Friday, April 27, 2012

Why doesn't my computer recognize my video card?

I have an HP a6110n desktop with a new power supply (480w), and my geforce 6100 wont even work in the comp. it worked on the last comp it was hooked up to. but this computer doesnt even acknowledge that it exists. i tried another video card on the same slot... same result. however, in a different slot, i have a wireless LAN card hooked up and it works great. but no luck on the video card.|||Do you have a drivers disk? If not, have you gone to the GeForce site and looked for one there?

In fact, here's the link:|||If this has an onboard video, you will need to disable that 1st... also some of those makes won't accept an add on card.|||did you go into the bios and set it to your video slot pci-e,agp etc.... if not check out the system specs make sure your motherboard chipset supports those video cards|||What is the purpose of putting an old 6100 card in a computer with Nvidia 6150 onboard graphics and a PCI-ExpressX16 graphics slot? Are you trying to run 2 monitors at the same time or something? If youre just trying to save the 128MBs of ram the onboard's reserving then you need to turn the onboard off in bios. I suggest you buy a decent PCI-ExpressX16 card thou. If thats a PCI video card that new computer may not give you the option to run PCI graphics.|||looks like you need to set the bios to disable the integrated graphics and use the PCI-e interface.|||Disable the on-board video.|||you need convert the format.

What is the best video card out there that gives me a good performance?

I want a ATI HD 5500+ 1gb GGDR 5, must be under 150$, and it must have a very good performance for gaming. I need a gaming card, i play WoW, Americas Army 3, Call of Duty, Ect, High Games. So someone out there will you help me???? I want ATI not that chineese Geforce Crap.|||Currently the biggest bang for the buck in your price range is the HD 5770. It's considerably better than an HD 5570 or (sorry IBMGuy) the HD 4850. System Requirements: 450 Watt or greater power supply with one 75W 6-pin PCI Express® power connectors recommended (600 Watt and two 6-pin connectors for ATI CrossFireX™ technology in dual mode)…………

Also FYI, both AMD (who owns ATI) and nVIDIA are California based companies.…|||Try and pick up the older Radeon 4850 or 4770 it will give much better performance than the 5500. There should still be a few knocking around.|||Well,

if you want to play games like AA3, COD4/5/MW2, Halo 2 Vista, Starcraft 2, or other games that need Hi-Preformance cards, Do yourself a Favor and buy the Nvidia GeForce Series, the 8400 GeForce runs games like Modern Warfare 2, Starcraft 2, and Left 4 Dead VERY smoothly.

If you want a Very High Performance card, Go for the gold and get a good ATI HD card, a good one costs around 120-150 United States Dollars (I have No idea where you live, so that's why I sound so Obvious) These aren't just for games. You're getting the a Good Performance online, or watching movies.

If you don't eat for a week, there are the very High-Priced State-Of-The-Art cards, that cost around 300-400 US dollars. Those are life-like.

When I buy a new video card, can i install it myself?

Like I'm buying this NVIDIA 9400GT video card, but i don't know if I can install it myself, does it have an instructions on how to install it?|||yea u can,

open your case

find the PCI-E slot (usually black)

take out the expantion slot cover with your screw driver

place your card in the slot

screw it down

turn on your comp

install your drivers

restart!!!!!|||It's really easy to install a graphic card. You just pluck it into the PCI E slot, and your good to go just install the drivers for it. Also make sure your statically grounded with a strap.

What Is the best processor and video card I can add to my MOBO?

Hello i have a GIGABYTE GA-K8NF-9 939 NVIDIA nForce4 4X ATX AMD Motherboard and was wondering what is the best processor and graphics card I can add to this as I'm am looking to upgrade without rebuilding. I have never owned a dual core and my last processore was the AMD Athlon 64 3500 . My last video card was the GeForce 7900 GT 256MB.|||Your CPU can be upgraded to Athlon 64x2 4800+ but you need to update your bios to F7 (Thats the version) before you plug it in, if its not F7 or higher already.

Graphics cards on this board are very stable as your mobo supports Pci-E 16x. Take a look at the site I put in the sources, and if that doest suite you just go to google and search up "Pci express 16x graphics card" Hope this helps!

What are the requirements for a cpu to use the video card (NVIDIA GTX 260)?

What are the requirements for a cpu to use the video card (NVIDIA GTX 260)|||None... Just something that won't bottleneck it, which would have to be pretty damn old to do that.|||I'd advise at least an E8400 or higher for dual cores, or Q6600 for quad cores.

Any i3 would suffice, but i'd recommend i5 or better.

If you're going for AMD proc, I'd say at least a Phenom II X3

Does the writing speed on an SDHC memory card (for example 4mb/sec) affect video quality?

I was just wondering if the writing speed on a sdhc memory card would affect the video quality on my Kodak Zi8 digital video recorder. I noticed that the sdhc memory cards have different speeds and was just wondering about this.|||Yes! To record high quality content, you will want a higher speed memory card.

Most cameras and camcorders recommend Class 4 or higher SDHC memory cards. Class 4 cards can write 4 MByte/s, which is sufficient for most high definition recording needs.

Fuzzy reception in my video card tv out?

I recently hooked my pc to my television with a s video out from my video card. I used a S-video to composite cable since my television does not have a s-video socket. its works but im getting a fuzzy picture in my television. can any one help?|||Unfortunately, that's S-video and composite for you. Those are low-resolution video signals from the days of old boob-tube TVs and that's all they are capable of. They deliver poor video quality and there is nothing you can do to improve it.

In the future, you might consider buying an LCD HDTV with HDMI ports. Those are capable of high-resolution and can be connected to any PC with either a DVI or HDMI port (yes, DVI is compatible with HDMI). And it looks light years better than S-video or composite.

Do you need to buy a hp video card for an hp computer?

hi well i had a custom built computer for 2 years now and i have upgraded it a lot.(like putting more ram buying a really good video card) and it has worked great but its a little old now so my dad gave me a new HP computer for graduating. anyways my question is

can i get the video card i bought from my old computer and put it in the hp computer or do i need to buy a specific hp video card?|||the brand of video card doesn't matter..what matters is what type of open slot you have on your computer. PCI, PCIe... etc. That's what you need to find out. Once you know--you can buy a card that fits that slot (regardless of manufacturer) and be ready to go. installing into any of those slots is cake,, just click it in--easy as upgrading RAM. Note some high end video cards also need to have a power connection (not just being plugged in) but it will list that on the spec's of the card.|||No, you don't have to use an HP video card. As long as the computer has the right type of video card slot (eg, AGP, PCI-X) then your should be able to put the card from your old computer into the new one.|||no you dont have to but it would be best

What type of video card does a MSI Mega Pc have?

I have a MSI Mega Pc, And i want to upgrade my video card. i went to fry's, but they dont have it. They say our cards are too big, and they wont fit into your PC, and i want a 256 mb card. Please help.|||Here:…

Have fun looking with drool coming off your lips!

Wow!|||Belarc advisor is a free tool that will audit your system and tell you everything about it.

When you get video cards is the higher number mean that the card is better like geforce 8500 and 8600?

Also what is the very best manufacture to get when geting a video card so many different ones?|||I would go with the Nvdia, I have been working on computers for 11 years and never had a problem with any nvidia, but tons with every ATI card I have used.

Brand wise, ASUS and XFX are the best.

The number does correspond mostly. A high level 7 card will out do a 8300, but the 8600 is as powerful as the most powerful 7 series, which is actually two 7900's together.

The 8500gt is a very good card, I built a rig with one a few weeks ago and it can max out every setting in BF2 and BF2142, so its pretty good. The 8600 should be quite a good card, and the 8800's are the king of the hill.|||I agree|||You need to look at the specs of the card.

8500 vs. 8600 means nothing if the 8600 has lower overall performance. Check out hardware places like toms hardware for the latest best items.|||Yes, usually it's a newer type. I would go for ATI. I've had (and still do have), NVIDIA problems.|||Usually yes, it means it's better, but sometimes there are exceptions, that is why you need to look at their specs.

Right now the sweetspot is a card based on this chip:

Nvidia GEFORCE 8800GTS (640MB) version

I need help with Bad Video Card Drivers?

I downloaded Minecraft on to my computer and when I log in, a failure message comes up saying i have bad video card drivers. It says it can not locate an Open GL mode etc. So i went on to the Intel site and updated my drivers and The game still doesn't work. Anyone know how to fix this?|||If you know the name of your graphics card manufacturer, go to their website and update your video drivers.

If you're not sure, you can find software that scans your system and will automatically update all of your drivers with new software from the manufacturers site.|||Find out your make and model of your graphic card (Like nvidia or ATI) then go to the manufactures site and u will be able to download the updated drivers from the site....If its internal graphic cards then i don't think u can run good graphics game.....

Hope i helped.....:)|||Use the methods on the link below to trouble shoot your issue.…

How do you get more RAM and a new VIDEO CARD for your computer?

i have a windows xp and i want to play the sims 3 on my computer but my ram is less than 1gb which is the minimum i need for the game and my video card has only 64 mb of memory and you need a video card with at least 128 mb of memory to play the sims 3. can someone help me please i got the game a year or two ago and it wouldnt work on my computer and i really want to play it. :(|||You buy it you F'ing idiot

Damn your dumb|||you need to check your PC's manual to see what type of RAM and expansion cards your PC can take

most likely you will have DDR3 RAM and a PCI-e x16 slot. Go onto a PC component retailer and see which ones you could get for your PC

What's the best video and sound card out there available?

I don't care what kind of specifications and stuff. I just need to know what are the best video and sound cards that are available right now.|||Nvidia Video Cards are the best. IDK about sound cards sorry.

Are some gateway laptops built in video card?

Please help me are some gateway laptops built in video card because i am crying now i need help!|||What do you mean? Do they have built in video cards? Yes -- if that's what you mean. The Gateway FX series of notebooks had them. Now the Qoismo, or whatever they're called, have them.

You should really word your question differently.

Are some gateway laptops built in video card?

Please help me are some gateway laptops built in video card because i am crying now i need help!|||What do you mean? Do they have built in video cards? Yes -- if that's what you mean. The Gateway FX series of notebooks had them. Now the Qoismo, or whatever they're called, have them.

