Friday, April 27, 2012

How do I upgrade my Video Card?

I just bought the sims 3

and when i try to turn it on it says "Unable to Start the game

Your video card dose not seem to support the latest Shader Model 2 please upgrade your card"

how do I upgrade my video card?( how can i actually Get it into my computer???)

where can i buy a video card supporting Shader model 2?

how much will it cost?

Thanks|||any current card avalible at bestbuy newegg or tigerdirect support shader model 2 but you need to know if you have agp pcie or if you only support pci and to get it in your computer you open the case remove the old one put the new one in, boot and pop the disc that came with it in. but i suggest going to the makers web site and geting the latest drivers|||The real trick is finding out which video cards are compatible with your current hardware, if you have any open slots on your motherboard, etc. In my experience, brand name computers are relatively difficult to upgrade. You could download utilities like Belarc Advisory and check the motherboard stats, and cross reference that with video cards that the Sims 3 will support. If you want to skip all this, you could go to a place like Bestbuy, CompUSA, fry's electronics, etc. but it will cost more. I would think you could get a graphics card that will play the Sims 3 for less than 100 bucks, but I'm not very familiar with the game's hardware requirements.|||the best thing is to get a 4850 hd 512 mb by ati (value series) it needs to be pci express . no idea of how much it will coast in your country though . with it you will have to replace your power supply too . the best you can get will be a amacrox ax 500 s (500w) .

if you dont wanna replace your psu then your best choice is something like a nvidia 9800 gt 512 mb . get the 9800 gt card with the foxconn brand and it will give the same performance but will be available at a lower prize .|||With the information you provided i know nothing about your computer. Click on START -> Run, and type DXDIAG, press enter. Save all the information it comes up with, paste it somewhere online.

Provide me with a link to that info and i will be glad to help you further after that. But i am pretty sure your motherboard is outdated. You would be better of buying a new computer. $300$ for a decent one that comes with a video card that supports Shader Model 2 and higher. Your motherboard appears to be old. I would suggest a card. But i don't know if your motherboard would work nicely with it. Provide me with the info i asked for and i will help you further.|||names of some video cards are nvidia geforce 9series there are many video .but 9 series is the latest.|||First you should update the video drivers for your current graphics device to see if that will solve the problem. The best place to find them is from your systems makers website or you can type in the make and model of your system in your browser to locate them. If that doesn't resolve the issue, you'll need to install a graphics card that is compatible with your system. Different systems have different card slots so you'll need to know what card slots your system has so that you can buy the appropriate card. You'll need to open the case on your system to see what card slots your system uses. Usually it will have PCI, AGP, PCI Express, or a combination of those.

They look like this.

PCI and AGP…

PCI Express x16 (the black one)…

PCI Express x16 is the best, followed by AGP and then PCI. If you have both PCI and AGP, you'll want to use the AGP slot.

If your system is a slim tower or a SFF desktop, you'll need to use a low profile graphics card in it, there's not enough room inside for a full size card. If you want to post the make and model of your system we can find out what card slots your system has and find a card that is compatible with it. As for installing the card, there are plenty of videos on youtube that will help you with that. Prices vary, but there are inexpensive cards that are capable of running the Sims games.

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