Monday, May 7, 2012

Will this video card work with my computer?

I have a five year old gateway 838gm computer that has windows xp media center edition installed on it. For the past two years it has been going really slow and so i upgraded my RAM well now my pc is faster but the graphics suck. could i use this video card in my system? All help greatly appreciated!

-|||I'm going to go ahead and say no.

1) Your power system is probably not good enough

2) Even if it was, you do not need such an amazing graphics card. Get a more mid-range one.

3) A computer is only as fast as its slowest component. If you've upgraded the RAM and graphics card, the CPU is still 5 years old. The CPU is slowing all of your expensive hardware down.

If I were you, I would simply buy a new case, new motherboard & power supply (companies like Gateway & Dell do not have standard size motherboards and PSU's) and just have a fully custom computer. That way you can upgrade more easily. Also, you might want to upgrade your CPU and buy a more mid-range graphics card. Chances are your CPU is out of date and no longer supported socket type.|||need the specifications of your motherboard.

but if this is the computer you are talking about:……

the card you chose uses "PCI Express 2.1 x16"

your motherboard has PCI Express 1.0. Most 2.1 graphic cards are backwards compatible. Which means you can use the card but it will not perform to its best abilities.

I would recommend just get a newer computer, you can re-use some of the old parts.|||Physically yes, but the system might benefit from a firmware upgrade.

The 838GM has 1 PCIe 16x slot.

However, the recommended minimum power supply is 500W. I could not determine what the 838GM has as a stock PS.

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