You should really word your question differently.

How do I upgrade my Video Card?

I just bought the sims 3

and when i try to turn it on it says "Unable to Start the game

Your video card dose not seem to support the latest Shader Model 2 please upgrade your card"

how do I upgrade my video card?( how can i actually Get it into my computer???)

where can i buy a video card supporting Shader model 2?

how much will it cost?

Thanks|||any current card avalible at bestbuy newegg or tigerdirect support shader model 2 but you need to know if you have agp pcie or if you only support pci and to get it in your computer you open the case remove the old one put the new one in, boot and pop the disc that came with it in. but i suggest going to the makers web site and geting the latest drivers|||The real trick is finding out which video cards are compatible with your current hardware, if you have any open slots on your motherboard, etc. In my experience, brand name computers are relatively difficult to upgrade. You could download utilities like Belarc Advisory and check the motherboard stats, and cross reference that with video cards that the Sims 3 will support. If you want to skip all this, you could go to a place like Bestbuy, CompUSA, fry's electronics, etc. but it will cost more. I would think you could get a graphics card that will play the Sims 3 for less than 100 bucks, but I'm not very familiar with the game's hardware requirements.|||the best thing is to get a 4850 hd 512 mb by ati (value series) it needs to be pci express . no idea of how much it will coast in your country though . with it you will have to replace your power supply too . the best you can get will be a amacrox ax 500 s (500w) .

if you dont wanna replace your psu then your best choice is something like a nvidia 9800 gt 512 mb . get the 9800 gt card with the foxconn brand and it will give the same performance but will be available at a lower prize .|||With the information you provided i know nothing about your computer. Click on START -> Run, and type DXDIAG, press enter. Save all the information it comes up with, paste it somewhere online.

Provide me with a link to that info and i will be glad to help you further after that. But i am pretty sure your motherboard is outdated. You would be better of buying a new computer. $300$ for a decent one that comes with a video card that supports Shader Model 2 and higher. Your motherboard appears to be old. I would suggest a card. But i don't know if your motherboard would work nicely with it. Provide me with the info i asked for and i will help you further.|||names of some video cards are nvidia geforce 9series there are many video .but 9 series is the latest.|||First you should update the video drivers for your current graphics device to see if that will solve the problem. The best place to find them is from your systems makers website or you can type in the make and model of your system in your browser to locate them. If that doesn't resolve the issue, you'll need to install a graphics card that is compatible with your system. Different systems have different card slots so you'll need to know what card slots your system has so that you can buy the appropriate card. You'll need to open the case on your system to see what card slots your system uses. Usually it will have PCI, AGP, PCI Express, or a combination of those.

They look like this.

PCI and AGP…

PCI Express x16 (the black one)…

PCI Express x16 is the best, followed by AGP and then PCI. If you have both PCI and AGP, you'll want to use the AGP slot.

If your system is a slim tower or a SFF desktop, you'll need to use a low profile graphics card in it, there's not enough room inside for a full size card. If you want to post the make and model of your system we can find out what card slots your system has and find a card that is compatible with it. As for installing the card, there are plenty of videos on youtube that will help you with that. Prices vary, but there are inexpensive cards that are capable of running the Sims games.

How can i run a video card with my integrated video card to run 4 monirots?

i have an Integrated ATI Radeon HD 4200 512mb and a radeon hd 4350 1gb video card and want to know how to run them both at the same time

or how to be able to run 4 monitors without spending too much money.

thankyou|||Try connecting all 4 monitors to the ports then go to your display option in windows and configure them to your liking..

Im not an expert on ATI but I think that onboard HD 4200 supports Crossfire with a PCI-E video card with an ATI GPU that also supports crossfire. You can connect 2 monitors to the PCE-E for sure and extend or clone your desktop. The crossfire will help render games with higher res and faster FPS.

I need more information about getting a new video card for my pc.?

Im trying to play the sims 3 and it says i need a video card that has shader 2 or something to play. I dont get what that means or how i can get a new video card. Please help|||It means you need a new video card plain and simple! You go to the store and buy one just like you buy groceries.|||Here is a video on how to install a video card:…

To know which video card to get, you will need to see which type of slot you have on your motherboard. It can be a PCI express that looks like this:…

Your slot hopefully looks like the x16 slot in the picture. If your computer is older it may be AGP which looks like this:…

The main difference is the number and the position of the indentations on the video card.

Once you know what type of card I recommend you buy one here:…

If your on a budget get either the 4670 or 4830 video card.(IF you have PCI express):…

The 4830 is way better for little more cash:…

If you can spend $139 or $164 go for the 4850 or 4870:……

Also click on the specifications tab to see if your power supply has enough watts and amperage to run the video card. The 4670 should be your choice if your don't want to upgrade your power supply if it is a

low wattage.

Steps on how to reset my video card?

when i turn on my cpu it beeps 1 long and 3 short beeps.according to this yahoo answers its either my video card or how can i sure that the problem is my video card?|||I was typing an answer, but Ded's advice is spot on, so suggest you go with his/her suggestions.|||Take the video card out and see if it boots.|||If your motherboard has integrated graphics, you can switch to them.|||If you have multiple memory sticks, remove one by one and see if the peeps still are there. If not, then the memory module you removed was the problem.

Also, you can download the memtest86 application (use google to find it) and test your memory. This way you can make sure it is the memory or not.

As for the Video card. Is it a separate video card or is it integrated in the motherboard?

If it is seperate, try the one that is onboard by just unplugging the video card.

If it is integrated, see if you can get an other pci video card you can test and disable the onboard video in the bios settings.

How do i disable my video card from motherboard to install a new one?

i bought a new video card for my computer a radeon 9250 before i can i need to disable my on board video card the is in the mother board please help|||Putting in the onboard video card disable automatically in some models. You may be able to disable it in bios. Or there may be a jumper on the mobo. If none of those work, use the directions below.

- go to Control Panel - Display - Settings - Advanced - Adapter and change it to Standard Display Adapter (VGA) or similar

- go to Control Panel - Add/Remove Programs, un-install any drivers for the onboard video.

- sometimes, just before you install the card - go to Device Manager - Display Adapters, and Remove the onboard video, then shut down the computer and install the card.

NOTE that some cards (e.g. ones with ATI chipsets) will install much more easily if you don't let Windows install any drivers for the card when it detects the new card while booting - Cancel that - let Windows load to the Desktop, then install the drivers using the install program on the CD that came with it.

Why does my computer only plays DVDs when i install a video card?

didnt play when i first got it and now that i took it(video card)out it wont play dvds anymore it says something about resolution or other applications using the dvd drive.|||It would seem the answer is self explanatory.

Your built in video card, and or drivers, cannot display the resolution required by a DVD.

Put the card back in.|||You need the video card to set the resolution for the monitor

What's wrong with my computer/video card?

When I turn on my computer the screen is totally off or sometimes it has a black backlight to it. I have had it looked at and the drivers are all up to date and everything. It seems like it is stuck in the external monitor mode but when I press the [Fn] [F4] keys it does nothing. I have been hooking it up to my TV with an HDMI cable as an external monitor sometimes to watch videos and stuff. Would reformatting the hard drive do anything or possibly getting a new video card?|||Don't try to fix it if your not sure ,Do no harm.

Look up and call your computer tech support.

It sounds like something simple

that can be fixed.

Your phone tech well walk you threw the diagnostic.

Important;Give your self a 2 hour free uninterrupted slot of time to compleate.

Sound like less better to be safe.

Once started best not to stop.|||u cant just simply format ur hard disk ok..try to replace ur graphic card..

What kind of video card do I need to use my TV as a monitor and has 3d acceleration graphics for Google earth

I want to use my TV as my monitor.

I also want to buy a 3d acceleration graphics card so I can use google earth.

Do I have to buy 2 separate cards?

One to use the TV as a monitor and a different video card for 3d graphics.

All I know is that my desktop only has a pci slot,no agp.|||This is the card I'm using to watch tv and as a computer monitor .…|||Your TV needs to have a connector like a regular monitor does. Then you can hook up your computer to your TV. Practically every 3d graphics card has what it takes to run Google Earth, you don't need some special high end card to do that. You don't need two cards, just a video card and a TV that can connect to it.

Can you upgrade the video card in a dell inspiron 9400?

can you upgrade the video card in a dell inspiron 9400 with a mobile intel(R) 945 chipset?

or is it already good enough to play oblivion?

thanks|||you can't upgrade the graphics card of a laptop sorry

8800gts 320mb video card possibly dying?

I can boot up go on the internet some time i can play cod 4 with out problems but some times it freezes and looks like artifacts in another game the game froze and both of my monitors shut off. I have removed my video card and reinstalled it, but it didnt seem to help. Do you think i should replace it?|||Power Requirements:

8800GTS 320MB models

Minimum of a 400 Watt power supply.

(minimum +12 Volt current rating of 26 amps)

An available 6 pin PCI-E power connector

Will the EVGA GeForce GTS 250 Superclocked Video Card fit in my computer?

I have a Dell inspiron 530 and want to know if that video card will fit|||the card is 9 inches long so it will fit even the smallest of cases/|||The Dell Inspiron series ships with PCIe Graphics cards, so your motherboard WILL support the GTS 250. The general rule with Graphics cards is, if it fits, it should work.

Aside from that, it isn't a much bigger card than stock NVidia cards, so unless you are struggling for space right now, you shouldn't have a problem.

Hope that helps~|||Should fit, make sure your PSU can handle it (500W or above-at least)

Nvidia legacy video card driver compatibility issues?

I have an Nvidia TNT2 video card, the driver for which is listed under the Legacy section of their website. I downloaded the Windows XP version (which looks like it was meant for Windows 98!) and tried to install it, only to get the message that there are no Nvidia products on my system! Is there a way to solve this?|||If you sure the Card is what you say and sure you got the right driver for it, then make sure the file is unzipped in a folder and states XP, then go to your Control Panel--->System-->Hardware---->Device Manager look for the Graphics Card entry if it say's unknown Video??

