Sunday, May 6, 2012

How can I download and use a new video card?

I have James Bond: Quantum of Solace, and it does not run good. My video card is not good enough. Mine is NVIDIA GeForce 6150SE nForce 430, and I needed at least NVIDIA GeForce 6600 128mb. If anyone knows anything about how to get one for free...and idk...if i need a certain driver to use it? give me help...please... Thank You!!|||no, see... You have to BUY it.. from best buy.. it is a physical piece of hardware... you cannot download it... it's like a green plastic card with some circuits on it. Free? not unless you rob the bestbuy.... which, is not a good idea!|||Video cards are *hardware*, actual tangible objects, so they cost money. You'd have to buy it either online or at a hardware store like Best Buy or CompUSA or something. Simply downloading a new *driver* (software) won't give you a better video card.|||LOL You will have to buy a new video card with at least those specs or higher for your game to play right and you will get the drivers in the package with it on a cd

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