Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Why does my new video card make my PC crash?

I am pretty good with computers, inside and out, and bought an ATI Raedeon 9200 AGP video card for my PC. I intalled the hardware correctly and installed the software correctly. It started up fine and runs all applications totally fine, except World of Warcraft. When I play WoW my computer will restart itself, sometimes after 30 minutes, sometimes after 30 seconds. I have downloaded every driver known to man for my motherboard chipset, for the video card, and I have talked with WoW tech support. It is not just this video card, I bought another ATI Raedeon when this one didn't work and I had the same problem. WTF?|||i would check to see if anything in your computer is overheating.

maybe from dust buildup or insufficient fans.|||check your agp aperature in BIOS and see if its needed.. Otherwise see if your card meets requirements...|||maybe WoW just overloads the video card and that causes the computer to restart. Try lowering your graphics settings.|||your video card is taking up too much voltage therefor causing a decrease of voltage in the rest of the system. you may need a mre powerful power supply unit. check the specs on your current power supple unit. check to see the total watt output. if it is below 500 W, upgrade your PSU.

the graphics card itself wouldn't cuase the system to restart, but under the conditions of if it were faulty, there would be a possibility. but not in this case.

Your particular video card is plug and play, so when it was installed windows automatically detected the settings, so do not touch the bios setting.|||Sounds like your BIOS needs to be tuned for the AGP speed or your AGP aperture is set wrong.|||I don't think its the video card, the vid card is on the supported list and the likelyhood that you got too bad cards is hard to believe. You most likely have a corrupted WOW file or a corrupted cache file.. WOW has a utility to check your installations files also try following the directions to delete your cache files


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