Then right click select Properties then select either update driver or install driver, on the upcoming Box select that you want to show where the driver is ,Browse go point to your Driver file and it should install, also make sure the Card is plugged in properly, If you have also a on-board Card then make sure that in Bios (CMOS) the right Card is selected or Auto under Video Card entry or Disabled for the Motherboard entry, if this is your Motherboard Card then disregard the Bios settings just make sure it is enabled. Also if it is part of the Motherboard you may have downloaded the wrong one and you have to go to the Motherboard Manufacturers site and download it from there, Hope that helps|||at the nvidia site,under drivers downloads,there is a auto graphic card finder in other words it will see if you have a nvidia card recommend the latest update for tnt2

Cheapest video card that can run tf2 on high settings?

What's the cheapest video card that can run tf2 on high settings in 1280x960


Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU E6700 @ 3.20GHz

Windows 7 64-bit

3.0gb ram|||You should be fine with this,…

Possible to install a PCI express video card into a PCI video slot?

I've never replaced my video card before So, just curious...|||Absolutely incompatible! There is also no adapter or riser card. The PCI bus is much slower than x16 PCIe graphics. The PCI slot is only capable of supporting up to 25 watts power draw. x16 PCIe slots support up to 75 watts power draw (150 watts in PCIe 2.0). Thus, it was never even practical to adapt PCIe cards on the slow PCI slot.

In the case of current AGP cards, they are actually PCIe cards by design. A bridge chip is added then an AGP connector is used.|||No, you can only install a PCI-E card into a PCI-E slot. A PCI-E card wont even physically fit into a normal PCI slot. You can however buy a PCI video card for your PCI slot.|||Nope. They are completely different slot types.

PCI can only fir into PCI, and PCIe can only fit into PCIe.|||No, the connectors are different. Most motherboards these days have both slots though. Refer to your documentation, or open your case and verify before buying one or the other.

Is DirectX 10 compatible with my video card, nVidia 8400 GS?

I have a video card I bought, an nVidia 8400 GS. I was just wondering if it would still work if I installed DirectX 10? My OS is Windows XP Media Center. I currently have DirectX 9c. Thanks!|||Yes it can do Direct X 10.

But if this card is lower end, and Direct X 10 would be pushing it to its limits (to the point you would have lower quality anyways).

Meaning you aren't going to GAIN anything really by using Direct X 10 vs 9. In the end you are just going to max out your card.|||yes, all the 8000 series from nvidia and later and all the 2000 and later series from ATI are compatible.|||yes it will run dx 10 but XP wont. Get Vista

And dont give me that "vista is slow" crap becuase thats a lie.

Why is this video card more expensive than this one?



Why is video card 2 more expensive than video card 1 if video card two has 256MB and card 1 has 1GB?|||They use different interface 1st one is for PCI not pci express.

the second card is for pci express. despite the lower memory its a lot more powerfull.|||because the ATI 3850 has GDDR3 and the 9400GT has DDR2 and there are different ports for monitors|||I have looked at the specs, and honestly I don't know. But I do know this, I would choose ATI all day long. Used to run NVidia, switched to ATI, no turning back.

The differences in the DDR, that is the one thing I overlooked.

How can I Upgrade my Laptop's Video Card?

How can i Upgrade my Laptop's Video Card if my Driver is Mobile Intel® GL40 Express Chipset and my laptop is Acer Aspire 5332.

I really want to play Resident Evil 5 on it. Can someone help me?

My Video Card Memory is 796mb only. and can you suggest some games that plays on my video card capacity?|||Just get a ASUS laptop its a very nice gaming laptop or get a computer from digital storm or get a $500 bundle at walmart with a monitor key board mouse and computer|||I don't think you can upgrade a laptop video card, laptops are usually more compact and cause of that all the parts are built and connected all as one big part, the only things I know you can change is mainly the ram and the battery and possibly the cooling fan. I would recommend you overclock your current laptop video card but it would be too much work and can get really overheated and break your laptop. I suggest you buy a new laptop if you want to play hardcore games without breaking your computer. hope this helps|||I don't know what all that 'stuff' is above me! lol! I suggest you go to, and download CPU-Z,(newest version is 1.44.2 I think). This is a free, no spyware/virus/trojan , tiny little program that will tell you the information you seek, plus info on all the hardware inside your laptop. (Here, let me get off my keister,.............. Ther you go!)

How can I check the video card I have?

How can I check what video card I have in my computer, i wanna install a new game but I don't know if it's gonna work.|||you click start, click run, type "dxdiag," and click display.|||If you have windows Vista: Right click my computer, properties, device manager, display adapter (it will give you what type video card you have installed).|||start, run, msinfo32

will tell you...

Why when I check what video card I have under Dxdiag, its blank?

I can't play any new games that require DirectX8 or higher, like Warcraft 3, when I tried to install it with the installer that came with W3, it said I had it, but when i tried to play it, it said I needed DirectX 8 or higher or to update my video card. When i tried to check what video card I had with DxDiag, Under display tab, under Device, it was all blank except for "current display mode" and Memory "n/a". So how can I get back to gaming?|||install a device driver for the card .. then directx ..|||A) try rebooting again.

B) check to make sure your card supports directx8 or higher. If it does, try downloading directx from…

c) you can try reinstalling the devide driver f the graphics card - it should have come on CD with the card or the computer when you bought it

What kind of video card to output to a 25" television?

I want to use a 25" television as a monitor. Do they make video cards with coaxial outputs or do I need an adapter?|||Any card which has an S video out port.

. Generally all TV sets have an S-video input port.. So in short you just need to buy a S-video cable and a card which has an inlet for the cable :)..


Is a video card the same as a graphic card?

I am unable to get any sound out of my Laptop.(Inspiron 1525) Looking down the information given when I bought it it says it has an Video Card Integrated IntelÄ€® Graphic Media accelerator X3100. Now that means absolutely nothing to me! Could it be the same as a sound card ?|||Video card and graphics card refer to the same thing.

Audio or sound cards are separate circuitry. In this case, however, the integrated sound card is actually part of the same chipset that provides the integrated video card.

Make sure the sound isn't muted by either the laptop control keys or the sound control panel. On a bad day, there's a 3rd sound slider in your web browser window that also needs to be set.|||Graphics and video card are the same and deal with what is shown on the screen, the sound card deals with audio.|||have you tried the volume control on the edge of the laptop?

I was thinking of upgrading my video card but i have a question?

I need to know if i can upgrade my video card to HD 5770. My computer currently has Intel core 2 duo processesor and a Nvidia Geforce G100 and upgrading it to a Ati Radeon HD 5770. I want to know if i am able to upgraded it or do i have to stick to Nvidia|||You should be fine. The Intel-Nvidia and AMD-ATI thing is only for SLI and Crossfire. (The intel mobos only support SLI and AMD only support Crossfire.)

Where can I buy a video card online?

I need a video card for my play ghost recon 2..does anyone know a website where i can install a video card right away??|||You can buy new or used video cards online for cheap from…|||Why not google the card you want, it will come up with lots of suppliers|||yes, i do know a website.|||Ebay|||

I want to replace graphics card from Intel HD Graphics to 512MB dedicated video card in Dell Inspiron i3 N5010?

I want to replace graphics card from Intel HD Graphics to 512MB dedicated video card in Dell Inspiron i3 N5010.How much cost is estimated for the replacement?|||Notebooks on integrated graphics pretty much never have a slot for dedicated graphics. A few exceptions to the rule (I guess you could buy a second hand m15x without MXM card or so) but in your case: your machine does not support it.

There's a remote chance you could swap out the motherboard altogether if there are dedicated graphics version of your machine in the same housing but purchasing the motherboard and having it installed would set you back about as much as buying a new notebook altogether.|||Considering your system is a notebook, most notebooks only support on board graphics cards and don't have support for dedicated graphics. This is due to the space in a laptop, a dedicated card would need space for a fan and space for the graphics chip set. I know for my XPS i'd like to do the same but fortunately i cannot.

I installed the windows 7 ultimate (before it was windows 7 home premium) now my video card is not functioning?

It said

"Update the driver for your video card"

The current video card may support Aero with a driver that is compliant with the Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM). Contact the manufacturer of your computer or video card for a WDDM-compatible driver.

What to do????

i'm using a laptop model is hp Compaq nc6400.

thanks guys|||That model isn't supported by HP for Win7 Ultimate!

Try the site below and use Vista drivers, they usually work...… ☺||| search here

I installed the windows 7 ultimate (before it was windows 7 home premium) now my video card is not functioning?

It said

"Update the driver for your video card"

The current video card may support Aero with a driver that is compliant with the Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM). Contact the manufacturer of your computer or video card for a WDDM-compatible driver.

What to do????

i'm using a laptop model is hp Compaq nc6400.

thanks guys|||That model isn't supported by HP for Win7 Ultimate!

Try the site below and use Vista drivers, they usually work...… ☺||| search here

Can you get a new video card travelmate6492 notebook?

hi i have a travelmate6492 notebook and the videcard in it is a Mobile Intel(R) 965 Express Chipset Family

which really isnt even a videocard.

would i be able to get a new video card for the notebook so i can play games?|||Nope. The "video card" on a laptop is just a chip on the motherboard (it was built onto the motherboard). Some small amount of companies you could send in the laptop and they would replace the chip for a better one. But the majority of the Laptops you can't change this. You are stuck with what you bought.|||The graphics chipset on this model is integrated onto the motherboard, it's not a separate card, so no, you can't upgrade.

How to update my video card drivers?

I have an ATI Radeon 9800XT and I went to the ATI website and installed the latest drivers for the catalyst but when i go to to systemrequirementslab . com it says that my video card drivers are out of date.

How can i update all the drivers without installing the whole catalyst again? maybe the catalyst are up to date but the other drivers are not.

Please I need help, Thanks|||Go to

Is it possible to install TnL on a video card, or am I stuck with what I have?

Ok, so I downloaded the Tomb Raider Anniversary demo to see if my system could handle it. So far, it looks alright, except that I get low frame rates in areas. The readme said that video cards lacking TnL support would do this. So, is TnL a program that can be downloaded? Or is it integrated onto cards?

