Thursday, April 26, 2012

Would I need to change the entire CPU or just change the RAM and Video Card?

I checked my system specifications against the minimum requirements for the sims 3 for desktop on The results told me that the CPU, RAM, and Video Card were under the requirements. Altogether it would cost me over £700 to upgrade my computer just so I can play a £40 game! Would it be OK if I just changed the RAM and Video Card in my current CPU without getting another one?|||If your CPU, RAM and video card are all inadequate to run the software you want to run, be it sims 3 or anything else...

It's really time for a new computer. You shouldn't have to spend 700 to upgrade your computer, that's crazy. Decent computers that can run sims 3 great start around $400 US, which would be about 275 where you are. Yeah, systems in the US are cheaper usually. Still, you should be able to get a new computer fully capable of running sims 3 for about 400 (without monitor)

It will be cheaper and easier to just replace your main system box with a completely new system. Then turn around and sell your old computer on craigslist or something. Ask about 50-75 for it. If it's not good enough for sims 3, then 75 is about the most that it is worth.|||First of all you seem to be getting confused by misuse of terminology. Lots of barely computer literate people seem to use the term CPU to reffer to the whole computer despite the fact that is NOT what it means.

There is no way it should cost you £700 to upgrade a PC to meet the requirements of the sims 3, one could easilly buy a brand new computer or build one from scratch that would meet the requirements for a lot less than that.

Can you provide more details on your current computer (particulally the motherboard make and model if it's a whitebox or the computer model if it's a big brand machine). Without this information it's not possible to say whether an economical upgrade is feasable (and if so with what parts) or whether you would be better buying a whole new computer.|||Well as u haven't mentioned your con-fig its a bit tricky question but looking at your question u said that an upgrade would cost u £700 hm mm I think that's too much not for a £40 game but generally that's very huge amount. I think U can build a great PC in £700 or even less.

Any way to answer your question u can just change the video card & buy entry level Graphics card like Nvidia 8600 which will come around [ $70.00 approx ] .... but I'll suggest u to buy a new PC instead of upgrading your existing one, Reason- if u just upgrade your RAM & Video card then u will first have to find those 2 hardware that are COMPATIBLE with your motherboard, which means that u will have to settle for mid range & video card which is "About to get out-dated" . which again means that u will probably end up upgrading your PC after 6 months... BUT if u buy a new PC which is new in the market then that PC will last u for at least 3 years & u can play any latest as well as upcoming games

Cool Config

My personal choice for Processor is AMD but u can go for Intel Core 2 Duo [the reason i prefer AMD because AMD beats Intel in any benchmarking SPECIALLY in gaming ]

Mother board u can buy 780 G if u buy AMD for Intel u can check GA-965P-DS3

rest u can figure it out as the remaining components r easy

u can also check for some more Tech questions & help

all the best

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