Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Do I need a new Video Card? If So, Where can I find one? What to buy?

I recently bought The Sims 2 Pets and was sad to learn it wasn't going to work on my computer because my graphics card wasn't up-to-date (I can't take the game back :( and I REALLY want to play it) I found a scrap video card off of an old computer, it was an ATI Rage Fury Pro, 128 PRO with 32MB memory. Can I get any sort of downloadable upgrade? Also, if I have to buy a new video card, is there any "superstore" that would offer one? (I have Office Depo, Best Buy, Hastings, WalMart, and CompUSA around my area). What video card would be the best to buy? And about How much does a GOOD card run for?

Thanks in advance for any help!|||You should really list some of your system specs in order to get decent advice.

You can pick up graphics cards at best buy fairly reasonably

Without knowing any of your system specs I would guess that this is about what you're looking for…

It runs on agp 4x or 8x so check with your motherboard to see what yours supports but it's a halfway decent card for a 100 bucks

There are higher priced cards for sure...they run upwards of 500 bucks...but no sense going for that if your running it on a modest setup to begin with.|||Go with LinkSys. Visit

Good luck and Happy Computing!|||i got mine at comp usa becuase they offerd a rebate it was like 70 bucks aftwer rebate. look for one that is lease 128 ddr2 and thats all you need and you should be able to run that game really well.

another factor is ram if you dont have good ram then the card wont help that much|||Ya you need a new one. That old one will not cut it. Best buy, Circuit city, compusa, will all have them. Look at the box of the game and it should show you some minimum requirements, take these requirements to the store and they will show you the correct card to get. $100 and under should be good for that game, most likely $50. Before you go in though you want to find out if you have an AGP slot in you computer. If you do, get that type of card, if not get a PCI graphics card.|||You can go to and search for video cards there. Then you will have to order online.

I would recommend one with atleast 128MB of video RAM. But many people like better ones that can run better games.

Good luck!|||As a fellow sims 2 player, I have to agree with everyone else, you need a new graphics card. The game really pushes my 256mb ddr3 card , I can only imagine it on a 32! You should scrap that card and pick up a new one. You can try Best buy, compusa, but is where I get most of my parts. I have an ATI x700 PCI express. I'm happy with it. The nvidias are also great cards. Probably going to run you a coulpe hundred bucks for a good one.

Happy gaming|||Yes, you need a new video card to play that game. I doubt there's any driver update that will allow you to use that one.

Personally, I use for all my computer part needs. Awesome prices, selection, and delivery time. You will literally pay double if you go to a retail chain like Best Buy or Office Depot.

I prefer Nvidia cards, but a lot of people still swear by ATI. You could get something like a GeForce FX5200 for 32 bucks here:…

It's not top of the line, like it won't play FarCry on the highest resolution settings, but it will handle the Sims no problem.|||You can't download an upgrade to a video card anymore than you can download something to make your monitor bigger; it's hardware so what you've got is what you've got, you need to buy a new one.||| is the place to go. But you need to find out if the computer can even handle a new video card. Like if it has a PCI-E slot, AGP slot, or just PCI slots.

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