Sunday, May 6, 2012

How do I know if a video card will work with my computer?

I'm looking through video cards and I came across one I like BUT I want to be sure it would work with my computer before I got off and buy it. here is what it says I need

425W PCI Express-compliant system power supply with a combined 12V current rating of 28A or more

Now how can I figure out all this information about my computer?|||compare the specs on the card to the specs on the power supply in your computer...

its very easy and just involes taking a look at the name plate on the power supply inside your machine.|||Compare the specs of the card to the specs on your computer. Simple.|||Check your mother board box if you still have it to see what kind of port the board comes with, if you have a newer kind then it mostly likely has PCI 2.0 or PCI express ports.

As for your the current rating check your power supply in the back of your box, (The PC). There should be a label on it with all the specs.|||read the moyherboard book|||really easy stuff. mother boards have 3 different video card slots

AGI - very short brown strip

PCI - long white strip

PCI express - long white strip with a gap then a small white strip.

you want to make sure your current video card slot has pci ex slot then your good. there is no other requirements for a video card

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