Thursday, April 26, 2012

I need a dedicated video card?

I play Wow on a laptop. Tech support says I need a dedicated video card. It that something I can add? Or do I just buy a new computer?|||Most laptops only allow replacement/upgrades for memory, battery, hard drives, and removable media (CD/DVD/Bluray). The CPU and GPU (graphics) unfortunately are not designed to be removed/replaced on laptops. When you go to purchase your next laptop, make sure the laptop has a dedicated video chipset (still not servicable, but one that doesn't share memory with the rest of the sytsem). Ideally you'll look at the GPU chipset against benchmark sites that show performance information for the games you tend to play.

All that said, WoW can be played on a fairly low end system if you setup the graphics properly. You won't have all the cool video features, but at least you can play the game. I have friends that play on laptops with the Intel integrated video chipsets, they just turn the video settings all the way down. I play on a desktop, but I did buy a laptop with a dedicated GPU (NVIDIA 9700M) and it can get about 50-60 frames per second on high (not ultra) settings.|||you need a new computer, laptops tend to come with them, if not your out of luck. if you get a desktop you can interchange freely

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