Monday, May 7, 2012

Can a 2.4GHz processor handle 4gbs of RAM and possibly a new video card?

Would the processor be able to use all 4gbs of RAM? Right now I have 512mbs of RAM with four 128mb RAM cards. Also I want to upgrade my video card.|||Yeah, but windows won't, unless you're running a 64-bit version.

I'm guessing you're using a Pentium 4 with DDR (or maybe even SDRAM) RAM, and most likely an AGP slot for graphics. If so, you are best off buying a new motherboard+CPU+RAM+graphics card as no recent graphics cards use an AGP slot, and DDR ram is very hard to find and is very expensive.

If you want to play new games, then you have no choice to upgrade everything, if you just want to watch videos/listen to music/surf the web then I would suggest buying two 512mb sticks of RAM. This will make the system feel a lot snappier and more responsive. And if you also want to play some older games that aren't too graphics heavy then you could also upgrade your graphics card.

If I guessed wrong about your system, then pretty much all of what I just said is irrelevant though, sorry!|||That depends on what your motherboard will support.....not your processor.|||I think yes if your motherboard will support !|||Not sure about the graphics card but normally motherboard can handle 1x(number of slots) of ram - unless it is very new.

So a 4 slot can take 4GB and a 3 slot 3GB etc.

However the MOST important thing is can you use it.

32bit editions of Windows can only see and use 3GB ram max.

You need a 64bit OS (Vista64, XP64) in order to be able to use it all.

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