Friday, April 27, 2012

Do you need to buy a hp video card for an hp computer?

hi well i had a custom built computer for 2 years now and i have upgraded it a lot.(like putting more ram buying a really good video card) and it has worked great but its a little old now so my dad gave me a new HP computer for graduating. anyways my question is

can i get the video card i bought from my old computer and put it in the hp computer or do i need to buy a specific hp video card?|||the brand of video card doesn't matter..what matters is what type of open slot you have on your computer. PCI, PCIe... etc. That's what you need to find out. Once you know--you can buy a card that fits that slot (regardless of manufacturer) and be ready to go. installing into any of those slots is cake,, just click it in--easy as upgrading RAM. Note some high end video cards also need to have a power connection (not just being plugged in) but it will list that on the spec's of the card.|||No, you don't have to use an HP video card. As long as the computer has the right type of video card slot (eg, AGP, PCI-X) then your should be able to put the card from your old computer into the new one.|||no you dont have to but it would be best

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