Thursday, April 26, 2012

Which video card is best for upgrading sony vaio CR590?

I have sony vaio CR590 and have Mobile Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator X3100 inside. This Graphic Adapter is terrible - every game I play is lagging! I have slot for video card and would like to buy one for it. Which one is the best for Vaio CR590 for playing games?|||I found this site that had a bunch of info on video cards like side by side comparable stats and which ones were the best for the money and brand. I think itll help you out, just click on the third link down.

HOpe it helps :)|||None, it is almost impossible to upgrade graphics cards in a laptop. UNLESS your laptop came with a removable card to begin with... Which isn't what is going on in your case, the x3100 is an onboard graphics chip that is made onto the motherboard of your lappy and cannot easily be removed... Second option, buy another PC...|||Almost all laptops have their video card integrated on the motherboard so upgrade is not possible. You can't change your video card.

And your laptop probably doesn't have a video slot !

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