Thursday, April 26, 2012

How do I update my video card? Easy ten points?

My video card is an Intel(R) 82915G/GV/910GL Express Chipset Family and is not powerful enough for games like, The sims 2/3 to run. I tried updating it, but it said that this was the latest version. I checked the system info as well, and it said that I have Directx 9.0c. How can I update my card/How will I know if it will be compatible with the system?|||Well is your computer a desktop or laptop. If it's a laptop then you can't upgrade it. If it's a desktop then you can buy a video card and install it. The only thing you need to know is the type, Either PCI-E or AGP, but not knowing what you have it also could be a PCI card that's needed.

When you ask questions like this you need to give your computer specs and brand.

Good luck|||You need to find out if you have a AGP or a PCI-E interface available.

This is only possible if you are using a desktop not a laptop.

When you find that out search best buy or amazon or ebay for a AGP or PCI-E card (depending on what you have)

then make sure it will run the games. a good card today will cost about $140-250 it is a very simple install.

here is good guide to it all…|||You can't update the card, you can only update the driver. If it's not powerful enough for your games now, it never will be. All you can do is buy a new video card that meets the requirements of your games. But make sure you're buying one that your motherboard will support. But your card looks like it's integrated, I'm not even sure you can replace it, although you might still be able to put a new one as a second card, if you motherboard has a slot for it. The easiest thing to do is just buy a new computer.|||Okay I think what you really mean is upgrade. You already said that it is not working with The Sims 2 or The Sims 3 (Good choice in games!) even though drivers are all updated.

Well here's the thing, to know what type of video card you need, I need to know what motherboard you have, (or at the very least the full model name of your computer) so that I can know what type of slot you have (PCI, AGP, PCI Express, PCI Express 2.0) so that I can make some recommendations for reasonably priced video cards that will allow you to play your Sims games.|||to use your pc for games just buy new AGP card and install in your pc by disabling onboard VGA in BIOS.To know the compatability check features of the card.|||That's not a video card, that's build in to the computer's motherboard. Depending on what type of computer you have, old, new, laptop, you may or may not be able to get a new video card. If your computer is like mine, a Dell Dimension 8200, then you'll need and AGP graphics card. If your computer is newer, like a Dell XPS 730x, you'll need a PCI-E card. It just depends on your motherboard's specs.

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