Sunday, May 6, 2012

I need help in purchasing a Video Card ?

I just upgraded my computer to this motherboard:…

I want to purchase a video card. Will this video card work in the above motherboard?…

If so, will it make a big difference in game speed and graphics?|||Definitely. Buy that card now- the 8600 is a solid card.

If you want ot buy right now, go for this:…

It's an 8600 GTS, more power than a GT, and it's actually $10 less than the other one, each after rebate. Buy it tonight, since rebates and prices change on video cards like none other. You'll be happy either way though, and you will definitely notice a huge difference.|||Yes good and go ahead.|||I would go with this…

It is better than the 8600 GTS, not by much, but when its newer and only $4 more it seems like an easy choice.

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