Friday, April 27, 2012

Nvidia legacy video card driver compatibility issues?

I have an Nvidia TNT2 video card, the driver for which is listed under the Legacy section of their website. I downloaded the Windows XP version (which looks like it was meant for Windows 98!) and tried to install it, only to get the message that there are no Nvidia products on my system! Is there a way to solve this?|||If you sure the Card is what you say and sure you got the right driver for it, then make sure the file is unzipped in a folder and states XP, then go to your Control Panel--->System-->Hardware---->Device Manager look for the Graphics Card entry if it say's unknown Video??

Then right click select Properties then select either update driver or install driver, on the upcoming Box select that you want to show where the driver is ,Browse go point to your Driver file and it should install, also make sure the Card is plugged in properly, If you have also a on-board Card then make sure that in Bios (CMOS) the right Card is selected or Auto under Video Card entry or Disabled for the Motherboard entry, if this is your Motherboard Card then disregard the Bios settings just make sure it is enabled. Also if it is part of the Motherboard you may have downloaded the wrong one and you have to go to the Motherboard Manufacturers site and download it from there, Hope that helps|||at the nvidia site,under drivers downloads,there is a auto graphic card finder in other words it will see if you have a nvidia card recommend the latest update for tnt2

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