Friday, April 27, 2012

How do i disable my video card from motherboard to install a new one?

i bought a new video card for my computer a radeon 9250 before i can i need to disable my on board video card the is in the mother board please help|||Putting in the onboard video card disable automatically in some models. You may be able to disable it in bios. Or there may be a jumper on the mobo. If none of those work, use the directions below.

- go to Control Panel - Display - Settings - Advanced - Adapter and change it to Standard Display Adapter (VGA) or similar

- go to Control Panel - Add/Remove Programs, un-install any drivers for the onboard video.

- sometimes, just before you install the card - go to Device Manager - Display Adapters, and Remove the onboard video, then shut down the computer and install the card.

NOTE that some cards (e.g. ones with ATI chipsets) will install much more easily if you don't let Windows install any drivers for the card when it detects the new card while booting - Cancel that - let Windows load to the Desktop, then install the drivers using the install program on the CD that came with it.

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