Monday, May 7, 2012

What video card should I get?

I have a Dell Dimension 3000 and I want to upgrade the video card. How do I know which cards are compatible with it.

I'm just scared I'll get a card that wont fit into my computer.|||Just make sure the video card you get is a PCI card (aka, for a desktop PC since you have a desktop PC) and that you have the right operating'd probably need Windows 2000 or XP for the newer cards.

Don't be scared. Just buy it from circuitcity and if it doesnt work just say so and theyll return it, they always let me do that|||find out the what kind of slot it is and the ratings on your power supply . then go from there.|||look at your motherboard and see what kind of slots you have for it, if its made within the last 2 years then it should have a pci-e slot in it, but you are very likely gunna have to buy another power supply for a better card too, i suggest the 450w corsair…|||nVidia and ATI are both great brands for video cards, just make sure your PC has the right system requirements and you have the right port for it on your motherboard (normally AGP)|||CircusFr.. is right - you need a PCI videocard, not PCI-E or AGP!!!

(I've actually opened specs of Dimension 3000 at Dell website.. only PCI slots available)|||Ya. Agree. its PCI, not PCI-e or AGP.

If you want to use this computer for gaming, you would be better off rebuilding it. You really need either agp (older technology) or pci-e (current technology) as a graphics interface for recent games in order to get the performance out of a video card. pci is a general slot that has no specific specification for graphics and hasn't really been used as a graphics standard for about 8 years since agp took over.

Your machine, because its a micro (small) motherboard was released without the capacity to upgrade graphics to agp, as it was really only designed for use with its own built in intel chipset.

Sorry I can't give you better news. If you are doing photo editing or something like that and thats the reason for the new card you will do ok with pci. For 3d rendering better off using pci-e or agp (motherboard).

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