Thursday, April 26, 2012

Running Quad core vista without video card?

Hey guys im building a PC and im buying part by parts. So anyway im planning to buy the intel Q8200 2.33 ghz quad and im installing windows vista ultimate and since im still saving for a really good video card, I was wondering since im using the motherboards onboard video card would it be ok? i can live if my vista doesnt have aero for now.|||You can run Vista Ultimate with at least 128 Dedicated Graphics Card Memory.…|||yeah, it should run fine without a video card for now if you are not running any graphics intensive games.|||It'll do fine for now, but to really show Vista's only good part, you'll want Aero. While it sounds like mandatory, it is not. An integrated graphic card will be ok as long as you don't play graphic intensive games or watch too much action movies.

Just curious,

What card are you saving up for?

HD 4870 x2?

GTX 280?

GTX 295?

lol just curious. =D

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