Friday, May 4, 2012

How do I install a video card?

I bought a video card on ebay and when I plug it in the PC the PC won't turn on and when I try to install the drivers with my old video card it says video card not supported for these drivers. So what am I supposed to do.|||Justin - you really need to give a whole lot more info - make & model of PC (or if home-built, mobo, CPU, PSU, OS and RAM) - if it is a hi spec video card, it may be that your PSU just cannot give enough juice - so pls tell us the wattage of the PSU, and exactly what card you are trying to use.|||Why would you try to use the drivers for the new card with the old video card? That card has its own drivers. If you have a new card. you need to install the drivers for that card. If this card is replacing the old one, you need to remove the old card's drivers.

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