Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Why do red blinking dots randomly appear on my computer screen and then my video card resets itself?

I recently bought a Gateway computer and then installed an ATI radeon X1600 Pro video card. Randomly red blinking dots randomly appear all over my screen, the screen freezes, then goes black, and goes back to normal. A window appears that says VPU has reset your graphics accelerator. This is really frustrating, I paid around $300 for this card when it first came out.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.|||It is a video card problem.|||Could be a bad video card or bad software load. Look for updated drivers, if non try reloading the drivers from the CD. If that does not work, take the card back and tell them your problem. Ask for either a refund or a new card.|||without actually seeing what the computer is doing I would suspect that the video card is incompatible with your computer.

If it runs fine for a couple of minutes then resets its probably your vpu overheating.|||This is indicative of a memory issue on the video card. Get it replaced by the manufacturer. If it is no longer covered under warranty, you can try seeing if the memory is replaceable, and also try downloading and installing a new driver for that video board for your OS.

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