Monday, May 7, 2012

What kind of video card should i buy?

I use to have a POWERCOLOR Radeon 9600PRO R96A-C3N Video Card 8x DDR 128mb. My fan on my card is making so much noise and i want to buy a new one. What kind can i use? I had a friend build my computer from scratch but now i don't keep in contact with him. What kinds will fit my computer? What kind should i get?|||We need more information.

Please tell me your entire computer specs from beginning to end. Specifically, we need:

The Powers Supply


The Motherboard and Slot type|||It all depends on what uses u have for your computer. If you are a massive gamer (liek i am) you MUST buy the NVidia 200 series cards. They may be a bit pricey but its all worth it when you notice how much quicker your multimedia and games run.

By the way, it's not the card that makes it noisy. If i were u, i'd buy a liquid cooling system to keep the whole computer at a steady temperature.|||That's an AGP 8x card. If it's using that card you most likely don't have a pci express slot. Here's some AGP cards, the HD 4650 is probably one of the best you can use.…

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