I have an Intel 915GM/GMS,910GML Express Chipset Family

If I can`t use TnL, is there an option to improve frame rates? All answers are welcome, and thanks for reading my long post!|||You can't download it because it is a function of the chipset hardware not software.

How identify the video controller card model nl?

my video card is onboard one. therefore i can't see it model no. it's not in setup also. how do i know it?|||If you could open the case look at the chips next to the video and search the web by those numbers or go to the computer manufacturers site. If windows works use the system info too.|||Usually onboard cards use the integrated controller listed in device manager. Usually, its Intel...but could also be nVidia, AMD, Via, etc....

Try using the website:

This site will tell you the system specs for your PC/laptop. It will give the processor, RAM, video, storage information|||It should be on the motherboard chip set and installation disc

What is a REALLY Good Video Card For Around $250?

I am looking for a really good video card for my custom computer, and I am buying all of the parts at once. I haven't bought anything yet. I am currently leaning toward the EVGA e-GeForce GTX 275. I guess I am in the $200-$300 price range. I don't care what brand it is from, but it has to be pretty good. Thanks in advance.|||I think that is close to the best card you can get in that price range. However, you could also take a look at the HD4890. It is very close in performance to the GTX275 and over-takes it in performance in some games while in others, the GTX275 takes over.

I'd recommend researching some benchmarks with these cards and see which card performs better in the games that matter to you.

I hope this helps!

Is a GDDR2/DDR2 video card compatible with my motherboard's DDR 1 RAM?

Is a DDR2 video card compatible with my motherboard's DDR 1 RAM. I have a 8VM533M-RZ. 992 Mb of DDR 1 RAM. I have 1 AGP 4x Slot. I'm planning to buy geforce 7600 GS 512 Mb GDDR 2.|||I think, if the slot is same (AGP 4x and you want to buy AGP 4x) it will compatible. But, I think you buy is DDR not DDR2. Because it will make a small problem when you use that video card.

Yeah, good luck...|||Yes, it will work fine.

There is no need to match the system RAM and the video RAM as they are used independently of each other.

Just make sure the 7600 you buy is an AGP card and not PCI-express.|||Yes it is compatible. GPU ram and System RAM are completely separate and do not affect each other.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

What video card should I get?

I am going to get a video card for my computer soon. I just cant decide what two I should choose from. It is either a 256MB GeForce 7800GS, or a 512MB GeForce 7600GS. They are both AGP, and I dont want to buy a PCI video card. Any sugjestions?|||Go with the 512MB GeForce 7600GS if you play games. I wouldnt recommend a PCI card either.|||find a monitor you like, and find a video card that works with that monitor.

I'm wondering if this is a decent video card?

I want to buy a new computer and I want to customize one using Dell. The only video card I can add to the computer is an

ATI Radeon HD 2400 Pro. I am wondering if anyone knows if this is a good video card. I'm thinking of playing Spore and Call Of Duty 4 on my computer and other games too. Thanks!|||I've seen the HD2400 run CoD4, but I wouldn't recommend it. It is enough to run at 1280*1024 with medium setting and no AA. It is playable, but most people prefer higher framerates for first person shooters, 30 is minimal and 60 frames per second is recommend. However since you're buying a custom computer from Dell, I recommend getting a model that allow you to choose a video card, but only get the cheapest one (ie if there's one that save more money than the HD2400 then get that one!), then for 70-200$, you can get a great video card from say or

Cheers!|||On a french review site, I've read that for 3D games you should look elsewhere. This card is the entry level for the Radeon HD 2000 serie.|||that's a good video card but it's not enough for Call of Duty 4

Is it possible to upgrade my laptop's video card?

my laptop's video card level is not at the right level for me to play games such as resident evil there a possibility that i can upgrade my laptop's video card?|||Some new high performance laptop manufacturers are coming out with models that enable users to upgrade the video card or video accelerator it came shipped with. Unless you're one of the lucky few who have one of these types of laptops you will not be able to upgrade your video card.

If you are unsure if your laptop or portable computer is this type of computer it is recommended you contact the laptop manufacturer for additional information.|||no|||On some laptops.(the higher end ones) It is possible but for the others then no you won't be able to.|||for higher end gaming laptops

or high end laptops

some are built with mobility videocards specialy designd for the laptop

those can be upgraded

but if the ones with video graphic chipsets

i dont think those can be upgraded cause thier built in to the motherboard|||Most old laptops had onboard video cards, which meant that the motherboard had to be changed to upgrade one. Nowadays, the GPUs are standalone, mostly. They can be changed for a new one.

To find out what it is, see what model you have and post it as Additional Details. Intel Extreme Graphics video cards are onboard ones. If you have a nVidia GeForce or ATi Radeon, you can change.

Also, even if you have an onboard, maybe you can find a PCI slot in the motherboard and install the new card and then even somehow use both.|||Yes for models after 2007. No for before. But only if your laptop had a discrete card to begin with.

Would I need to change the entire CPU or just change the RAM and Video Card?

I checked my system specifications against the minimum requirements for the sims 3 for desktop on The results told me that the CPU, RAM, and Video Card were under the requirements. Altogether it would cost me over £700 to upgrade my computer just so I can play a £40 game! Would it be OK if I just changed the RAM and Video Card in my current CPU without getting another one?|||If your CPU, RAM and video card are all inadequate to run the software you want to run, be it sims 3 or anything else...

It's really time for a new computer. You shouldn't have to spend 700 to upgrade your computer, that's crazy. Decent computers that can run sims 3 great start around $400 US, which would be about 275 where you are. Yeah, systems in the US are cheaper usually. Still, you should be able to get a new computer fully capable of running sims 3 for about 400 (without monitor)

It will be cheaper and easier to just replace your main system box with a completely new system. Then turn around and sell your old computer on craigslist or something. Ask about 50-75 for it. If it's not good enough for sims 3, then 75 is about the most that it is worth.|||First of all you seem to be getting confused by misuse of terminology. Lots of barely computer literate people seem to use the term CPU to reffer to the whole computer despite the fact that is NOT what it means.

There is no way it should cost you £700 to upgrade a PC to meet the requirements of the sims 3, one could easilly buy a brand new computer or build one from scratch that would meet the requirements for a lot less than that.

Can you provide more details on your current computer (particulally the motherboard make and model if it's a whitebox or the computer model if it's a big brand machine). Without this information it's not possible to say whether an economical upgrade is feasable (and if so with what parts) or whether you would be better buying a whole new computer.|||Well as u haven't mentioned your con-fig its a bit tricky question but looking at your question u said that an upgrade would cost u £700 hm mm I think that's too much not for a £40 game but generally that's very huge amount. I think U can build a great PC in £700 or even less.

Any way to answer your question u can just change the video card & buy entry level Graphics card like Nvidia 8600 which will come around [ $70.00 approx ] .... but I'll suggest u to buy a new PC instead of upgrading your existing one, Reason- if u just upgrade your RAM & Video card then u will first have to find those 2 hardware that are COMPATIBLE with your motherboard, which means that u will have to settle for mid range & video card which is "About to get out-dated" . which again means that u will probably end up upgrading your PC after 6 months... BUT if u buy a new PC which is new in the market then that PC will last u for at least 3 years & u can play any latest as well as upcoming games

Cool Config

My personal choice for Processor is AMD but u can go for Intel Core 2 Duo [the reason i prefer AMD because AMD beats Intel in any benchmarking SPECIALLY in gaming ]

Mother board u can buy 780 G if u buy AMD for Intel u can check GA-965P-DS3

rest u can figure it out as the remaining components r easy

u can also check for some more Tech questions & help

all the best

What video card should i get for my computer?

I just bought this computer....iBuypower WA500D3...

I want to get a better card for it... what would you people suggets?

I just want to play stuff like... fps games...GTA IV...folider of fourtian....etc

I have that computer witch is a desk top...but i want a better video card. to play these games


EVGA GeForce GTX460 SE 1 GB GDDR5 PCI-Express 2.0 Graphics Card 01G-P3-1366-TR

*GEForce GTX 460 SE with 650 MHz core clock

*PCI Express 2.0

*1024 MB 256-bit GDDR5 memory

*3400 MHz memory clock and 1300 MHz shader clock

*NVIDIA 2-way SLI ready|||Buy ATI radeon 5670 cost rs 4500 of 512 MB one it is a very good graphic card and can play every game released in the past and going to be realesed in next 2 and 3 years very finely.

It also not consumes lots of power and you not need to buy a new pcu fot it but for Nvidia GTX 580 you have to buy it which will cost you around 2000 Rs and the GTX 580 will cost you around Rs 20,000.|||without your specs of the pc i cant say what u can use however there are

high end cards starting at 100.00 and up

i have a gtx 460 near 159.00|||Nvidia GTX 580 best graphics card ever

How do i find out what video card driver i have?

im trying to play minecraft and it says i need to update my video card. i dont know what kind it is. how do i find it.|||The easiest way that I can advise you to find this out is to click on start and Run if your on XP then type in DXDIAG and click open or click on start and search for DXDIAG if your on Vista or 7 and run that.

Then go to the Display Tab and you should have all the info you need.

If you need more help you can find it on my Free Computer Support Facebook Page:…|||You can download video drivers from your laptop manufacture official website...

But if you are not expert on this, you can try some uitility.

If you use xp, try to use "Video Drivers For Windows XP Utility 2.0"…

If you use vista or win7, go to…

to see if your brand laptop have it's driver tuility.

How can i share my ram memmory with video card?

i have hp pavillion 763n with installed os window vista.i have nivida geforce mx420 video card has 64mb memmory.i have 1 GB ram.|||What? A five year old 64 Mb card on Vista.

You are stuck with its 64Mb onboard videoram. That card is so outdated for Vista. Suggest you replace it with current entry level cards that have DX 9.0c support. 7300GS AGP is a cheap option if you have an AGP slot.|||It should be accessing the RAM automatically. No need to "set it up". If you are having a specific problem or getting error messages, please elaborate with more details.|||I'm sorry to say, but you got jipped. Vista probably doesn't run very well with that 64mb of Video Memory, so I advise you upgrade.|||If you have an actual add-in video card and NOT on-board graphics, then you can't share memory. Whatever is on the card is all that you have to work with. You can't add memory to a graphics card like you can add memory to your motherboard.

