Thursday, April 26, 2012

How can i share my ram memmory with video card?

i have hp pavillion 763n with installed os window vista.i have nivida geforce mx420 video card has 64mb memmory.i have 1 GB ram.|||What? A five year old 64 Mb card on Vista.

You are stuck with its 64Mb onboard videoram. That card is so outdated for Vista. Suggest you replace it with current entry level cards that have DX 9.0c support. 7300GS AGP is a cheap option if you have an AGP slot.|||It should be accessing the RAM automatically. No need to "set it up". If you are having a specific problem or getting error messages, please elaborate with more details.|||I'm sorry to say, but you got jipped. Vista probably doesn't run very well with that 64mb of Video Memory, so I advise you upgrade.|||If you have an actual add-in video card and NOT on-board graphics, then you can't share memory. Whatever is on the card is all that you have to work with. You can't add memory to a graphics card like you can add memory to your motherboard.

You will have to get another card if you want more memory. I would suggest a card with 256mb as a minimum.

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