Thursday, April 26, 2012

What kind of gaming can I expect from this video card?

Radeon HD 4250

Video MemoryUp to 1917MB total available

What kind of games can I play with this video card?

This is my processor:

Processor Platform

VISION Premium


AMD Phenom™ II

Processor Speed

2.6GHz|||Actually, you can run and play a lot of games. However, you will have to turn down the graphical detail and may play at 1024x768 resolution, which is not bad for a new gamer. You'll have smooth FPS if you overclock the card to at least 850MHz in the BIOS of your computer. I played games at 900MHz. When the money is tight, this card can hold you on many games. If you are able to overclock it to 950MHz then you can run games like Crysis on ultra low settings.

I've played Final Fantasy XIV, Dragon Age, and Fallout: New Vegas

Check this link for more info on the Radeon 4250:…|||That's actually..a pretty lousy card.

Go here:…

Look at the chart (your card is at the bottom). The ones above it are capable of playing all games.|||Pacman... And if you're lucky, zork

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