Thursday, April 26, 2012

What's a great video card for my computer?

I want to play the Sims 2 Seasons but it requires a video card Nvidia Geforce 6600 and above. I have a Nvidia Geforce 6150 LE.

Here are the specs of my pc:


Compaq Presario Windows XP

If you need more info,i'll gladly provide it|||First: you need to know what kind of slot you have for a video card. It will be either AGP or PCIe.

Hopefully you have PCIe because is cheaper to upgrade and has better video cards available. If it is AGP there are still some good choices though.

When looking at Nvidia graphics cards the first number is the generation of chip so you need a "6th" generation chip or later. The second number is the speed in the line so "6" means a little better than midrange. Therefore a 6600 is a 6th generation chip and 6 for slightly better than midrange. They usually save the 50 on the end to signify onboard or revision. So your 6150 is 6th generation but the 1 means pretty much as slow as they come.

If you have a PCIe slot I would probably look at an Nvidia 8400 or 8600. The 8400 is pretty basic but should be good enough for Sims. The 8600 is a heftier midrange gaming card. The 7600's would work, but why bother? The 7000 series is no cheaper and generally less powerful.

If you have an AGP slot you are probably better off with an ATI card as Nvidia has pretty muched dropped AGP cards. The HD2400 is similar to Nvidia's 8400 and the HD2600Pro is similar to an 8600. Either would work for Sims but the HD2600 would be better suited for newer games. Expect to pay a premium for AGP cards though.

While others may scoff at the 8400's and HD2400 something to remember is that we don't how good your power supply is. The low end cards will not usually draw too much power from your power supply. The better video cards use more power and are more likely to overload your system.

If you don't know you are usually safer to go a little lower end and turn down the graphics a bit on the game.

Whatever card you go with it will be way way better than onboard.|||What is your power supply and CPU because if you want to play it better it will depend on your CPU, RAM, Graphics card, and how much power your power supply can supply.

I would try upgrading the ram to at least 512MB or 1GB.|||you should upgrade your ram like to 1GB or 2GB

buy an nvidia 8600 or 7600

do you have pci, pci-express, or agp.........-do you know?

buy your components on|||Buy an 8500GT…

All you will need

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