Sunday, May 6, 2012

What is effective memory on a video card?

If a video card says it has 256mb memory on board, and it has an effective memory 512mb does that mean it gets the rest from the memory installed on my motherboard.|||AFAIK, there is no such thing as "effective memory" except something invented by marketing that doesn't apply to "real world".

A search on google turns up no relevant hits for "effective video memory".

If you can provide a source for that comment I'll see what I can come up with.

CBF... provide a link to that card if it's available online. Repeating your question doesn't help me at all without any new details.|||I think you are referring to effective memory speeds. For DDR, the memory speed could be 200Mhz, but effective memory speed would be 400Mhz because DDR runs at double the bus speed.

Are we talking about onboard memory or video card memory? Your question is contradicting by saying "video card", yet you are talking about motherboards.

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