Thursday, April 26, 2012

If My PC Has 2 Video Card's In It Will I be Able To Run 2 Monitors?

Well The Above Says It all but if you need more info:

Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 - 1GB

I Got 2. I was Wondering if I could Plug in 1 DMI Cable into Each Video Card and have 2 Monitors??? Thank you All Very Much!!! I am Building my First PC 24GB RAM Sound Good to YOU?|||A single Nvidia GTX 460 can support two monitors. As the previous poster said, to benefit from both cards you would need to run them in SLI using the SLI bridge that came with your motherboard. You'll have to make sure that your power supply can handle two video cards.

As far as the 24gb of ram, unless you're using some select applications (namely rendering of some kind) you're not going to use close to that amount. Most games only require 1-3gb of RAM and the rest is wasted. Go with a 6 or 12 gb Corsair Dominator GT (2000mhz) kit if you want some killer ram.|||if matching cards in SLI/crossfire mode yes. otherwise only one card will be used at a time and it may control 2 monitors

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