Monday, May 7, 2012

Which is better, a Video card with 128mb memory, or a video card with up to 256 shared memory?

which is better in regards with game performance? let's say I have 1gb of memory. then I will have 128memory video card or a video card with up to 256 shared memory...|||dedicated is always better.. shared memory takes the memory from your RAM and leaves less for the system to run.|||128 mb.|||this depends on many other factors a better graphic card has

faster clock , faster memory and processors for AA for sampling etc check for shader model version and directx support version to compare video cards also Games require GPU's not just Video card

Good luck|||It depends on the speed of the memory and GPU, and the bandwith of the video card. Neither of these solutions are going to be adequate for modern games, probably. Try something like a Nvidia 7600 as a bare minimum.|||from my experience, shared memory is going to often hurt your system performance more than it will help your graphics's a trade-off you rarely win the previous poster said, nvidia geforce 7600 is a good starting might check out ATI as well, to see how their specs match up for the price...but overall, stick with these 2 and get a video card with 256MB minimum onboard for modern games...|||I would go with the 128mb of memory as this will be dedicated graphics memory therefore it will run faster. I agree with the other guy that something like the 7600 should be your base line for modern games. But it all depends on how much you want to spend and what games you play.

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