use of the GPU more aggresively

some editors that wont work properly

without a GPU with directX11 support as they may force the system to

utilise the GPU. This is because we are moving towards everything being HDMI

and Blu-Ray and DisplayPort. These features are Naturally already supported

in the Newer Graphics cards which now have more and more features

built in. And this is DRIVEN by the VIDEO format you are CAPTURING


so the GPU does matter if you are right up to date with latest video content.

and you have paid for the latest video editor capable of utilising the content

features. 3D being the most obvious example.

so the best card is only best if it supports the newest features. it is not

best by being more powerful.|||Get the GeForce GTX 580. It's currently the best.:…|||For video-editing, you typically want a card that focuses on the 2D technologies instead of the 3D rendering. You won't really gain from getting a higher-end desktop card, which are geared towards rendering pretty 3D graphics fast.

I suggest you take a look at some lower-end professional-grade graphics cards, i.e. nVIDIA Quadro or ATI FireGL. They may offer more output features and accuracy, etc.

Does making a HD video require a good graphics card?

I've been trying to make my videos for youtube HD by watching the tutorials online. I do every step right but doesn't work. So I was wondering If I needed a better graphics card.|||You don't need anything high end. A GeForce GT220 or Radeon HD 4650 only cost $50 and can handle HD video just fine.|||For just HD Video alone an Nvidia GT 430, GT 220, ATI Radeon HD 5570, 5670 would do fine. However this will also require to have a decent PSU. if you have at least a 350 watt PSU at the moment you dont have to worry about anything. but for these ones i suggested only.

However if your doing HD Video Rendering and editing you'll want something a little more powerful. like Nvidia GTS 450 and whatnot.|||yes . .it would be better to have a good PC who performs well .

How would this Video Card handle GTA IV?

How would this Video Card handle GTA IV?…

This is the computer i would use it on:…|||The HD 5570 is not a very fast graphic card. I would not recommend it for GTA IV. I've read so much about GTA IV lagging on the best systems built by people. GTA IV is a very resource hungry game. It requires a fast CPU as well as GPU.

It also depends upon at what resolution you intend to play this game. If you're planning to play at 1280 X 1024, then it might work well. But playing at 1920 X 1080 or beyond would be a challenge.

You should go for HD 5700 or 5800 series for this game with an equally matching CPU like Core i5 or AMD Phenom II X6 1055T.|||Since the recommended settings for GTA 4 are for a video card with 512 MB ram, and let's say about 2,5 GB RAM, and considering the computer you linked to having good specs,

you should easily play on high settings on a very good resolution.

( the card supports Maximum Digital Resolution 2560x1600 / Maximum VGA Resolution 2048x1536 ) so at least the full HD 1920x1080 is guarantee to run at best quality.|||You Should have no issues with this setup.

I run a similar system and i have GTA IV running on Medium to high graphic settings.|||Yes.

Sims three help, What is a video card?

For my sims 3 it will not let me play because it says that my video card "does not support shader model 2". What does this mean, and how do i fix it?|||A video card is an actual computer chip type thing inside your computer that runs the 3D graphics in a game, and on the internet.

Sadly the only way to fix this is to either get a new computer, or buy new parts for it, which is probably more than just the video card to get the game to run fine.

The easiest thing to do would just be to get a newer computer, because what this is telling you is your video card, and possibly other things inside your computer, are too old/outdated to run the game.

Hope i helped, though this isnt happy news.

