Monday, May 7, 2012

Steps on how to reset my video card?

when i turn on my cpu it beeps 1 long and 3 short beeps.according to this yahoo answers its either my video card or how can i sure that the problem is my video card?|||I was typing an answer, but Ded's advice is spot on, so suggest you go with his/her suggestions.|||Take the video card out and see if it boots.|||If your motherboard has integrated graphics, you can switch to them.|||If you have multiple memory sticks, remove one by one and see if the peeps still are there. If not, then the memory module you removed was the problem.

Also, you can download the memtest86 application (use google to find it) and test your memory. This way you can make sure it is the memory or not.

As for the Video card. Is it a separate video card or is it integrated in the motherboard?

If it is seperate, try the one that is onboard by just unplugging the video card.

If it is integrated, see if you can get an other pci video card you can test and disable the onboard video in the bios settings.

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