Friday, May 4, 2012

Whats the best graphics card $500 can get me for video editing?

I just bought a new PC for video editing and need to upgrade my graphics card. I will be using Adobe programs. Whats the best card I can get for $500??? thanks|||Mainstream cards would be from the Nvidia Quadro or ATI FireGL range.

Don't go for any of the Geforce/Radeon type cards as these are tuned specifically for 3D application performance and don't perform well in 2D workstation roles.

There may be more specialist cards out there but Quadro and FireGL are a good starting point.|||Graphics cards arent really a necessity in video editing, the processor is much more important. But if you have the lastest CS5 then maybe something from the Nvidea Quadro range would suit your needs. They are made especially for this purpose.

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