Geforce 9600 gso video card compatible with inspiron 530 dell?

does this video card need addition power from the power supply? or will dells small wattage powersupply be enough? i wanna play street fighter with some decent graphics! i have a core duo 2.66 and 3 gigs of memory, so im guessing its my ati radeon 3600 thats the problem. thanks a lot!|||Minimum

OS: Windows XP

CPU: Intel Pentium 4 2.0GHz or higher

RAM: 1 GB or higher

HDD: 10 GB of free space or more

Video Card: DirectX 9.0c/Shader3.0 or higher compatible, NVIDIA GeForce 6600 series, ATI Radeon(TM) X1600 or higher or higher, VRAM :256MB or higher

Sound: DirectSound compatible, DirectX 9.0c (or higher) compatible

Input Devices: Mouse, Keyboard


OS: Windows Vista

CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.0 GHz or higher

RAM: 2 GB or higher

HDD: 10 GB of free space or more

Video Card: DirectX 9.0c/Shader3.0 or higher compatible, NVIDIA GeForce 8600 series or higher, ATI Radeon(TM) X 1900 or higher, VRAM :512MB or higher

Sound: DirectSound compatible, DirectX 9.0c (or higher) compatible

Input Devices: Gamepad - Xbox 360 Controller for Windows

Your power supply is definitely a problem.

Best your going to get:



assuming you have 18 amps on the 12V.

Can I Put ddr4 or 3 RAM in my mobo with ddr2 video card?

Can I Put ddr4 or 3 RAM in my mobo with ddr2 video card?

I want to buy RAM but ddr3 and ddr4 are only available in our town..

I have Nvidia 9500GT 1gb which is ddr2 and pci-e.. can I use them at the same time?|||Doesn't EVER matter what ram is available in your town, what does matter is what your computer's motherboard will support!

Plus DDR4 Sdram isn't out yet. Isn't due out until 2012.

This is for a desktop computers system resources.

If you're talking about Graphics Card ram, you can use a graphics card with GDDR5 ram. Doesn't matter!

Let me explain.

A graphics card has it's own processor and ram. GPU or Graphics Processing Unit, is the processor. It runs independent of the computer system resources. (Processor and Ram memory)

Anything higher than DDR2 ram for a graphics card, starts with a G. GDDR3, GDDR4, and GDDR5. When a graphics card states it has GDDR2 for graphics ram, this is a misnomer.

"GDDR3 is now commonly used in modern graphics cards and some tablet PCs. However, further confusion has been added to the mix with the appearance of budget and mid-range graphics cards which claim to use "GDDR2". These cards actually use standard DDR2 chips designed for use as main system memory. These chips cannot achieve the clock rates that GDDR3 can but are inexpensive enough to be used as memory on mid-range cards."…


Do not mix two different graphics cards as you have stated. It won't work.






What is the best video card I can get for my computer?

Price range $50-$150 dollars.



TOSHIBA L755-s5365



Intel core i5-2430M CPU @ 2.40GHz 2nd generation


4.00 GB

Video Card-

Intel HD 3000


....... IDK I could'nt figure that one out :/


windows 7 64bit

Please help ....|||It's a laptop, it is impossible to change a graphic card on a laptop.|||You cant upgrade,that laptop has no Pcie slot for graphics.

Your stuck with Intel graphics|||This is the BEST under 150…|||You can get a 6770

GTX 560


How do you figure out if it's the video card or the monitor thats is not working?

i see no light inside the monitor and no heat coming out but the tech from my internet provider said it was the video card and i don't wanna buy a new monitor if it's not the problem, the monitor is 3 years old.|||If you know the monitor does not turn on, that's most likey the problem, your Internet provider is just that, they deal with the Internet, not a pc technician, replace your monitor, you'll be good to go.|||Try getting your hands on another monitor just to test.|||I like the idea of getting another monitor to test and see if it works but many monitors have a self test that they do when they start up. If your monitor is ok but the power switch is not working then that would be the thing to fix. It's important to make sure everything is plugged in and turned on. I would think the Device Manager for Windows would indicate a problem if the video card wasn't working properly. Right click on My Computer and select properties and form there you can get to Device Manager.

Can I use a mobile intel series express chipset family video card and get an HD picture using an HDMI cable?

I have a Dell inspiron laptop with the above mentioned video card in it. THe issue I am having is that I got an HDTV for christmas and the laptop only has a VGA output. is it possible for me, using the hardware that I already have to but an adapter and an HDMI cable and get an HD picture on my monitor without having to buy a really expensive converter?|||Yes that should be easily possible, all you need is a VGA to HDMI adapter like this one…

Please Help!! Can someone tell me if this video card is compatible?

