Friday, May 4, 2012

Which video card is good for 3d mmorpg games?

i dont rly know a whole lot about video cards so can ya help me out

which one is better for 3d mmorpg games

or which one is higher video card? (if that makes sense)

radeon x1300

radeon 9200

radeon 9550

geforce fx5500

and one more question, right now i have a Rage128 pro, if i get one of these other ones will they work on my computer? =D thx in advance!|||i have a geforce 8800 GT and it is cost around 200 but if your alittle short on money i would diffenently go with geforce fx5500|||radeon x1300

By the way i use a geforce 8800gts and it's great.

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