Friday, April 27, 2012

What's wrong with my computer/video card?

When I turn on my computer the screen is totally off or sometimes it has a black backlight to it. I have had it looked at and the drivers are all up to date and everything. It seems like it is stuck in the external monitor mode but when I press the [Fn] [F4] keys it does nothing. I have been hooking it up to my TV with an HDMI cable as an external monitor sometimes to watch videos and stuff. Would reformatting the hard drive do anything or possibly getting a new video card?|||Don't try to fix it if your not sure ,Do no harm.

Look up and call your computer tech support.

It sounds like something simple

that can be fixed.

Your phone tech well walk you threw the diagnostic.

Important;Give your self a 2 hour free uninterrupted slot of time to compleate.

Sound like less better to be safe.

Once started best not to stop.|||u cant just simply format ur hard disk ok..try to replace ur graphic card..

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