I have an E-Machines t6216 AMD athlon 64 2.0Ghz / 128mb onboard video card with turbocache now at 256mb / 2.0gb DDR SDRAM 333mhz / PCI Express X16. I am wanting to purchase a XFX GeForce 8400 GS / 256MB DDR2 / Supporting 512MB with TurboCache / PCI Express / DVI / VGA / HDTV / Video Card

And was wondering if it would be compatible. I was unsure since the video card is DDR2 and mine is DDR SDRAM if I would still be able to share in turbocache?|||yes it is.

Your motherboard is PCI-E

and that Geforce is PCI-E also

Where can i download a video card for windows xp?

OK so i went on the website (… and checked if my computer could play TES:Oblivion. It says i need a new video card, is there anyway i can download one for free that will allow me to play? thank's :) x|||video cards can't be installed via the have to take the case apart and install them in your motherboard.

Do I need to upgrade my Video Card?

My current video card is only 32MB and am thinking I need to upgrade slightly by getting a used (or new if they still sell them) 64MB card. My card is a nVIDIA RIVA TNT2 64(HP) that came installed in my HP Pavilion model 7955.

My computer's power supply is only 200 watts and a lot of video cards call for a minimum of 250 watts.

Any suggestions?|||If you work your power supply too hard it will die, and when it dies it might just brown out, or it can take your whole computer with it. (A friend just experinced this, his power supply went, and took his motherboard and CPU with it.)

I *STRONGLY* recommend not running your power supply at it's limit. If the video card calls for a 250, install a 300. Also, be careful about other hardware upgrades. Every time you install a new hard drive, or DVD-Drive, that uses up more power. You're power supply is old, don't stress it out ;)

If you're in the market for a new power supply or video card, check out , they have really good prices.|||As long as you buy a video card that does not require its own power supply (like a fan) it should be OK. I would consider upgrading the power supple to 300 watts as well.

Will this video card work with my computer?

I have a five year old gateway 838gm computer that has windows xp media center edition installed on it. For the past two years it has been going really slow and so i upgraded my RAM well now my pc is faster but the graphics suck. could i use this video card in my system? All help greatly appreciated!

-|||I'm going to go ahead and say no.

1) Your power system is probably not good enough

2) Even if it was, you do not need such an amazing graphics card. Get a more mid-range one.

3) A computer is only as fast as its slowest component. If you've upgraded the RAM and graphics card, the CPU is still 5 years old. The CPU is slowing all of your expensive hardware down.

If I were you, I would simply buy a new case, new motherboard & power supply (companies like Gateway & Dell do not have standard size motherboards and PSU's) and just have a fully custom computer. That way you can upgrade more easily. Also, you might want to upgrade your CPU and buy a more mid-range graphics card. Chances are your CPU is out of date and no longer supported socket type.|||need the specifications of your motherboard.

but if this is the computer you are talking about:……

the card you chose uses "PCI Express 2.1 x16"

your motherboard has PCI Express 1.0. Most 2.1 graphic cards are backwards compatible. Which means you can use the card but it will not perform to its best abilities.

I would recommend just get a newer computer, you can re-use some of the old parts.|||Physically yes, but the system might benefit from a firmware upgrade.

The 838GM has 1 PCIe 16x slot.

However, the recommended minimum power supply is 500W. I could not determine what the 838GM has as a stock PS.

What would be the best video card for me? (pc info inside)?