You will have to get another card if you want more memory. I would suggest a card with 256mb as a minimum.

What would be a good video card?

i would like to purchase a video card. i will use this computer for games such as COD5 and new games like that. what would be a great, cheap video card i could get for use of games.|||Depends on your budget and your needs, really. AGP cards are dead and won't be able to handle new games like CoD:WaW so PCI-e cards are the way to go.

Here's a pretty good article which suggests this year's video card releases based on price range (it's a little old so prices may have gone down):…

Here are my recommendations: 9600GT($~80), HD4870 ($~180) , HD4890/GTX275 ($~300), GTX285 ($~400). Of course here, the more expensive cards are faster.|||You should either get a PCI Express, or PCI Express 2.0 video card. Check your motherboard model with the manufacturer's website to see if it has either of those types of expansion bays/slots. If you do not have any PCI Express bays or PCI-E 2 bays, you should get a new motherboard, as AGP video cards are no longer made, and the ones that are made have limited compatibility with today's games. For a cheap video card that can run any game today at pretty good quality settings (most likely high on CoD 5: WaW), I would recommend nVidia's GeForce 9800 GT video card. Or you can get a slightly more powerful card for around $130, the ATI Radeon 4860. The 9800 GT 512MB is around $100 while the 1GB version (1000 MB / 1024MB) is around $130. Even though the 9800GT 1GB has more memory than the Radeon 4860, the 512MB of GDDR5 in the 4860 will beat the 1GB of GDDR3 in the 9800GT any day, due to a very large data transfer speed difference. Also the 1GB 9800GT still uses the same graphics processor as the 512MB version (of the 9800GT). So if you are tight on money, get the 9800 GT, but if you can fork over the extra $30 (it is well worth it), then get the Radeon 4860. Also, remember the 1GB 9800 GT, is the same price as the 4860, but will produce less performance. If you are looking for a cheaper video card, I would recommend an ATI Radeon 4830, which is around $100, and also will give better performance than both GeForce 9800 GT cards as well. Also, make sure that your power supply can support the video card you buy. A 375 watt power supply can power any 9800GT, while it takes a 400 Watt power supply to run a 4860. If you overclock any card, remember that your power requirements will rise, and your video card life expectancy will lower, and you may void the video card warranty as well.|||I don't think there is such thing as a cheap video card. Anything that is cheap tends to be that way for a reason.

For a graphic intensive game like COD5 try something in the Nvidia territory.…

COD is a pretty popular game so you should be able to find a few benchmarks like this one that tell you how well a certain video card works with a game.

Be sure to know the specs of your computer. Try to run dxdiag.exe on your computer (assuming it's a PC) and make sure you have the necessary pci, pci express, or agp slots for a new video card to fit.

This is all assuming that your talking about a desktop. If it's a laptop then good luck with that one...|||Depending on your Computer if it uses AGP or PCIe (x1,x8 or x16)

You can get NVIDIA Cards for about $65 AUS with a 512mb DDR 3 as an PCIe x16 Card and a 1Gb version for about $85,

AGP (older computers) Cards are about 30 to 59% more expensive.

You need at least 512Mb stay away from ATI they are not very long lasting|||hi

the 9600gt or 8800 series cards will play the games well and the prices aren't bad at the moment andything above 9800 series/gtx 200 series that is fine any thing below it will play at very low frame rates.

you also have the option of the ati hd 4800 series of cards.|||if you want cheap ones without sacrificing performance, get ATI video cards. i suggest the ATI radeon HD 4890.

What is the problem with my screen flicoring on mmos. is it the memory on the video card to low?

my screen flickers when playing mmos and only in highly populated areas is it the memory of the video card is not enouph to suport the data or is it something else if you know what it is email me back thank you|||maybe ther is a viruus or somthiing wierd going on put protection software ong (avg is awsome!)

What type of video card does a MSI Mega Pc have?

I have a MSI Mega Pc, And i want to upgrade my video card. i went to fry's, but they dont have it. They say our cards are too big, and they wont fit into your PC, and i want a 256 mb card. Please help.|||Here:…

Have fun looking with drool coming off your lips!

Wow!|||Belarc advisor is a free tool that will audit your system and tell you everything about it.

Whats the correct video settings for my graphics card?

I built a new pc recently. Everything works fine except for my 512mb Nvidia Gforce 6600 graphics card. Im sure the quality should be better, I notice playing Quake 4 that the edges of object appear too jagged for what is supposedly a top quality card. Also video playback is not up to scratch either. What are the usual settings in percentages for color, contrast, brightness and gamma? Can I do anything else to maximise the quality of video playback? Thanks|||A little tip like the forceware one is to find a little registry program called Coolbits it opens up the overclocking features in the nvidia control panel itself and finds the optimal settings for you. once you have installed coolbits you'll find the overclocking features in 3d settings.|||Get a program called FORCEWARE and read up on that. Its free and its at the Nvidia site. It enables your video card settings to be enhanced more.|||Go into the graphic options of the game and play with the following options;

1) Screen resolution - Some games start off at 640x480 or 800x600. You should be able to bump it up to 1024x768 or even 1280x1024.

2) Turn on Anti-Aliasing (or AA). 2x or even 4x anti-aliasing will blur those jagged edges making everything seem much nicer.

3) Turn on Anisotropic Filtering. Might as well. I've no idea what it is but it's there for a reason.

There is not a lot you can do about the video playback. This is pre-recorded footage and can often be recorded at a lower resolution for smoother playback on slower systems.

Good luck and happy gaming!

Can the HP Pavilion A6838F Desktop PC support the EVGA GeForce 9500 GT Video Card?

I want too upgrade from the standard gc that came with the pc.

Hoping the EVGA GeForce 9500 GT Video Card is better then what i have.|||…

Yup it will work and run just fine.

What type of video card can i get for my gateway GM5084?

is there a specific brand or anything i need to know before i buy a new video card for it or whats that best card that my motherboard can support your help is needed seeing as if i really don't know anything about buying video cards. (also what card would you recommend for this system?) TY|||You need to get something like the GT 220 that doesn't use much power. Just go to best buy and look for the graphics cards aisle and look for a box that says gt 220.

Can I turn on the pc with the video card plugged to the power supply?

I just bought a new video card - nVidia Geforce 7300GT by Evga. The video card works, the only problem is when I plug it to the power supply my computer won't turn on. I have a 500W power supply.

please help me solve this.

Thanks|||you need a new PSU, a more powerful one,

maybe disconnectiong some of the things inside that you dont really need if you got mods and things.

take off as many USB's that you can that you dont need.

your PSU might meet the required power levels, but they loose 40% of there power output in 1-2 years.|||GEt a branded PSU. Those generic PSU's will say 500W but in reality they only got 300 or less. Branded PSU's will have a more realistic wattage.

What is effective memory on a video card?

If a video card says it has 256mb memory on board, and it has an effective memory 512mb does that mean it gets the rest from the memory installed on my motherboard.|||AFAIK, there is no such thing as "effective memory" except something invented by marketing that doesn't apply to "real world".

A search on google turns up no relevant hits for "effective video memory".

If you can provide a source for that comment I'll see what I can come up with.

CBF... provide a link to that card if it's available online. Repeating your question doesn't help me at all without any new details.|||I think you are referring to effective memory speeds. For DDR, the memory speed could be 200Mhz, but effective memory speed would be 400Mhz because DDR runs at double the bus speed.

Are we talking about onboard memory or video card memory? Your question is contradicting by saying "video card", yet you are talking about motherboards.

Where is the video card in your computer?

I want to find out what kind of video card i have but i don't know where it's at on my computer, is it in the back somewhere?|||It is inside middle or back of your CPU tower or inside back of Macs.

How do I get a video card?

First, how do I know whether or not my computer has it. I just bought a game, but it was the expansion and I don't have the original. But, when I went online to check the system requirements of the original game, it says that it requires a 16 MB video card? How can I check to see if my computer already has one? And, if it doesn't, then where can I get one and for how much?|||if its newer than 10 years old it has 16mb of video memory ... but type dxdiag in ur run dialogue and go to the display tab ...|||umm there isn't a video card made anymore that has less than like your good...and if you can see things on your monitor...then you have a video card|||Go to desktop

Right click - Properties

Settings tab - Advanced button

Adapter tab - Look at memory size unde adapter information heading. Should give you an amount of MB.|||MerryChristmas!!|||Go to... Start (Start menu - bottom left hand corner of your screen) > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > System Information

A window will pop up. This is a complete rundown of everything in your computer, including detailed descriptions. This is where you'll find how many MB your video card is.

Click the plus-sign next to the word "Components". It will open up to reveal more categories underneath it.

Click on "Display". The space on the right will show all the details. Find the "Adapter RAM" line, and see how many MB it says across from it. That's how many MB your graphics card is.

Every computer has a graphics card. But not all graphics cards are capable of playing state-of-the-art games. You can buy graphics cards lots of places. I would suggest Best Buy or Circuit City. Or you could use an online retailer. There's a website called that sells tons of computer stuff. Shop around. Amazon too probably. If you have a really slow computer, you might need more than just a graphics card. The graphics card number is an important one, but pay attention to the other system requirements too.|||a gaming video card is very expensive, you could get one for a good price and good quality at or the best way is to get it at FRYS which is

Is this video card compatible with my motherboard?

XFX HD-485X-ZNFC Radeon HD 4850 1GB 256-bit DDR3 PCI Express 2.0 x16 HDCP Ready CrossFireX Support Video Card is the video card and under the explanation is says PCI Express 2.0 x16 does this mean it can work with any motherboard?

And my motherboard is GA-8I945GZME-RH|||yeah it'll work fine. nice card by the way. fairly potent gpu. anyway, the pci e stuff is backwards compatible 16x to 2.1. also if you are running a pentium d, get a core 2 duo (800 mhz bus). it'll really help that card perform, and run games much better.

Industry standard card for a Mac Pro to use with FCP to convert (log & capture) composite video & analog audio?

