Friday, May 4, 2012

Question for upgrading laptop video card?

So i own a gateway MX6650 laptop. It originally came with windows xp media center edition, but i upgraded it to windows 7 home premium. Apparently, my laptop does not support the aero affect on windows 7 (i would also like my windows to be clear). Which video card should i purchase. What other upgrades do you recommend i buy to maximize performance?|||It doesn't matter what you buy. It won't work in your laptop to begin with. When you buy a laptop, you get what you get for graphics and it can't be changed.|||I would not upgrade a video card in a laptop.... it would be best just to purchase a new laptop.. its going to be very expensive to do that and you do not have a guarantee that it will work with all apps. you might get it done but some time later you will be here asking "why does my windows act like this when the screen saver comes on?" im telling you... just buy a new pc or deal with the problems that the laptop you are using is giving... the arreo effect is not that great anyhow... its very cpu consuming..|||Hiya, unfortunately you can't upgrade a laptop video card. You can increase the ram which would give you a boost but the video card is a no go.|||you can't upgrade it, it is part of the motherboard...

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