Thursday, April 26, 2012

Using removable video card through motherboard's integrated HDMI port?

This is probably a stupid question, but is there a way to use my removable video card through the HDMI port on my motherboard? Do motherboards' video cards often have crossfire capability?

--Nick|||No you can't the HDMI on your motherboard will only work using the onboard video.

The crossfire your talking about (I think) is called "hybrid crossfire* it only works with specific cards and in many cases will only slow down your addon card and therefore isn't much use unless you have a very similar card to what the onboard technology is.|||ATI has several cards that are Crossfire compatible. It will require to PCI x16 slots or you need cards that have the connectores known as the bridge connectors.

I dont really understand your first question. The only stupid question is the one that doesn't get asked.

Ayway....there are cards that have HDMI ports. I have a SapphireTech ATI Radeon 4670 x2 and they ahve HDMI.

If your card as a DVI can het a cable that goes from DVI to HDMI - like this -…|||The HDMI port on your computer is OUTPUT. It is meant to be connected to a monitor/TV that has an HDMI port. Crossfire is AMD's dual video card technology. I don't know for sure, but I would highly doubt you could accomplish Crossfire using your onboard video connection in any way.

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