Monday, April 23, 2012

Is it possible for my laptop to not have a video card?

I have an older laptop that never worked until I recently reformated the hard drive. When I went to update the drivers It doesn't show a video card being present. I ran Belarc advisor and it doesn't show one present. Is this possible? If so is it possible to add one?

The computer is a Compaq Evo N800c|||Well, to quick answer your question: YES, your PC could work without video card, just with a video chip integrated, even not accelerated but video capable, in fact almost every laptop have a video chip integrated on it's mother board (since 5 years ago, they have video acceleration capable chips integrated), but even this chip must be detected into your hardware like if you have a video card (video card its an expansion card available to expand or do video capable you PC), so, if your Pc does not detect it, there must be something wrong with the windows setup more often because it is showing you video thought the screen.

The best solution its to download the most new video drivers from the compaq/hp web page. I hope this could help you.|||thats not possible without that you wouldnt see anything mabye the graphics card is just not being reconized but i dont think you will be able to install drivers for it but it still works ok without video driver|||If you see stuff on the screen of the laptop, there is a video card present.

Most likely the problem is you have a bad install of a driver. Go to compaq's website and download/install the driver for your model laptop.|||you need to download the right driver!|||The problem is that you do not have the correct (or any) driver installed for the card, so windows is using a generic driver. You can get the correct driver for that computer below.…

Just go to 'Download Drivers & Software', and pick your operating system.

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