Friday, April 27, 2012

Is DirectX 10 compatible with my video card, nVidia 8400 GS?

I have a video card I bought, an nVidia 8400 GS. I was just wondering if it would still work if I installed DirectX 10? My OS is Windows XP Media Center. I currently have DirectX 9c. Thanks!|||Yes it can do Direct X 10.

But if this card is lower end, and Direct X 10 would be pushing it to its limits (to the point you would have lower quality anyways).

Meaning you aren't going to GAIN anything really by using Direct X 10 vs 9. In the end you are just going to max out your card.|||yes, all the 8000 series from nvidia and later and all the 2000 and later series from ATI are compatible.|||yes it will run dx 10 but XP wont. Get Vista

And dont give me that "vista is slow" crap becuase thats a lie.

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