Looking for a card that plugs into a Mac Pro bay (motherboard) that will work well with Final Cut Pro to convert (log and capture) composite video, component video, and stereo analog audio to digital. I do not want something external to the computer. Google hasn't been much help here.|||You can try Blackmagic Video Card. It is industry standard.…|||Cucusoft Ultimate Video Coverter converts videos to play on almost any portable device including iPod, iPhone, Zune, PSP, video capable MP3 players, video capable mobile phones, and Pocket P.C., etc.…|||you can use Leawo Video Converter which can convert videos and audios with video editing fucntions. Leawo video converter is an all in one video converter which can

1, Convert videos and audios between popular formats: AVI, DivX, Xvid, VOB, MOV, WMV, ASF, RMVB, RM, MPEG, FLV, MPG, MP4, MP3, WMA, 3GP, MKV, and so on.

2, The best Video Converter downloaded can convert any video for all Portable media players. The Portable media players includes iPod Touch, iPod Mini, iPod Classic, iPod nano, iPod Shuffle, iPhone, Apple TV, PSP, PS3, Zune, Xbox 360, Pocket PC, Creative Zen Player, BlackBerry, iRiver, MP4, MP3, Mobile Phones, etc.

3, Crop, trim and merge video files. Get Leawo video converter here-------------------------

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What's a great video card for my computer?

I want to play the Sims 2 Seasons but it requires a video card Nvidia Geforce 6600 and above. I have a Nvidia Geforce 6150 LE.

Here are the specs of my pc:


Compaq Presario Windows XP

If you need more info,i'll gladly provide it|||First: you need to know what kind of slot you have for a video card. It will be either AGP or PCIe.

Hopefully you have PCIe because is cheaper to upgrade and has better video cards available. If it is AGP there are still some good choices though.

When looking at Nvidia graphics cards the first number is the generation of chip so you need a "6th" generation chip or later. The second number is the speed in the line so "6" means a little better than midrange. Therefore a 6600 is a 6th generation chip and 6 for slightly better than midrange. They usually save the 50 on the end to signify onboard or revision. So your 6150 is 6th generation but the 1 means pretty much as slow as they come.

If you have a PCIe slot I would probably look at an Nvidia 8400 or 8600. The 8400 is pretty basic but should be good enough for Sims. The 8600 is a heftier midrange gaming card. The 7600's would work, but why bother? The 7000 series is no cheaper and generally less powerful.

If you have an AGP slot you are probably better off with an ATI card as Nvidia has pretty muched dropped AGP cards. The HD2400 is similar to Nvidia's 8400 and the HD2600Pro is similar to an 8600. Either would work for Sims but the HD2600 would be better suited for newer games. Expect to pay a premium for AGP cards though.

While others may scoff at the 8400's and HD2400 something to remember is that we don't how good your power supply is. The low end cards will not usually draw too much power from your power supply. The better video cards use more power and are more likely to overload your system.

If you don't know you are usually safer to go a little lower end and turn down the graphics a bit on the game.

Whatever card you go with it will be way way better than onboard.|||What is your power supply and CPU because if you want to play it better it will depend on your CPU, RAM, Graphics card, and how much power your power supply can supply.

I would try upgrading the ram to at least 512MB or 1GB.|||you should upgrade your ram like to 1GB or 2GB

buy an nvidia 8600 or 7600

do you have pci, pci-express, or agp.........-do you know?

buy your components on|||Buy an 8500GT…

All you will need

What video card are compatable with k7mnf-64 mother boards?

my grandma wants a new video card but i need one that is compatible with a k7mnf-64 motherboard

thanks, daniel|||If its the motherboard i found when researching it, it requires a AGP video card.… this website has a few you can buy. AGP was replaced by PCI express as the industry slandered a few years ago, so there isn't to many advanced video cards out there for you, but the ones that are out there are going to be cheap.|||You have a motherboard that supports AGP video cards. The new standard is PCI Express, but below is a link to all the cards you have. One thing you needs to make sure is that your power supply can handle the card... you cant go buying some big guns without a large power supply unit...…

Also check out this yahoo answer if you have an issue with installation...…


What is an nvidia express video card?

im actually asking what is the difference between an express video card and a regular one.

im thinking of getting the 9600 gt express one and why is it express?

will it be able to run on my comp which is an

emachines t5234

and amd athalon processor and 1gb of ram/|||PCI Express x16 is the interface of the motherboard. Yes, that will work with an adequate power supply.

Your motherboard has a chip built into the motherboard for graphics, NVIDIA® GeForce® 6150SE integrated graphics, but it also has a PCI-Express® (PCI-E x16) slot available for upgrade.

9600GT models

Minimum of a 400 Watt power supply

(minimum +12 Volt current rating of 26 amps)

An available 6 pin PCI-E power connector

OCZ StealthXStream OCZ500SXS 500W ATX12V / EPS12V Active PFC Power Supply…

Read the label and you see it has two 18 amp +12v rails which exceeds the minimum requirements to run the card.…||| "Express" just tells you that it goes into the PCI express slot of your motherboard.

Your PC motherboard has a PCI express x-16 slot, so it is compatible with your card. The only thing i would be concerned about is your power supply. You should make sure you have atleast a 400 watt power supply in order to support that card.

Will a nvidea geforce 8600 gt video card work well with windows xp?

I recently bought the game crysis which requires a rediculously high standard of graphics. So I was looking at various video cards on a low budget and I came to this. Only problem is I dont have windows vista and it says that it was built for it. Will it still perform well with xp?|||Yes it will. It will work way better in XP than in VISTA.

I have an ATI 1950X and I was running XP at first and it was great. Then I upgraded to Vista, I felt a big Negative difference. I did some research (Benchmark XP VS Vista) and found out vista is a resource whore. It hoggs up a lot of ram and power from graphics card. So i switched back.

Trust me you will be better with xp|||That's the card in the Macbook Pro (which I am using now)

I haven't had any problems using it while in XP, but I haven't had a chance to do any heavy gaming with it yet.|||if it has a windows xp driver, of course it will run.|||Yes the video card will work.|||Suprisingly it works better with Direct X 9 on Windows Xp with better Frame Rates then in Windows Vista with Direct X 10.

What kind of gaming can I expect from this video card?

Radeon HD 4250

Video MemoryUp to 1917MB total available

What kind of games can I play with this video card?

This is my processor:

Processor Platform

VISION Premium


AMD Phenom™ II

Processor Speed

2.6GHz|||Actually, you can run and play a lot of games. However, you will have to turn down the graphical detail and may play at 1024x768 resolution, which is not bad for a new gamer. You'll have smooth FPS if you overclock the card to at least 850MHz in the BIOS of your computer. I played games at 900MHz. When the money is tight, this card can hold you on many games. If you are able to overclock it to 950MHz then you can run games like Crysis on ultra low settings.

I've played Final Fantasy XIV, Dragon Age, and Fallout: New Vegas

Check this link for more info on the Radeon 4250:…|||That's actually..a pretty lousy card.

Go here:…

Look at the chart (your card is at the bottom). The ones above it are capable of playing all games.|||Pacman... And if you're lucky, zork

Would a video card made for pci express x16 2.1 work on a motherboard that only supports pci e. 16 1.0?

I wanted to upgrade my video card, but I am concerned about the compatibility. I have a pci express x16 1.0 port, but the card I want is a pci express x16 2.1. Will it still work? Thanks a bunch!|||YES. PCIe 2.0/2.1 cards are backward compatible with the PCIe 1.0/1.1 slot. And they use the same x16 PCIe graphics slot. It is really the high-end dual GPU cards that need the high bandwidth of PCIe 2.0/2.1.|||Some motherboards require you to update the BIOS in order for the new PCI Express 2.1 specification to be compatible with 1.0 or 1.1. For example, the ASRock 945GCM-S motherboard requires a special beta BIOS update in order for any PCI Express 2.1 graphics cards to be compatible with it.

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What video card will have the best performance and quality?

what should i but under a 640 $ that will give me the most power for graphics? 2 video cards or the new gtx 280 or what any help?|||Depends on your favorite game. Check out the benchmarks:……|||Do you have an SLI board? or Crossfire board?

2 gtx 260's will murder a single gtx 280.

Prices have dropped too 299.00 each card, so 600.00 for .|||I would get Dual SLI eVGA GeForce GTX 260 super superclocked edition and thanks to the release of the GTX 280 all video card are now a lot cheaper so you might be able to get 2 of them for about 600$. 2 GTX 260 SSC edition video cards will be able to conquer ANY game.

When I install the video card on my HP notebook The screen goes Dark?

I Bought a used HP zv5466cl. When I install the nvidia driver from the Hp website and enable the device on device manager, The screen goes Dark and I have to restart with safe mode and Disable it again. Sometimes it will enable the video card and blank pixels appear on the screen. It becomes worse then not having a driver installed at all. now im stuck with default driver and the screen is blurry and pixeled. please help. p.s if this makes a difference, everytime I check the properties of my computer, the system GHZ changes from 798mb to 1.6GHZ but its really a 1.8GHZ|||Have you tried Windows Update?

Another thing is you might have to alter the display settings for the screen to display correctly at the correct resolution.

Its normal for the screen to go dark momentarily (around 30 seconds). It could be the powersaving feature also... does it do this with the power adapter plugged in?|||check the resolution of your monitor, what is the max. vlue your monitor can open, sometimes high resolution drivers used for low resolution monitors.

How can I check if my video card is overheating?

I play Quake Live and it's fine but then after a while all the graphics become messed up, I get these black triangles emanating from my cursor that cover the screen and I can't see anything. I was thinking maybe my graphics card is overheating. Is there anyway of monitoring this, or some software that puts it through it's paces and informs me of any malfunctions?|||You can try speedfan. But if it is an aftermarket video card you might need a bigger power supply.

