Sunday, May 6, 2012

Do I need to upgrade my video card?

I have an old Dell Dimension 4400 and a friend gave me a new 19" widescreen monitor. The new monitor has both VGA and DVI inputs, and my computer has a Nvidia 64mg card with VGA and S-Video outs. My concern is that the new monitor's native resolution will over tax the 64 mg card and the computers 1gb of ram. I do not game or do any prof photography.|||You should be fine using the vga output of the card (vga supports up to 1900x1280 resolution, I believe). The higher resolution of your new monitor will make the video card work harder, but it should be capable of running normal tasks quite fine. Unless there is already a problem with your video card, the new monitor won't hurt it, but if you decide to install Vista or Windows 7, or run a game in the future, you would probably want a new video card.|||No. You'll be fine. Your old video card should be completely capable of displaying that monitor's native resolution.

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