Thursday, April 26, 2012

What video card should I get?

I have the asus CM5700, which uses the GeForce G100, and when I try to run games like assassins creed 2, it lags. Which video card should i get that will run it at normal speed and will make the graphics good too, but wont make me blow my money away.

SO... what video card should i get that will run these games good but will keep more money in my pocket?|||Depends on what games you wanna run- Look at the recommended specifications on the website or the box.

I have a Radeon HD 5770 (used to use nvidia exclusively, but i love this card), and it maxes out everything I've ever thrown at it (Crysis, crysis 2, far cry 2, mass effect 2, bad company 2, etc..)

That card is approximately 150 dollars, as of april 2010.

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