Is there any options to upgrade the video card that's built into the motherboard of a hp pavillion dv2000?

i really want to upgrade the video card on my hp pavillion dv2000 because its only 64 mb but everything else on the pc is good like the ram and hard drive i just need to upgrade the video card to 256mb to play better games i really dont want to have to buy a new motherboard.

any suggestions?

is there a external graphics card expansion option?

thanks!|||Sorry I'd love to do the same with my laptop, but you can't upgrade integrated graphics. I think there may be some external graphics cards in development.|||If you have a PCI X16 slot, you can put in a graphics card with up to 2GB memory|||Am afraid laptop motherboards integrated graphics cards can't be upgradable. I have never heard of a expansion GPU for laptops.

Which video card is best for upgrading sony vaio CR590?

I have sony vaio CR590 and have Mobile Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator X3100 inside. This Graphic Adapter is terrible - every game I play is lagging! I have slot for video card and would like to buy one for it. Which one is the best for Vaio CR590 for playing games?|||I found this site that had a bunch of info on video cards like side by side comparable stats and which ones were the best for the money and brand. I think itll help you out, just click on the third link down.

HOpe it helps :)|||None, it is almost impossible to upgrade graphics cards in a laptop. UNLESS your laptop came with a removable card to begin with... Which isn't what is going on in your case, the x3100 is an onboard graphics chip that is made onto the motherboard of your lappy and cannot easily be removed... Second option, buy another PC...|||Almost all laptops have their video card integrated on the motherboard so upgrade is not possible. You can't change your video card.

And your laptop probably doesn't have a video slot !

Desktop pc video card wont function, neither does a new card function, any suggestions?

My video card does not seem to send a signal to my monitor. Everything except for video card work o.k. I went ahead and install a new nvdia card and still no signal. Everything seems to work fine except for the trasmision of the video signal between desktop and monitor, can anyone help?

Current windows: Vista

Brand: Emachines

tested and working: usb, monitor, ethernet, etc.|||When you put in a video card, you have to disable the internal video (or set the video card as primary) in the bios. The bios is where the pc tells you to press a key for set up when it's booting.

What would cause a Video Card not to display any video?

We are building a Server and we are using an AGP ATI 7000, the problem is that this video card will not display any video when a flat screen LCD monitor is connected, but it will display if a CRT is connected to it. I have tried changing the video display, the refresh rate and the color setting, but no luck yet. Is there anything I should check or is this Card just not gonna work with LCD flat screens?|||reboot into safemode F8 and see if it pops on .. if so i would get driver cleaner and redo the driver ... also go to the manufacturers website for the lcd and download the driver for the monitor ... that may do it ...|||of course it will work. your lcd monitor is not working thats all.

What was the best video card in 1999?

What was the best PC video card in 1999?|||This was definitely one of the best-|||The ATI Geforce 1999GT

Whats a good video card for battlefield 2 ?

Hi, my birthday is coming up and I wanna get my computer upgraded for battlefield 2. I dont want my parents spending TOO much money,so do any of u know any video card that is cheap and can run battlefield 2 pretty well. All I have right now is a lousy Geforce 5200 FX.|||Cheap= 9600 Pro or 7300GS AGP

Better= 7300GT AGP or 7600GS AGP.|||nvidia 7600 gs 512mb agp.. its a kick a#$ video card (around 150$ at bestbuy) i usta have it but i got a pci e comp so i got a new graphic card.. but ya geforce 7600 gs is really good.. less lagg and everything

Running Quad core vista without video card?

Hey guys im building a PC and im buying part by parts. So anyway im planning to buy the intel Q8200 2.33 ghz quad and im installing windows vista ultimate and since im still saving for a really good video card, I was wondering since im using the motherboards onboard video card would it be ok? i can live if my vista doesnt have aero for now.|||You can run Vista Ultimate with at least 128 Dedicated Graphics Card Memory.…|||yeah, it should run fine without a video card for now if you are not running any graphics intensive games.|||It'll do fine for now, but to really show Vista's only good part, you'll want Aero. While it sounds like mandatory, it is not. An integrated graphic card will be ok as long as you don't play graphic intensive games or watch too much action movies.

Just curious,

What card are you saving up for?

HD 4870 x2?

GTX 280?

GTX 295?

lol just curious. =D

Where can I get a laptop with the new NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 480M video card?

I've been looking everwhere and I can't find a single laptop with this video card. Supposedly its the best, even better than the ATI Mobility Radeon 5870.|||Clevo D900:…

Sager NP9285:…

("GPU" and "video card" mean the same thing.)|||I don't think that laptops have a video 'card' but an integrated chipset for graphics. I'm not totally sure about this. But you can have a laptop custom built on the manufacturers website in some cases to have this card that you want installed.

Going to buy a video card can I change from regular to HD?

I have a emachines w3507 which has an ATI redeon X200 video card and i want to make graphics better will HD video card work on it?|||Your W3507 is not really using a video card. Your ATI Radeon x200 is actually BUILT into the motherboard. That's called "onboard graphics".

Your computer comes with a special slot called a PCI-e interface that will allow you to upgrade to a dedicated graphics card. You can go out and buy any PCI-e video card, and it will improve your video a lot, because the card takes all the extra work of showing graphics off your computer cpu and does it itself instead.

YOUR COMPUTER ONLY HAS A 300W power supply. This is very important because some of the best HD video cards use so much electricity that it will burn out your computer eventually. You can do 1of 2 things:

-Upgrade your power supply. This would be difficult because your model of emachines uses a special sized power supply box that is hard to replace.

-Buy a graphics card that still lets you see HD video, play the latest video games, etc., but does not use a lot of electricity.… is a website that reviews cards based on their cost, performance, and how many watts they use. According to them, the ideal card for your system would be any of the 8600GT cards because they perform good, are relatively inexpensive compared to other cards, but will not over-burden your power supply.|||technology-

If My PC Has 2 Video Card's In It Will I be Able To Run 2 Monitors?

Well The Above Says It all but if you need more info:

Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 - 1GB

I Got 2. I was Wondering if I could Plug in 1 DMI Cable into Each Video Card and have 2 Monitors??? Thank you All Very Much!!! I am Building my First PC 24GB RAM Sound Good to YOU?|||A single Nvidia GTX 460 can support two monitors. As the previous poster said, to benefit from both cards you would need to run them in SLI using the SLI bridge that came with your motherboard. You'll have to make sure that your power supply can handle two video cards.

As far as the 24gb of ram, unless you're using some select applications (namely rendering of some kind) you're not going to use close to that amount. Most games only require 1-3gb of RAM and the rest is wasted. Go with a 6 or 12 gb Corsair Dominator GT (2000mhz) kit if you want some killer ram.|||if matching cards in SLI/crossfire mode yes. otherwise only one card will be used at a time and it may control 2 monitors

Would I need to change the entire CPU or just change the RAM and Video Card?

I checked my system specifications against the minimum requirements for the sims 3 for desktop on The results told me that the CPU, RAM, and Video Card were under the requirements. Altogether it would cost me over £700 to upgrade my computer just so I can play a £40 game! Would it be OK if I just changed the RAM and Video Card in my current CPU without getting another one?|||If your CPU, RAM and video card are all inadequate to run the software you want to run, be it sims 3 or anything else...

It's really time for a new computer. You shouldn't have to spend 700 to upgrade your computer, that's crazy. Decent computers that can run sims 3 great start around $400 US, which would be about 275 where you are. Yeah, systems in the US are cheaper usually. Still, you should be able to get a new computer fully capable of running sims 3 for about 400 (without monitor)

It will be cheaper and easier to just replace your main system box with a completely new system. Then turn around and sell your old computer on craigslist or something. Ask about 50-75 for it. If it's not good enough for sims 3, then 75 is about the most that it is worth.|||First of all you seem to be getting confused by misuse of terminology. Lots of barely computer literate people seem to use the term CPU to reffer to the whole computer despite the fact that is NOT what it means.

There is no way it should cost you £700 to upgrade a PC to meet the requirements of the sims 3, one could easilly buy a brand new computer or build one from scratch that would meet the requirements for a lot less than that.

Can you provide more details on your current computer (particulally the motherboard make and model if it's a whitebox or the computer model if it's a big brand machine). Without this information it's not possible to say whether an economical upgrade is feasable (and if so with what parts) or whether you would be better buying a whole new computer.|||Well as u haven't mentioned your con-fig its a bit tricky question but looking at your question u said that an upgrade would cost u £700 hm mm I think that's too much not for a £40 game but generally that's very huge amount. I think U can build a great PC in £700 or even less.

Any way to answer your question u can just change the video card & buy entry level Graphics card like Nvidia 8600 which will come around [ $70.00 approx ] .... but I'll suggest u to buy a new PC instead of upgrading your existing one, Reason- if u just upgrade your RAM & Video card then u will first have to find those 2 hardware that are COMPATIBLE with your motherboard, which means that u will have to settle for mid range & video card which is "About to get out-dated" . which again means that u will probably end up upgrading your PC after 6 months... BUT if u buy a new PC which is new in the market then that PC will last u for at least 3 years & u can play any latest as well as upcoming games

Cool Config

My personal choice for Processor is AMD but u can go for Intel Core 2 Duo [the reason i prefer AMD because AMD beats Intel in any benchmarking SPECIALLY in gaming ]

Mother board u can buy 780 G if u buy AMD for Intel u can check GA-965P-DS3

rest u can figure it out as the remaining components r easy

u can also check for some more Tech questions & help

all the best

What is the best video card i can get for my computer?

i have an dell inspiron e1505 notebook.

i am looking to upgrade my video card to get better graphics on my games.

so what is the best video card i can get thats compatible with my computer|||Man sorry to tell you laptop video cards are not upgredable, unles you have a DIY laptop. If you want one for desktop and cannot wait I would recomend GTX 8800 758mb, if you can wait, select an DX 10.1 compliant card, wich is expected to ship next quarter|||im not sure you can add a gfx card on notebook.|||A 1GB Video Card costs around 1,000 US Dollars. 1GB is for extreme graphics. Its incredible.|||not gonna happen with a're pretty much SOL.

Can you run 1 video card on an SLI motherboard?

