Friday, April 27, 2012

Why doesn't my computer recognize my video card?

I have an HP a6110n desktop with a new power supply (480w), and my geforce 6100 wont even work in the comp. it worked on the last comp it was hooked up to. but this computer doesnt even acknowledge that it exists. i tried another video card on the same slot... same result. however, in a different slot, i have a wireless LAN card hooked up and it works great. but no luck on the video card.|||Do you have a drivers disk? If not, have you gone to the GeForce site and looked for one there?

In fact, here's the link:|||If this has an onboard video, you will need to disable that 1st... also some of those makes won't accept an add on card.|||did you go into the bios and set it to your video slot pci-e,agp etc.... if not check out the system specs make sure your motherboard chipset supports those video cards|||What is the purpose of putting an old 6100 card in a computer with Nvidia 6150 onboard graphics and a PCI-ExpressX16 graphics slot? Are you trying to run 2 monitors at the same time or something? If youre just trying to save the 128MBs of ram the onboard's reserving then you need to turn the onboard off in bios. I suggest you buy a decent PCI-ExpressX16 card thou. If thats a PCI video card that new computer may not give you the option to run PCI graphics.|||looks like you need to set the bios to disable the integrated graphics and use the PCI-e interface.|||Disable the on-board video.|||you need convert the format.

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