Friday, April 27, 2012

I need help with Bad Video Card Drivers?

I downloaded Minecraft on to my computer and when I log in, a failure message comes up saying i have bad video card drivers. It says it can not locate an Open GL mode etc. So i went on to the Intel site and updated my drivers and The game still doesn't work. Anyone know how to fix this?|||If you know the name of your graphics card manufacturer, go to their website and update your video drivers.

If you're not sure, you can find software that scans your system and will automatically update all of your drivers with new software from the manufacturers site.|||Find out your make and model of your graphic card (Like nvidia or ATI) then go to the manufactures site and u will be able to download the updated drivers from the site....If its internal graphic cards then i don't think u can run good graphics game.....

Hope i helped.....:)|||Use the methods on the link below to trouble shoot your issue.…

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