I am building a computer and i am buying a 8600gts. I want to SLI it but im going to buy one video card when im building the computer and the other around Christmas or when Nvidia drops their prices. Can i buy an SLI motherboard and keep one video card in it for the time being? or do i have to buy them both at once?|||You can install only 1. when you get the 2nd, and after you plug the video card into the mb slot, you will then 'bridge' the 2 cards together (on top) w/a connector provided with the cards.

good luck!|||Yes, its set-up for 1 video card by default. I have 2 SLI boards and neither have 2 video cards. Don't spend your money on 2 8600's, get 1 8800gt and you'll be happier.|||YES, anytime. AND by then, even the 8800 series would also be cheaper.|||Yes you can run just one now, and put the second in later. Just a note though, two 8600GTS in SLI will be easily beaten by a single 8800GTS. Just thought you might want to know that, in case it effects your decision in any way.

How do I update my video card? Easy ten points?

My video card is an Intel(R) 82915G/GV/910GL Express Chipset Family and is not powerful enough for games like, The sims 2/3 to run. I tried updating it, but it said that this was the latest version. I checked the system info as well, and it said that I have Directx 9.0c. How can I update my card/How will I know if it will be compatible with the system?|||Well is your computer a desktop or laptop. If it's a laptop then you can't upgrade it. If it's a desktop then you can buy a video card and install it. The only thing you need to know is the type, Either PCI-E or AGP, but not knowing what you have it also could be a PCI card that's needed.

When you ask questions like this you need to give your computer specs and brand.

Good luck|||You need to find out if you have a AGP or a PCI-E interface available.

This is only possible if you are using a desktop not a laptop.

When you find that out search best buy or amazon or ebay for a AGP or PCI-E card (depending on what you have)

then make sure it will run the games. a good card today will cost about $140-250 it is a very simple install.

here is good guide to it all…|||You can't update the card, you can only update the driver. If it's not powerful enough for your games now, it never will be. All you can do is buy a new video card that meets the requirements of your games. But make sure you're buying one that your motherboard will support. But your card looks like it's integrated, I'm not even sure you can replace it, although you might still be able to put a new one as a second card, if you motherboard has a slot for it. The easiest thing to do is just buy a new computer.|||Okay I think what you really mean is upgrade. You already said that it is not working with The Sims 2 or The Sims 3 (Good choice in games!) even though drivers are all updated.

Well here's the thing, to know what type of video card you need, I need to know what motherboard you have, (or at the very least the full model name of your computer) so that I can know what type of slot you have (PCI, AGP, PCI Express, PCI Express 2.0) so that I can make some recommendations for reasonably priced video cards that will allow you to play your Sims games.|||to use your pc for games just buy new AGP card and install in your pc by disabling onboard VGA in BIOS.To know the compatability check features of the card.|||That's not a video card, that's build in to the computer's motherboard. Depending on what type of computer you have, old, new, laptop, you may or may not be able to get a new video card. If your computer is like mine, a Dell Dimension 8200, then you'll need and AGP graphics card. If your computer is newer, like a Dell XPS 730x, you'll need a PCI-E card. It just depends on your motherboard's specs.

Using removable video card through motherboard's integrated HDMI port?

This is probably a stupid question, but is there a way to use my removable video card through the HDMI port on my motherboard? Do motherboards' video cards often have crossfire capability?

--Nick|||No you can't the HDMI on your motherboard will only work using the onboard video.

The crossfire your talking about (I think) is called "hybrid crossfire* it only works with specific cards and in many cases will only slow down your addon card and therefore isn't much use unless you have a very similar card to what the onboard technology is.|||ATI has several cards that are Crossfire compatible. It will require to PCI x16 slots or you need cards that have the connectores known as the bridge connectors.

I dont really understand your first question. The only stupid question is the one that doesn't get asked.

Ayway....there are cards that have HDMI ports. I have a SapphireTech ATI Radeon 4670 x2 and they ahve HDMI.

If your card as a DVI can het a cable that goes from DVI to HDMI - like this -…|||The HDMI port on your computer is OUTPUT. It is meant to be connected to a monitor/TV that has an HDMI port. Crossfire is AMD's dual video card technology. I don't know for sure, but I would highly doubt you could accomplish Crossfire using your onboard video connection in any way.

I need a dedicated video card?

I play Wow on a laptop. Tech support says I need a dedicated video card. It that something I can add? Or do I just buy a new computer?|||Most laptops only allow replacement/upgrades for memory, battery, hard drives, and removable media (CD/DVD/Bluray). The CPU and GPU (graphics) unfortunately are not designed to be removed/replaced on laptops. When you go to purchase your next laptop, make sure the laptop has a dedicated video chipset (still not servicable, but one that doesn't share memory with the rest of the sytsem). Ideally you'll look at the GPU chipset against benchmark sites that show performance information for the games you tend to play.

All that said, WoW can be played on a fairly low end system if you setup the graphics properly. You won't have all the cool video features, but at least you can play the game. I have friends that play on laptops with the Intel integrated video chipsets, they just turn the video settings all the way down. I play on a desktop, but I did buy a laptop with a dedicated GPU (NVIDIA 9700M) and it can get about 50-60 frames per second on high (not ultra) settings.|||you need a new computer, laptops tend to come with them, if not your out of luck. if you get a desktop you can interchange freely

Can i use both a pci express x16 and a standard pci video card together?

My primary video card is an nvidia geforce 9400gt (pci express x16), it has 2 monitors attached to it. Can i use this card along with it and be able to hook up a 3rd monitor?:|||Only if your motherboard supports SLI technology and they're both identical graphic cards. I think there's some cards out there that can support more than 2 monitors however they're expensive. Compare some on Newegg to get specs and figure out if it's worth it or not.

What kind of video card can my computer upgrade to?

I have a sony Vaio VGC-JS210J desktop.

What kind of video cards can i use to upgrade its Intel G45/G43 Express chipset?|||You can't. All-In-Ones are like laptops - what you buy is what you'll always have. There is no "upgrading"…|||Nice slim-line system, but you pretty much get what you bought.

Standard cases are the systems that can use after market hardware such as you are wanting.

Netbooks/Laptops/Notebooks are not upgradable, except ram or hards drives pretty much as your slim-line desktop.|||You just have motherboard graphics. There is no place on the motherboard to connect a video card. Some go for an external graphics card but I am not sure if a worthless all in one has a connection for it.

What video card should I get?

I have the asus CM5700, which uses the GeForce G100, and when I try to run games like assassins creed 2, it lags. Which video card should i get that will run it at normal speed and will make the graphics good too, but wont make me blow my money away.

SO... what video card should i get that will run these games good but will keep more money in my pocket?|||Depends on what games you wanna run- Look at the recommended specifications on the website or the box.

I have a Radeon HD 5770 (used to use nvidia exclusively, but i love this card), and it maxes out everything I've ever thrown at it (Crysis, crysis 2, far cry 2, mass effect 2, bad company 2, etc..)

That card is approximately 150 dollars, as of april 2010.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Can i use both a pci express x16 and a standard pci video card together?

My primary video card is an nvidia geforce 9400gt (pci express x16), it has 2 monitors attached to it. Can i use this card along with it and be able to hook up a 3rd monitor?:|||Only if your motherboard supports SLI technology and they're both identical graphic cards. I think there's some cards out there that can support more than 2 monitors however they're expensive. Compare some on Newegg to get specs and figure out if it's worth it or not.

What is better? 8800gt or 9800gt video card?

Im having a hard time differentiating these two cards... I believe that the 9800gt is better but im having doubts because the 9800gt is cheaper than the 8800gt..

please help me clear my mind. im planning to buy a video card this week :)|||the 9800 on paper is the better card. However, it was a filler card for nvidia till they released the GTX 260/280 cards. I suggest buying the 8800 which is no slouch, and saving money to get the GTX later when they come down in price.

What's the best motherboard and video card available for gaming??

I want to buld a computer with at least 3GB RAM, 4.0+ processor and 1GB video card.

So any suggestions?? Price is not a problem. I just want SIMPLY the best motherboard, processor and video card available for gaming.|||lmao

u got money?


Intel Pentium D 840 Presler

it is stock around 2.8ghz or so

but extremely easy to overclock to 4.1ghz or higher


for RAM

then i would suggest Mushkin Extreme or Redline

or OCZ Platinum/Gold Edition

which ever.

and for your videocard

haha, give this a try

2 7950 GX2s


2 7900 GT2s

they both have 1gb total even though they are really just 2 512mbs

(no videocard has 1gb just to let you know)

but ur motherboard needs to support SLI


Since u wil overclock

get the DFI LanParty nF4 SLI-DR

or the DFI LanParty Expert

get this all from

very cheap prices

3gbs will not be a good idea

it will not be that great

just stick with 2

so u have Dual-Channel memory

unless u have

1gb 512mb 1 gb 512 mb

in that order|||Alienware makes the best known stuff for gaming.||| cheap|||well there are differing oppinions on this, i personally would take any processor with 2Ghz or more they actually arent that expensive anymore either, brand name wise you cant go wrong with intel, you can also do dual processors to speed things up. for your vid card i would reccomend the newest radeon for first person shooters, or if your gonna be playing third person like battle for middle earth 2 i would reccomend using the newest geforce, but either way you cant go wrong, theres nothing wrong with using either one of those for either one of thos types, radeon handles down and dirty graphics really well, geforce handles lots of little details and a large amount of entity's really well. i dont have any reccomendations for the motherboard tho, i havent been checked out on them in a while so im not up to snuff.|||motherboard asus or gigabyte with crossfire chipset and run SLI

video card you can get either 512 mg or 1 g cards these cards run together. Dual channel memory highest rated for the motherboard and remember they have tested the cards with certain memory if you choose to use other than what they have tested you could get unexspected results. Amd x2 dual core or intel 950 chipset .

David|||I've been making a shopping list to build my own PC recently, looking at

From there I'd suggest


Intel Extreme D975bx-304 975X (Socket 775) PCI-Express DDR2 Motherboard (MB-010-IN)…


Intel Core 2 DUO Extreme Edition X6800 "LGA775 Conroe" 2.93GHz (1066FSB) - Retail (CP-130-IN)…

Video Card:

Gainward BLISS GeForce 7950 GX2 1024MB GDDR3 TV-Out/Dual DVI (PCI-Express) - Retail (GX-039-GW)…