Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Which video card is better for my setup?

I have a Dell Inspiron 530 with a quad core and 2 gigs of ram - my current video card is 128MB ATI Radeon HD 2400 PRO - Frys has this: EVGA e-GeForce 6200LE 256MB for cheap - would you recommend? I am not trying to game - only to view movies, images, etc and maybe some hd content - any other suggestions would be acceptable also|||stick with ur setup, that 6200le is 4 gamers, save ur money 4 sumthin else, trust me, im a gamer and a certified tech|||Stick with the ATI out of those 2, the 6200LE is not Directx 10 - not worth getting.

Get at least an 8 series ( like 8600) if you are going to make a change

I would think the ATI you have runs the content you want?|||If you don't care about gaming, either card would be fine.|||Stick with your current card for simply watching video etc it is more than adequate for several reasons one is Direct X 10 support that 6200 le is a direct X9 card your current card already supports DX 10.

2 the reason it's so cheap is because it is cheap I would far from consider the 6000 series let alone an LE to be adequate for current titles in gaming.

3 I personally dislike fry's lol they are willing to tell you anything to make a sale.

But if your serious about a new card look to a value line 8000 series Nvidia such as the 8400 gs it has DX 10 support and clocks somewhat nothing magnificent but okay|||that card is worse than the card you have right now. i have the same dell as you, i got mine around christmas for 550 shipped so im guessing thats why you have one too. my recommendation is to get an nvidia 8600gt. probably the best card you can get to run on the stock psu.

all of your 8600gt options…

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