Friday, May 4, 2012

My computer keeps crashing because of my video card driver what can i do?

My video card is a ATI Radeon 9800pro. I downloaded the latest driver from and whenever i play a game it causes my computer to crash, what can I do?|||I had the same problems like you and it was very annoying I had an nvidia card and it kept crashing every 20 minutes and the problem I found was it was overheating very bad maybe your ati card is overheating the driver program should have a temperature monitor.|||check and see if the fans are running. same thing happened to me and my card was overheating. also if you just bought it make sure the power cable is connected to the back of the card. if that doesn't work then go with nvidia because I've had two of their cards and haven't had any problems|||Uninstall the driver you just downloaded and reinstall your old driver.

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