Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Is it possible to configure my computer with a second video card to support two more monitors?

I am currently using an NVidia Quadro FX500 video adapter that is supporting two monitors. I want to add two additional monitors to this configuration. Can I install a second display adapter to support two more monitors without the two cards interfering with each other...or what would be the suggested configuration to support a total of four monitors. (Each monitor will be displaying different applications.)|||Windows XP Pro will support up to four monitors. So go ahead and stick another card in.

Running four monitors will be a CPU resource hog, so I hope you have some horse power.|||You can do this...just make sure you have a free port to plug the video card into. There is only one AGP slot on a motherboard, but ther are multiple PCI slots, so you will probably have to get a PCI card if you aleardy have an AGP card installed.|||u can do it ,may be u can have two monitor attached to one card some of video cards have two port for two monitor look at it…

u can also have more card in ur pci port one in ur agp port ,but u must to know that ones that u put in ur pci port are just an old graphic cards that may be u can use them for show ur desktop or just video showing

u can also put newest vga cards in ur pci express extension if ur mother board has ,use many as ur mother board slots let

be success|||NO NO NO NO, you can not add another video card unless you buy a new computer basicly, because you need a Crossfire(ATi) or SLI(nVidia) motherboard and the right graphics cards to go with it, so, you cant.

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