I have a HP a730n, right now I've got a Radeon 9250 pci, but I'm ready to upgrade to a pci-e. My computer only has a 300 output wattage though, and most video cards require a 350 watt minimum. Any suggestions on what card to buy, or a solution to upping my wattage?|||Well you have two options, one of them being: A new power supply with more wattage. However Wattage is not the only important thing in a power supply, you also have to look at Amps on the 12v+ rail(s) having more than one rail is a good thing, and higher end power supplies have 4, with 10-28 amps on each rail. That being said, I don't think you need a Humongous power supply just for a video card, unless you are planning on going top of the line, which would be a Nvidia Geforce 8800GTX (until ATI releases the R600 series) the G80 chips are power hungry, but if you look at and look for video cards, the recommended wattage is almost always stated in the Specifications. You are looking somewhere in the 6800GT - 7600GT range as far as having only 300 watts. If you do decide to upgrade your Power supply, keep in mind that cheaper is bad, power supplies are an area people skimp on all to often, and its a volatile part of a computer that deserves to be quality, companies like: thermaltake, antec, PC power and cooling, enermax, and a few others make very good, very well rated power supplies. Hope this info helps!|||i have the same pc,the 7600gt will work on a 300watt power supply, i bought it about six months ago and it works great.

but you can buy a 500watt power supply from for cheap and if you want the video card to last you buy a nvidia 8800

good luck

Upgrading video card driver problem help?

So i posted a question before why my video card was lagging so i am going to ask another questions: I am trying to upgrade the driver using the driver downloaded from the ATI website. When i try to install it, it says : cannot find a setup suitable for your OS. I am using a window xp profession 32bit and i downloaded my driver from the xp/professional section. so what's the problem?|||REWRITE THIS QUESTION I NEED THE GRAPHICS CARD MODEL




Is there a PCI Express Video card that requires little power wattage?

im looking to buy a video card for my pc im looking in the price range of 30-60$

i have a low power supply which has i think 250 watts, is there any card out that will run with a low power supply, please help. Links appreciated|||These graphics cards consume less than 50 watts:…………

I installed the geforce 9500 gt 1gb low profile video card, with my 160w power supply, will i have problems?

I installed the geforce 9500 gt 1gb low profile video card, with my 160w power supply, will i have problems? its a HP slimline s3620f.|||160w seems very low for a desktop computer these days.

400w would seem to a minimum, 500w or 600w (as is mine) would be better. I also have a Geforce video card and work it pretty hard.

Too small a power supply can cause lots of problems from loss of performance to overheating to system failures as I know from experience.

Good power supplies are not so expensive and easy to install.|||4 things can happen

your graphic card will work normal but it will not be able to perform full power cause its not getting enough power outta your psu

your graphic card works but when you try to play some high demanding game that starts to crank your graphic card up, your computer may shut off any other things using power off your cpu to give the power to your graphic card, such as your hard drive or comp monitor resulting in a blank screen or a blue screen of death

your graphic card just wont work at all and your comp wont boot up with it

or your graphic card will work like normal but because it is over stressing your psu so much, your psu will overwork itself and has high probability of breaking on you causing it to fry your entire comp(this tends to happen with the crappier brand power supplies as brand name such as corsair or silver stone strider psu are very durable)

if your psu is a raidmax brand id highly suggest replacing it as fast u can as they have terrible reputation for destroying comps when overloaded|||With 160W, I would say so. That isn't much, less than half the recommended rating, which is only or high quality PSU's, which your HP isn't.|||I would go with a higher wattage like a 600w

Can I change the video card on my laptop?

My laptop is an HP Pavillion Dv5. I really want to change the video card for a better one, because, quite frankly this one kinda fails xD|||You could look up in the HP website under Support for hardware upgrades. There seems to be an issue with the video card and found few websites trying to resolve it !!!…

Alternatively, if your laptop has passed the warranty period and you have a source for a better video card with the same pin configuration then you could replace it yourself or with the help of a computer repair place. If this is an onboard video card which is integrated in the motherboard then it could be an issue that has to be fixed using softwares only.

What does "Integrated video is not available if a graphics card is installed" mean?

I was looking at my motherboard when i noticed this in the video section

Does that mean I cant install a different graphics card or something?!?|||It means just that.

Your onboard integrated video will be disabled if you install a new graphics card.

Only the new card you get will be working. so that the computer isn't wasting its time using both video processors.|||Yes, you can install a different graphics card. That just means once you install a card, the graphics chip that is built in to your motherboard becomes disabled and uses the new one.