Thursday, April 26, 2012

How do I get a video card?

First, how do I know whether or not my computer has it. I just bought a game, but it was the expansion and I don't have the original. But, when I went online to check the system requirements of the original game, it says that it requires a 16 MB video card? How can I check to see if my computer already has one? And, if it doesn't, then where can I get one and for how much?|||if its newer than 10 years old it has 16mb of video memory ... but type dxdiag in ur run dialogue and go to the display tab ...|||umm there isn't a video card made anymore that has less than like your good...and if you can see things on your monitor...then you have a video card|||Go to desktop

Right click - Properties

Settings tab - Advanced button

Adapter tab - Look at memory size unde adapter information heading. Should give you an amount of MB.|||MerryChristmas!!|||Go to... Start (Start menu - bottom left hand corner of your screen) > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > System Information

A window will pop up. This is a complete rundown of everything in your computer, including detailed descriptions. This is where you'll find how many MB your video card is.

Click the plus-sign next to the word "Components". It will open up to reveal more categories underneath it.

Click on "Display". The space on the right will show all the details. Find the "Adapter RAM" line, and see how many MB it says across from it. That's how many MB your graphics card is.

Every computer has a graphics card. But not all graphics cards are capable of playing state-of-the-art games. You can buy graphics cards lots of places. I would suggest Best Buy or Circuit City. Or you could use an online retailer. There's a website called that sells tons of computer stuff. Shop around. Amazon too probably. If you have a really slow computer, you might need more than just a graphics card. The graphics card number is an important one, but pay attention to the other system requirements too.|||a gaming video card is very expensive, you could get one for a good price and good quality at or the best way is to get it at FRYS which is

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