Wednesday, May 9, 2012

What's a good video card for gaming in Vista?

I'm not really sure how to pick a good video card.

One that could run games like Assassin's Creed.

Thanks.|||you did not give any info on your computer specs|||A GeForce 9800 series with at least 512mb of video memory would be perfect.|||If your running on an intel processor, then go with nvidia PCI-express X 16, go for at least 1gb. If you have and AMD processor, go with an ATI card !|||im not really sure so look it up and other games here

you can find out if your system can play this game.|||I have a HIS Radeon HD 4850 1GB(ICeQ4).It is best.i have vista and 2gb ram.

It is a very good card i can play assassins creed for 3 hours at 1400*900.It is better than Nvidia Geforce 9800gt.

It is a great card for the money.

Watch its videos at…

Its review…

It cost nearly about $130.

Please rate as best answer if you were satisfied with the information.

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