Monday, April 23, 2012

Will a better video card help with editing pictures?

My wife does a lot of work with digital photography, editing ect. I upgraded the RAM, but am wondering if a better graphics card will help too, or will they mainly help with video and gaming? i currently have a Gforce2 with 64mb RAM. AGP.|||a video card upgrade is for videos. not for pictures. ram doesnt really help with the picture quality either, it just speeds up the filtering process, etc. mainly, you dont ever need to upgrade your graphics card to do any digital imaging things. especially since it doesnt change the picture every fraction of a second. your card is fine. if you want better quality out of the picture, increase the amount of megapixels that the camera is using to take the picture. it will store it as a larger file, but will look a lot better when zoomed in a lot (due to less grain/pixelization). if you have any further questions, feel free to email me|||no it wond do anything for ur pics! srry but ive tryed|||sure yes.|||lol no.

it doent help with the actuall editing of the picture.

the card u have is standard|||it would improve the quality of how it looks. But, it only as good as your camera.|||depends on your budget.. a new pc sounds far better than upgrading to be honest and a dual core. a cheap pc, say the acer I got was £300 mark. added a 256mb graphics card..

as long as the graphics card + cpu are decent + memory ur good to go.. also 2+ hard drives.. 1 for system.. one for the film / editing.. will improve matters.

but you can spend SILLY ammount on gfx cards.. a major tv company in the uk was one of my customers.. they spent £14,000 on 2 graphics cards for rendering.. but thats VERY high end.

have a look at >

but editing on 2 screens is better.. I use 2 for music, 1 has the mixer.. one has the arrangement.|||No it won't you can get a better editor maybe, but the card will NOT help.

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